
999-Times Training System

Cultivation for one minute, cultivation base gains 999 times experience, cultivation base skyrocketing! Take one step, gain 999 times experience in body, and get promoted to God-level body! Hit a punch, get 999 times experience in the fist, and get promoted to the god-level fist! Take a look at alchemy, alchemy attainments gained 999 times experience, and promoted to a divine alchemist! Take a look at the sword intent stele to activate 999 times your comprehension and comprehend the supreme sword intent! … Ji You travels through the fantasy world, gains 999 times experience system, life and death activation system, no matter what you do, you can get specific enhancements! Description from MTL Author: Demon Dance

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49 Chs

999 Times Experience Enhancement

'Although I don't know why this waste still has the strength to resist, this waste is only at the Triple-layer of the Body Tempering Realm, and now he is seriously injured, he can easily kill this waste at will.' Chen Yan's slave thought.

Ji You stared at the young man in front of him with murderous eyes, subconsciously flashed, avoiding the attack with great ease.

However, he did not dodge completely this time. As he moved to the young man's side by relying on his physique, his right fist was clenched and hit the young man's abdomen.

In the moment he blasted this punch, that cold and monotone voice sounded again.

"Ding! The master punched, and the 'Basic Fist Method' gained experience points: (1*999 times)!"


"Ding! Congratulations, Master! The 'Basic Fist Method' broke through to 'Perfect Mastery'!"

"Ding! It is detected that the experience value of the 'Basic Fist Method' is full, and it will automatically be upgraded to the Inferior-rank Yellow-grade Fist Technique 'Inch Jin Fist'!"

Almost the same as before, a large amount of knowledge flooded into Ji You's mind instantly, 'Inch Jin Fist' was almost self-explanatory without a teacher.

He was pleasantly surprised. Previously taking a random step, he obtained a Body Technique of the Yellow-grade, but now he has obtained another Yellow-grade Fist Technique with a random punch.

Expensive Yellow-grade Techniques can be obtained so easily at taking a random step and punch by him, is there anything more awesome than him in the world?

At the same time, because Ji You's speed was so fast, the youth had no time to react, so his abdomen was been hit heavily by Ji You's 'Basic Fist Method' that had reached the realm of 'Perfect Mastery'!


The young man only felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and he couldn't help bending down and covering his abdomen with his hands. His expression was ugly and his eyes were full of doubt.

He couldn't believe that the speed of this waste was so fast that it could even hurt him with a higher cultivation base.

The youth looked at Ji You with a grim look, how could this trash become so strong?

Ji You smiled coldly, "It's your turn now!"

With a cold gaze, he instantly displayed an 'Inch Jin Fist', smashing at the youth without giving the slightest effort.

"Ding! The master casts 'Inch Jin Fist', and The 'Inch Jin Fist' gains experience points: (20*999 times)!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master! The Inferior-rank Yellow-green Fist Technique 'Inch Jin Fist' successfully broke through to 'Beginner Mastery'!"

Hearing a muffled sound of bang, the young man flew upside down for a meter or two.

Ji You look coldly at the unconscious youth at his feet, and there was no trace of pity in his eyes.

Then he walked to the rock and sat down.

Ji You raised his head slightly and sighed, the system was finally activated, and he finally didn't have to endure others' bullying.

A murderous glint flashed in his eyes. With this system, he must kill Chen Yan that dog!

At this time, he recalled the performance of the system just now. It seemed that no matter what he did, he could get 999 times experience enhancement, and the name of the system was also called the 999 times training system.

Suddenly, a thought came up in his mind.

If this is the case, can the practice of Martial Arts Cultivation also gain 999 times the experience enhancement?

In order to confirm his guess, Ji You couldn't wait any longer to start meditating.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he quickly entered a state of meditation and cultivation.

What a martial artist needs to practice the most is obviously cultivating profound energy, which is the illusory thing between heaven and earth.

He was absorbing the profound energy of heaven and earth, flowing into the body from the heavenly spirit layer, flowing into the various meridians up and down of his body, and finally converging in the sea of ​​Qi Dantian.

At this time, it had been more than half a minute since Ji You had just started practicing, but he still didn't hear the prompt sound from the system.

He couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, but he was relieved soon.

After all, this system is already awesome enough, if you can gain 999 times the experience to strengthen martial arts, it will be awesome.

However, just when Ji You was about to give up continuing his cultivation, a cold voice suddenly came from the system.
