
A baby in the Apocalypse

Madison did not survive the zombie Apocalypse,infact she died 4years into the apocalypse,all her family died in the very beginning,her best friend pushed her straight into a herd of zombies when they were surrounded,she died having so much regrets and wishing she could make things better. Waking up after her death expecting to be dead,she is stunned to discover she has been transmigrated to a chinese novel she read a few weeks before her death,not only is she pregnant and married to a cold soldier but she has less than 2 years before the zombie apocalypse begins and she and her son didn't survive the apocalypse in the book. Madison stunned rubbed her stomach a bit and said "don't worry baby I'll make sure we and your father will survive"

Maureen_Adetula · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Adira further explained more about the apocalypse to Alex, she told him all she knew about book she also revealed her plans to him

Alex told her not to bother about purchasing an island since his family had one which was used for training soldiers, he also told her it was a big island which could accommodate thousands of people he also told her it had no building erected on it yet since the soldiers were made to sleep in tents to experience life on a battlefield,he said unauthorized ships couldn't get close to it

Listening to Alex talk about the island, Adira couldn't help but feel satisfied as that was exactly what she wanted, so she and Alex decided to sleep early as they had alot of things to do the following day


The following day Alex and Adira went to a construction company of one of Alex's friend,he had a well known construction company and they always used top notch materials for their buildings so they told them everything they wanted on the island,Calum (the company owner/Alex's friend) was stunned since he couldn't understand why his friend and his friends wife wanted to turn their private island into a small town but it wasn't his place to question them but when he heard they were only giving him a year and three months at the latest he wanted to cry at the unfairness but when Alex told him the reason for project he immediately agreed to put every other projects he had on hold

Even though everything seemed far fetched he still decided to believe in his brother but since he couldn't put all his eggs in one basket he decided to sell all his smaller properties and his shares in small companies and if Adira's vision started becoming real he would sell all of his other properties and give them the money since it would be useless to keep the money if the apocalypse was really coming

He didn't charge them money for the construction only collected money for buying the materials for construction when the couple insisted

Afterwards Alex and Adira both went to a local boutique that was up for sale, while going through the items in the shop Adira suddenly noticed a beautiful violet jade pendant it was so beautiful that she couldn't take her eyes off of it the longer she looked the more longing she had for the pendant, when Alex saw her staring dazingly at a particular place her followed her gaze and saw the pendant which reminded him of her eyes

"Is that jade pendant for sale"he asked the sales person who responded in the positive so he walked over and took the pendant from the display glass and then went back behind Adira to hook the jewelry on her neck and then kissed her softly on the cheek while she blushed bright red,after thorough consideration they decided to buy the little boutique and buy it too they already decided to start transporting the goods they bought to the mall they built on the island as soon as the mall construction was over so they went back home as soon as the payment for the property was paid for.

When they got back home they decided to write out everything they needed to prepare for the apocalypse, and then they cross checked the items on each other's list.

First was shelter, which was already taken care of, Calum had promised to surround the whole island with a very sturdy gate, which would be at the very front of the island it would be the only way in or out of the island city but the admin building right outside the gate so new recruits won't be allowed inside the island city unless they've been cleared to enter,once inside the main city the army base would be seen immediately after leaving the base one immediately finds a divided road one road going to the the left, another to the right and one going straight in the middle, the road going to the left leads to the residential buildings,in the residential area which they agreed to call Jade street they told Calum to build at least 300 houses,100 of which should be 2bedroom flats and the remaining 200 should be 3bedroom flats, they also decided to build two 6storeys apartment buildings in which one building consisted of one bedroom apartment 16 on each floor while the other was a two bedroom apartment 16 on each floor too and then they built a big building which would be used to house people who couldn't afford to live in the apartment or flats the building was like a dormitory 2people sharing one room and a total of 8bathrooms four for the boys and four for the girls.

On the road to the right which they called phoenix street which they decided to make the business area they built a very big mall where they would sell basic needs,they also built a building for water purification, they built a big hospital and a small restaurant for people who couldn't cook, there was also a small airport were helicopters and military planes were meant to be kept

The road in the middle lead directly to the greenhouse,a very big one which would contain different vegetables and fruits, the roof of the greenhouse would be made to fold in if it was raining since acid rain sometimes fell in the apocalypse and not to forget the blood rain which turned some plants into flesh eaters,after the greenhouse  a beautiful area which would contain five different buildings with the one in the middle slightly bigger than the other buildings, this would be where the the bases higher-ups would live, the one in the middle belonged to Alex and Adira, in their bedroom a door would be concealed into the bookshelf which would lead underground to a very vast area which would contain all their weapons

After Alex and Adira finished making their plans they decided the next thing on their list was weapons which Alex decided to handle.