
Chapter 1 : love comes from a lack of pain

I looked out the window to see the the road lights were all broken. I guess the betas are get out of hand but it all ways been this way. I remember the first time I was taught to show no compassion to them. I was when a was five and I asked the teacher " But mr.Parker why can't I me and Anderson be friends his the only person who I got to know ?" The teacher had a pissed out expression on his face. I guess I always had found a way to piss people off . But back to the story my teacher said " Beta's have no class,no self control and the are a inferior species to us alphas ." I guess what the teacher said never really left my mind but it time to move forward for today the big day I grow my fangs and truly become a alpha. The car stopped at the front of the house now old with paint all but gone and Metal bars on the windows. I head to the door and knock on the golden door knocker and wait for some to get the door. The oldest of my two siblings , my older sister Ray opened the door and gave me a bear hug. My young brother Ramond come from the kitchen and joins the hug. Then very excited asks " How was training camp is it fun . Do you get to help people . If so I going to join so I can be the best scout to ever live . " before I can explain to Raymond what it was like Ray stop me and says to Raymond " He tell you at the dinner table just wait. Koji mom and dad said to make sure you I nicely dressed and cleaned for the big day. I so proud of you baby bro this is the day you become a alpha." I head upstairs feeling like this is going to be the best dinner I've ever had. After get cleaned up and put on my best button up. I looked into the mirror to do my hair and I felt my teeth changing I opened my mouth to see something truly horrible . I teeth had changed into beta teeth but it should be impossible for me to have beta teeth.I can't let my parents know I a beta they killed me in cold blood. I pulled out a pocket knife and cut my teeth into the look of fangs and now bleeding from the cuts on my gums head to the downstairs to the kitchen table and sit down. Now covering my mouth to not let the blood leak all over the place. As my family was I having small talk I could feel the more of my teeth get soft and then horns started growing out the side of my head. I put up the hood on the jacket I grabbed . My dad now looking at me said " You ok son? You look like you just had a staring contest with the devil. Let me get some of the good stuff." Dad then pulls up from one of the footboards and put a rusty box on the table . He unlocked the box and the aromas of blood spread in the air. The smell of blood was now disgusting me to the core . I need to move my hand so I could something other than this intoxicated air . I move my hand all the blood in my mouth dipped on to the table. My dad now looking at said" what the matter kiddo you feeling down." I have to think about a why out of this . I then smile with the blood leaking out my mouth and say " That blood smell old and disgusting . I got anything new and tasty." My mom then said to my father " you know what time it is . His grown his fang you know it to let him go on his first hunt ." My dad then handed my his golden trimmed sword and said "we know that you just got you fangs so you won't be able to transform into you beast state just yet ." Then my dad transforms with his hair down to his feet and his nails razor sharp . He open the door and let me go on my first hunt little did he know I was going to have to runaway for my life. Ray and Raymond I promise to come back for you some day.