
A Bargain With Death

Haunted by his war-time atrocities, Franklin tries to end his life, only to be thwarted by his guardian angel. Striking a peculiar deal, he can only pursue death if he finds a way to donate his body to those in need. Escaping his homeland, Franklin embarks on a mission to find a doctor and beneficiaries for his "donation." Along the way, he befriends several disabled individuals, deceiving them to fulfill his grim bargain. However, as he grows close to his new friends, Franklin discovers a renewed zest for life. Torn between living a lie and dying for what he once believed was a noble cause, Franklin must confront his past and decide whether to continue living with the friends he deceived or sacrifice himself for a misguided ideal.

Vanilla_Chino · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

ACT I: Bargain | Part 1

Authors note: This is the same story but in the original script format that I had written



FRANKLIN, a middle aged man, is standing atop a burning

building near the edge. Behind him is a pair of military

boots set beside a neatly folded uniform.

The patch where a Nazi symbol should be, is torn off. We can

hear his breath shaking as he peers over the ledge and

shuffles his barefoot closer.

The city is chaotic beneath him, sounds of explosions and

screams fill the air. The night sky is filled with smoke but

as Franklin looks up, a window of space opens to unveil the

stars. With his eyes brimming with tears he leaps into the

empty air.

CLOSE UP on Franklin's face as the wind pushes the tears off

his cheeks. He picks up speed and he closes his eyes just as

he is about to reach his end; but he comes to an abrupt halt.

Still close on his closed eyes as the background reverts,

retracing its path back up to the top of the ledge.

A FULL SHOT reveals a majestic angel, carefully placing

Franklin back on his feet on the ledge. Franklin opens his

eyes and takes a moment to register that he is still alive.

He looks to the angel beside him with a frustrated

expression; less interested in the majestic wings, and more

upset about having been interrupted.


It's a bit chilly out to be wearing

just that.

The angel places the uniform jacket around Franklin's

shoulders. Franklin looks down at the shoulder patch,

realizing the Nazi symbol has been miraculously placed back

on. He repulsively throws the jacket off and shoves the

angel; but misses his step and starts to fall again.


Whoa there, let's not make me save

you again.

The angel helps steady Franklin and pats him on his shoulder,

where the jacket has miraculously reappeared. They lock eyes

and Franklin begins to study the angel's features.


What are you?


I'm just here to help. Are your

toes getting cold too?

The boots miraculously reappear on Franklins feet, startling

him and causing him to almost fall off again. As he regains

his balance, he shakes his head, realizing he shouldn't be

avoiding the fall; that's what he wants. He peers over the

ledge again, preparing to jump.


You don't want to do that.


And how do you know what I want?


You want to feel warm. You want to

feel needed. Isn't that why you

bundled up in that uniform and

joined the war?


That was a mistake. You saving me

was a mistake. Go do your angel

work on someone else...

Franklin dives off the ledge, only this time he lands face

first immediately on the roof. He curls up in a fetal

position and rubs the new bump on his head.


See that's the thing Franklin, I'm

not just any angel that can go help

someone else. I'm here to help YOU.

I'm your personal guardian angel.


That fall hurt. Couldn't you have

lifted me up gently like last time?


I tried to warn you.


Warn me about what exactly? About

the fall? About my bad decisions?

Where were you when I needed

someone to warn me about the war?


About what... that people are evil,

and evil things happen in this



Not just people, ME. I'm evil. You

should know that better than anyone

if you really are who you claim to




You don't have to be evil



You know... I was really hoping you

would tell me I'm not evil and

convince me otherwise. You're

right, and I'm trying to get rid of

this evil.


I can't let you jump Franklin.


Let me? This is my choice. You

can't take that away from me.


Have a seat.


Without Franklin having to do so, the scenery changes and

they are both sitting at a park bench. The city is still

erupting with chaos.

People are frantically running past them, trying to escape

the bombs going off. Flames alight all the buildings

surrounding them. Franklin looks to the angel with a

questioning expression.


Have a look at the mess you've



You can't be an angel. Only a demon

would torture me before I try to

end my life.


Is it guilt that you feel? Or is it

shame? If you truly felt remorseful

for your transgressions, you would

take responsibility.


The wages of sin is death. I am

willing to pay it.


The Franklin that I know, would

atone for his sins, not submit to



Who have you been guarding? Who is

this Franklin that I don't know?

A beat passes as the angel takes a moment to survey the war

torn city. A small hand emerges from a pile of rubble nearby.

It desperately grasps the air, attempting to find a savior to

pull the rest of them free from it.

An elderly Asian man rolls his wheel chair towards the hand,

hops off his wheel chair to get proper leverage, and pulls

the hand with all his might.


I've been guarding a scared

crippled young man for some time

now. For over thirty years he's

been avoiding my help. I know that

he desperately wants it, NEEDS it.

I can see his hand reaching out,

but he's buried under a pile of

baggage he isn't willing to let go.

