
In the beginning

It's dark. Is this a place absent of light? I can't tell how long I've been here for. A day? Months? Years? I can feel my senses trickling away into nothing. There is almost nothing left of me. My time spent here is breaking me down piece by piece. First that left was my wrath. I found some sort of peace in this abyss that all my anger toward things in my life disappeared. My mother who left me. My father who let her go. My anger at my father for allowing that one event to ruin my life. But I started to feel at peace knowing they are no longer here. Soon after, I lost all envy. Why be envious of those who don't understand the beauty of silence. It wasn't that I removed the envy, it disappeared because I changed what I was envious of. One thing that being in this space is that my lust and greed disappeared along with my senses. There is no need for sloth in this space. All that was left was my gluttony and my pride. Two things I refuse to let go. My need to consume and my denial to be consumed. Both are keeping me alive and when one start to falter, the other supports harder. I can feel this space turning against me to get rid of what is left of my self, but I stay strong. All it can do is chip away at me. A stone that becomes stronger and most importantly denser. I can feel my being becoming again. I will not fall into nothingness!

???: Hello there.

What? A voice?

???: I don't appreciate being ignored.

Can I speak in this space? Something that can speak in here must not be simple. I hope I'm not offending it. It need to hurry. I need to-

???: Buddy, no need to panic. I can read your mind.

Me: What is going on?

I needed to know. This is my first interaction in God knows how long.

???: I do know how long it has been and no, I will not tell you.

Well that was informative and intrusive.

Me: Well God, what pray tell is going on here and what's going to happen to me.

'God': You are currently in the cycle of reincarnation and you have become one of the few to survive the soul cleansing. You have proven worthy enough to be rewarded and no, you cannot wish for anything too overwhelmingly powerful. If you are wondering why the restriction is in place; it is because some guy called Lucifer was the first to survive the reincarnation cleansing and did quite a number on the entirety of existence. Cleaning him and his mess up caused quite a few issues and was incredibly tedious.

Me: I can imagine considering in my world, Lucifer strayed from God and became a devil. I'm probably guessing that this legend is the result of what you've done?

'God': Yup, pretty much. I'm more of an overseer than a ruler. If I were to describe it in a simple way, I'm a conscious system that is lawful neutral. I do not interfere. Just here to make sure everything is in order and running as it should. Me appearing per say only happens once something needs to be taken care of myself. But enough about that stuff, I need an answer from you. What do you wish for? Your wish is concerning the how, where, what, when, and who of your reincarnation. The why isn't required to tell me.

Well that was a bunch of info all at once. I'm getting an idea of what I want but first.

Me: I would like to ask some questions first. Why is it that the cleansing was about the 7 sins? And my second question is what is the limit of where I can reincarnate?

'God': The cleansing is individually based. You believed that a person is created on their 7 sins so where cleaned that way. Concerning your second question, anywhere, you can go anywhere as long as your new life can be considered natural at where you end up. Again, you can go anywhere, fictional or back to a world similar to your previous life.

I can go to any fictional location and customize everything about me? This is a reward to die for.

Me: My wish is to reincarnate in the Dragon Ball universe, specifically the gap between universe 6 and 7 so I can be considered part of both (where) as a Majin (what). But I want my new body to have infinite potential regarding every concept in existence (who). As for when, I would like to be born around 200 years before Goku's birth (when) and the birth will be a natural birth from the universe itself and I would naturally be able to survive in the dimensional gap with no complications (how). I don't want any of that wizard garbage manipulating me when I am young and don't want to limit my fun later in the series. Is this all possible?

'God': Yes. But I'm afraid there is a downside to going to a fictional universe. You cannot retain any memories of that universe so as to not fully abuse your power and to make life fun for you.

Me: That's a bit of a cock-block but is it fine if I have a sixth sense toward important characters in the series?

'God': That is fine. Now it is time to be on your way. I hope we do not need to have this conversation again. Farewell.

I wanted to get a word in at the end but this is fine. Welp. Universe, get ready for a shaking.

First chapter. Thoughts? Wrote this pretty quickly but came up with the concept a little while ago. Might continue writing depending on reception. I struggle with getting things done so if there is next to little response, I'm not gonna put as much effort as I could. Sorry about that but this is how I am.

NobleFGcreators' thoughts