
Chapter Three Hundred+Five

  "We send out Christmas greetings to friends and family near and far, we put up the tree in hopes Santa will arrive, but most of all we take the time to thank God for His Son. (Kate Summers)



"Can she travel now? Louis asked the doctors as they come in to check on Arianna.

 "Yes, Mr Louis she can travel now the doctors nodded and Arianna looked at him in surprise not understanding what he was talking about. Louis noticed her curious gaze on him and he smiled and patted her cheek.

 "Yes my love, you heard right we can go back home now.

 "What? Really? Arianna asked in surprise."Did grandpa give permission?

 "Yes my love he has asked us to leave when we want to."

"WOW,"  Arianna replied happily. "So we can go back home anytime we want?