
A Bargain With Death

Haunted by his war-time atrocities, Franklin tries to end his life, only to be thwarted by his guardian angel. Striking a peculiar deal, he can only pursue death if he finds a way to donate his body to those in need. Escaping his homeland, Franklin embarks on a mission to find a doctor and beneficiaries for his "donation." Along the way, he befriends several disabled individuals, deceiving them to fulfill his grim bargain. However, as he grows close to his new friends, Franklin discovers a renewed zest for life. Torn between living a lie and dying for what he once believed was a noble cause, Franklin must confront his past and decide whether to continue living with the friends he deceived or sacrifice himself for a misguided ideal.

Vanilla_Chino · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 18: Choo Choo Airplane Mode

Franklin, with Goh now draped heavily over his shoulder, turned to Bach and Sumi, urgency etched into his expression. The weight of the situation and the physical burden of carrying Goh did nothing to deter his determination. He knew they needed to move quickly, putting as much distance as possible between them and any soldiers who might regain their senses or receive backup.

"So where is this plane?" Franklin asked, his voice steady despite the chaos that had just unfolded. The plane was their ticket out — a chance to escape the immediate danger and regroup.

Bach, adjusting his glasses and taking a quick glance around to ensure they were still relatively alone, responded in a hushed tone. "It's hidden in a clearing on the east side of this forest. It's not too far, but we need to be cautious. They could be watching."

Sumi, her face still pale from the earlier encounter but resolved to keep moving, nodded in agreement. Together, they quickly set off through the underbrush, making their way towards the mentioned clearing.

The forest seemed ominously quiet, the only sounds being the distant calls of birds and the rustling of leaves underfoot. Franklin adjusted Goh on his shoulder, grimacing slightly as he did so. Despite the urgency, he couldn't help but think about the gravity of their situation — not just their immediate escape, but what lay ahead.

Every step they took was a mix of fear and hope, the kind that only comes when escape is just within reach yet could easily slip away. They moved as quietly as possible, the plane and the promise of safety it offered driving them forward through the woods.


The old plane rattled as it soared over the burning city and the remnants of the church, its engine laboring but steady. Franklin, in the pilot's seat, focused intently on keeping the aircraft level. Beside him, Bach sat in the co-pilot seat, a silent figure of contemplation. Behind them, Sumi was diligently tending to Goh's wounds, her hands moving with a calm precision that belied the chaos they had just escaped. The unconscious commander was securely tied up in the back, his presence a grim reminder of their narrow escape.

"Are you sure you're making the right decision?" Bach's voice broke the tension-filled silence.

"About what?" Franklin replied, his eyes fixed on the horizon.

"Won't the commander continue to try and kill us?" Bach asked, his tone measured but laced with concern.

"Were you expecting me to kill him, Father?" Franklin's question hung in the air, heavy with implications.

Bach turned away, a deliberate gesture even for him, considering his blindness. He couldn't see, but the act of turning away conveyed his inner turmoil.

Franklin laughed, a sound that was both bitter and amused. "Are you embarrassed by your own desire for preservation? Feeling the need to kill someone is natural when wanting to survive."

Bach coughed uncomfortably, the truth of Franklin's words unsettling but undeniable.

"I've been pushed to do it far too many times. We're going a long ways away. I doubt he can catch us off guard, and he's not valuable enough for them to send a plane after us," Franklin continued, his tone now serious. His eyes flicked briefly to the unconscious commander, then back to the controls.

The plane flew on, the drone of the engine mingling with the distant echoes of the burning city below. Franklin's mind raced with the enormity of their situation, but he took a small measure of comfort in their distance from immediate danger. The vastness of the sky and the horizon ahead symbolized the freedom and uncertainty that lay before them.

Behind them, Sumi worked quietly, her focus on Goh. The urgency of her care and the steady hands with which she administered aid were a testament to her resilience. The weight of their escape was shared among them all, each playing their part in the delicate balance between survival and hope.

Franklin glanced over to Sumi, a look of concern etching his features. "Is he going to make it?" he asked, noting the grim expression on her face. Without waiting for her response, he switched the plane to autopilot and moved back to where Goh lay still unconscious.

Bach, feeling the absence of Franklin beside him, panicked and began feeling around the now empty pilot's chair. "Franklin?! Where are you going? The plane!" he called out, anxiety rising in his voice. He quickly made the sign of the cross over his chest and muttered a prayer for safety.

"Alright, let's take a look," Franklin said calmly as he knelt beside Goh. He examined the wound closely, then poured alcohol over it to disinfect it before rewrapping it carefully. The harsh smell of the alcohol filled the cabin, mingling with the ongoing tension.

Sumi watched anxiously, tears brimming in her eyes each time she looked at her father's missing leg. Franklin noticed her distress and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He's going to make it," he reassured her confidently.

Sumi, her emotions raw and her faith shaken, held up her pinkie finger for a promise. Franklin reached up to lock pinkies with her, but Sumi pulled her hand back, her voice tinged with hurt. "You promised last time. Liar."

Franklin shook his head, a chuckle escaping him despite the seriousness of the moment. "I got him back. He may not be all in one piece, but we're going to that witch doctor, aren't we?" he reminded her, trying to lighten the mood and renew her hope.

Just then, Goh groaned and began to awaken. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked around in a daze. The realization of his situation hit him as he noticed his missing leg, and his face contorted with the rush of memories flooding back. He turned his head and saw the unconscious commander tied up nearby, which made him jolt away in shock, his eyes wide with the sudden recognition of his captor so close.

PS? Comment? Collection? thank you thank you thank you!

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