

" what?"I heard myself saying,my voice ringing out in the quiet class. I winced, looking at Mitch to see a blank look on his face.

" I asked you to tell the class what the two of you have been discussing," she said again, looking from me to Mitch.

" Umm...I'm sorry but I....."

"What ever we are saying should be our business, don't you think?" Mitch said, cutting me off.

I blanched. Did he just say that out loud?

I looked away from him to the teacher and my eyes widened again.

Mrs Ashleigh has a shocked look on her face and slowly, I watched as the shock transformed to disbelief, then to anger.

The who class was deathly quiet and my heart raced a thousand time a second. This could earn us suspension. This was utter disrespect. I had never had a detention a single day in my life not to talk of a suspension.

Mrs Ashleigh's face was so flush and I knew that we were doomed.

I looked at Mitch and he was so calm I started to fear. Why was I the only one panicking between the two of us?

Mrs Ashleigh swallowed a few times, as if she was trying to temper her anger.

" What did you say?" She asked, get face flush with anger.

" I asked if whatever we are saying is any of your business," Mitch said.

Just kill me.

I walked down the corridor, my face flush with anger. My footsteps echoed in the hall but I did not notice. I was simply angry. Furious had to be the proper word.

Mitch trailed behind me, always a foot away from me.

"Wait up, will you?" He called out.

The audacity. After what he had done.

I refused to acknowledge, giving him the silent treatment. He deserved it.

After he had said what he said to Mrs Ashleigh, she had ordered that we leave her class, saying she did not want to see us both. The interpretation of that is that we will be eventually summoned by the principal after our case has been presented to him. The least we could get for disrespecting a teacher is suspension. What will mum think? I refused to think about the look of disappointment my mum would have.

When all that had happened with my father, she had been so scared that maybe I'd become a delinquent or something. I had done my best to convince her. Even till now, she still had that look of fear in her eyes but she plays it off. If she heard about this, I did not even want to think about it.

" Can you just hear me out for a minute?" He said, grabbing my hand to halt my movement.

I jerked away from him, ignoring the sparks that flew at our contact. This was not the Tim for that. I had to be angry.

I turned around to face him, blazing.

"Hear you out on what?"I asked looking at him with anger dancing I'm my eyes." You literally just ruined my day."

"Why did you do that huh?" I asked, moving to him and pointing an accusing finger at him. "Why do you take delight in getting a rise out of me, huh?" I asked, poking his chiseled chest. I was angry beyond reason now. " I literally met you two weeks ago and you've made me cross my limit countless times. Am I a joke to you?" I seethed.

He just stared at me.

If glares could kill, he should probably be dead by now because of the way I was glaring at him.

"You are cute when you are angry." Was his reply.

"What?" I asked, disbelief coating my tone.

" I said you..."

" I heard what you said but seriously?" I asked. Was he actually being serious?

"I know you are worried and..."

"Worried is an understatement," I cut him off, huffed.

"Stop interrupting me, you know" he said, holding my hand that was still on his chest.

I would have blushed but I was too angry to.

I looked at him ready to hear him out.

At least he had to redeem himself.

" You won't be expelled or anything" he said, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"Yeah but I could be suspended," I said, huffing.

"Yeah,you could be" he said, trailing off at the end of his sentence.

My eyes widened. He knew and he still did that.

I was about to scream or vent anyhow at him when I saw that glint that was always in his eyes whenever he was teasing me in his eyes.

"Jerk," I muttered, jerking my hands away from him. My body complained, wanting to be connected to him in any way but I pushed the feeling away. Now was not the time.

He laughed at me before he walked, expecting me to follow him.

I huffed again before I fell in step with him.

"Calm down, nobody is expelling or suspending you."

"You are not the authority." I grumbled looking ahead.

We were headed for the bleachers,which of course,was empty.

"You'll see." He said, so sure of himself.

I looked up at him. It was hard to stay angry at him when he was so lovely to the sight. My insides quivered, he had on a round neck top on faded jean, then heput a leather jacket on too. Don't mind my descriptions, that's how I do whenever I'm distracted.

We sat down on the bleachers, staring at the sun shining softly. I checked my time, two minutes before first period will be over.

"I'm sorry."

Startled, I look at him.


"I seem to be saying that word more and more these days. To you only though" he said, picking his fingernails.

I had nothing to say to that. He looked so distant, as if he was in a place I could not follow him to.

"Things were not like this before you know," he looked up after saying that, staring into my soul with those ocean clear blue eyes of his.

I was suddenly hot as his gaze ran over me.

I cleared my throat and was about to ask him what he meant by his statement when the bell rang.

"I guess that's our cue,huh?" He said standing up and offering me a hand too.