
Chapter Fourteen

   Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. (Janice Maeditere)

 Christmas is a day of meaning and tradition, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends. (Margaret Thatcher)

 Christmas magic is silent. You don't hear it, you feel it, you believe it. (Kevin Alan Milne)



  The sky has turned dark and the wintry night breeze turned cooler. The room was silent and only the even breath of the people inside could be heard. Louis came in and picked Britney up, so he could take her to her room. 

 Arianna noticed the movement and she opened her eyes. “Sorry. Louis whispered. Arianna nodded in acceptance and Louis took Britney to her room. Arianna laid back down but she couldn't sleep anymore. She tossed and turned but no sleep came, so she got up and took a good look at the room. The room was big, spacious and beautifully decorated. 

  The bed is big and very comfy, the bed spread is a fine gold color Dolce and Gabbana design. The duvet cover is also made by the same designer. The wall paper is a beautiful roman theme wallpaper design. The ceiling had a big shiny star shaped music enabled chandelier. The racket on the wall shone with shades of different  beautiful colours. The rug in the room must be handmade because it was uniquely designed. There are two extra doors in the room. “Where do they lead to? Arianna wondered and open the door on the right.

It was an European designed walk-in closet. There was no cloth in it. Arianna stepped into the closet and admires it's beauty. “It's so huge! “Bigger and cozier than my whole room at Aunt Place.

 At the thought of Mona, Arianna's heart saddened. She didn't know how her Aunt was. Even though she ill treats her, Arianna still sees shadows of her mother in Mona. 

  Arianna came out of the closet, determined to go see her Aunt in the morning. She went to the next door and opened it and her jaw dropped. Arianna gasped seeing the extremely big and beautiful bathroom.

 “Is this really a bathroom?  

 Arianna thought and she stepped further inside. She couldn't closed her mouth as she marvelled at the beauty of this huge bathroom. The bathroom had a big Jacuzzi in the middle. There was also a big bath tub with two shower heads. There were two beautiful towels folded neatly on the rack. And there was a bunny style bathroom slippers on one of the rack. there was also a bunny style robe. There was a small division in the bathroom and Arianna opened the beautiful ivy print shower curtains and she almost fainted from shock at what she saw. The toilet was the famous Swarovski studded toilet.

 “Wow!  Arianna exclaimed. This is magical!

  “How am I supposed to bath in such a beautiful place? “How do I poo in such an expensive toilet? The toilet alone could buy five of my Aunt's house! 

 Arianna quickly came out of the toilet before she began bowing to the place. She came out of toilet and decided to take a walk, but the moment she opened the door, It felt like she was in another world entirely. Arianna felt like Alice in wonderland. This was indeed a wonderland!  With each door she opened she stepped into a different world and it felt surreal.

 “This was probably a dream! “This is just too good to be true!

 Arianna walked down the corridor with a look of amazement. The place was prettier than a Palace. “Is this where I will leave from now on? 

“Wow! Arianna twirled around in surprise. “This is beautiful! 

 Arianna took a happy tour around the house. She hadn't gone too far when she started feeling tired she tried to find her way back to the room and finally got it. She went back to the room and crawled to her bed and fell asleep.

 In Louis's room.....

Louis was feeling restless and was fighting the urge to go to Arianna's room, he wanted to be close to her. His heart was asking for her and he was already missing her.

  “But I have only just met her, why do I feel so attached to her? “Why does it hurt so much to be away from her? “Why is my heart so restless thinking about her? 

 Louis sat down and stretched his legs on the leg rest, he was feeling frustrated. Louis always like to be in control but now, he isn't even in control of his own heart? ”Why?

  “I have only felt this way with Samantha! “What is it about this girl that reminds me so much about Samantha? “Even my heart is starting to confuse her for Samantha!

 Louis stood up again and went to the window, he stood there for a while, contemplating if he should go or not. Finding it hard to resist the urge, Louis went out and Entered the room beside his.

 Arianna was lying beautifully on the bed, the duvet cover has slipped off her body and she curled up. Louis went to the bedside and covered her up. He took a seat and sat in front of her. He took a good look at her beautiful features and sighed.

 “What is it about you that keeps pulling me to you? “What is it about you that keeps tugging me to you? “ What is it about you that makes me want to stay by your side? “What is it about you that makes me want to care for you? 

  Louis's heart had so many questions but he knew that there was no answer to any of that just yet, because even he doesn't understand why things was Happening the way they were. Louis sat down and watched Arianna sleep. His hand unconsciously went to her face and he traced her beautiful cheekbone. 

 “Arianna.” He mumbles her name softly.

“Who are you and why is my heart craving so much for you?