He can't see me, he can't see the

potential I see in him.

The old man has pulled free a little girl. They embrace as

the girl coughs up debris dust and cries on his shoulder. The

angel smiles and turns to Franklin who has also been

observing the scene.


I'm buried too deep. No one can

pull me free. There's too much to

atone for, so many things I can't

change or fix. The only relief I'll

receive is death. That's the

decision I've made. I think our

conversation is done here. Take me

back to the ledge.

Franklin gets up to leave but bumps into GOH, the elderly man

in a wheel chair. He is being pushed down the street by SUMI

(12), the girl he had rescued.

The girl is battered and bruised, and the old man has a large

cut above his brow that has caused blood to drip down half of

his face.

Franklin winces, half startled by running into the old man he

had been observing and half out of guilt from the damage the

war has caused. Goh notices the uniform.


Excuse me sir, would you happen to

know a medic that could spare a

look at my daughter? She's badly

hurt and scared.

Franklin looks over at Sumi and notices her concern for Goh.

Out of the two of them, the old man has more severe wounds.

Franklin pulls out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and

kneels in front of Goh, addressing his bleeding wound.


I can't get a hold of a medic right

now, but I can do my best to help.

Civilians are still rushing past them, but now they give

questioning glances when they notice a soldier tending to a

cripple person's wound in the midst of battle.

Franklin looks over his shoulder and sees the angel, watching

him with a proud grin.

Nobody else seems to notice the majestic wings. Franklin

rolls his eyes and finishes addressing the wound by tying the

handkerchief around Goh's head.


Thank you sir, would you know of

anywhere that my daughter and I

could find refuge?


I'm sorry, this is the most I am

willing to help. I have things to

get back to.

Both Goh and Sumi gives a quick shallow bow of gratitude

before joining the other frantic civilians in the street.


See? That was nice. Why can't we

continue to have that Franklin?


How many patches are going to cover

up my actions? It's just an endless hole that I

can never close. Why are you still

here? Why am I? Get me back up



Whoa whoa whoa, hold on. I've been


Franklin shakes his head and turns to leave but the second he

takes a step, he is back in front of the angel.


What if we make a bargain? You can

get what you want, and I'll feel

more at peace with this decision.


Why should I care about you being

at peace?


I'll let you choose to end your

life. It's your choice to make, you

were right, I shouldn't take that

away from you...


Thank you. Now get me back up



But if you have to do it, you need

to find people to donate your body

to after you're gone.


Excuse me?


You are a perfectly healthy young

man. Did you not just see that

crippled old man? All these

civilians could make use of those

limbs and organs of yours.


Listen, I admire your charitable

outlook on the situation, but do

you know what you're asking? It is

going to be extremely difficult to

find a doctor willing to do that,

especially here.


That's unfortunate isn't it? I

guess you'll just have to leave the

country and find someone elsewhere.


I will be hunted down as a

deserter. I don't know anybody that

would be capable of helping with

this and even if I did, I'd have to

convince them of the morality of my



Those are the conditions you'll

have to overcome. Unless you want

to keep making futile attempts at

your life. I'll always be there to

prevent you.

Franklin rolls his eyes and looks away in frustration. He

sees a pair of eyes peeking around the corner of a building


The little girl realizes her gaze has been noticed and steps

out into the light. Sumi gives Franklin a smile and waves her

hand. The old man appears behind her and wheels over to

Franklin enthusiastically.


Forgive me for listening in on your

conversation but we know of a

doctor in the far north. She is

said to be a Jewish witch doctor

that can miraculously heal any

ailments. My daughter and I were

planning to go there before this

city went under attack. Seeing that

you need a doctor as well, would

you mind accompanying us there?

Franklin steps back, taken by surprise, baffled at this old

mans boldness. His face contorts into sour expression,

repulsed by the man for being this desperate.


How much did you hear?


Just that you are a deserter and in

need of a doctor sir. I apologize

if it was not meant to be heard. We

mean no harm, we just desperately

need help.

Franklin looks to the angel and back at Goh, questioning

whether he is the only one that can see and hear the angel.


How far away is this doctor?


Three days journey on foot. Perhaps

more by my condition.

Sumi nervously twirls her hair, waiting for Franklin's

decision. Franklin lets out a sigh and looks at the angel for

a reaction.


What? I didn't orchestrate this,

it's completely up to you.


Alright, I'll accompany you there.

A warm smile creases Goh's face and Sumi hugs her father in



Are you going to let me take my

uniform off?

Franklin look at the angel, hesitant to take his coat off in

concern that it will reappear again.


Oh no sir, we don't mind at all.


So do we have a deal?

The angel reaches his hand out for a shake. Franklin takes

his coat off and places it on the angels hand.


We'll see how long this goes. Don't

interfere anymore.




Oh, don't mind me. I'm just talking

to myself.

I know this format is a huge no no on WN, but I wanted to post this for anyone interested in the original format and content that I had written for this story

Vanilla_Chinocreators' thoughts