
Chapter Three Hundred

 "We send out Christmas greetings to friends and family near and far, we put up the tree in hopes Santa will arrive, but most of all we take the time to thank God for His Son. (Kate Summers)



"Then it's time I changed your name! Eric Cheshire shouted and Mona's Eric was already peeing on himself as he managed to utter a response.

 "As...As...You wish your Majesty."

Eric stomped his staff on the ground. "Henceforth, you will stop answering to Eric and you'll be called Charles." Is that Okay with you? Eric asked and Mona's Eric couldn't ever utter a coherent word.

 "It....is More than Okay, your Majesty." 

"Or do you want me to change it into something else? 

"Your Highness,thank You for showing me your grace and I think Charles is a very good name.