
80,000 years

80,000 years of experience, y/n was a living immortal. She had seen everything around her evolve, a deity in the cultivation arts, a god. Even more powerful than a god to say, just by lifting her finger, she is able to slash a planet into half, a hand will destroy a range of planets. She can be considered as the mother of all source of magic, anything is possible for her to conjure. The power of a mage, a sorceress, a necromancer, ancient Greek mythology, Korean folk tales and a Dao cultivator. The universe had 9 soul mates destined for her, but for so many millennia, they never showed. She set off to her trip outside the realms to find her mates and accidentally encountered a stronger being, she found herself drowning into the abyss and lost conscious for 500 years. But a voice was heard and the next thing she knew, she was on Earth. "What the-" "...Where am I..?" "Uhm.. school..?" "Are you feeling alright y/n..?" "Wait. what planet is.. where-" "And what year is this? how old am I?" "..2019..? ..15?? Are seriously okay y/n?" "15?!?" {this story is for entertainment purposes only. Any events, folklore and characters are all fictional. } {cusses are included. Please read at your own risk.}

bangtannifics · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Ch. 6

I arrived at BigHit as I promised the boys that I would come and visit them today. I brought 7 lunch boxes that I had prepared beforehand which I stored them in my spatial ring and entered the building. The cold air graze my skin as the air conditioned lobby was quiet with the tapping and clicking sounds of the keyboard from the information counter. I proceeded to the front desk and there were two receptionists in formal attire.

The staffs were examining me from top to bottom with their disgusted looks in their eyes. One of the receptionist looked at me with scorn and disgust, "you better scram when I ask you nicely. If you're here for BTS then get lost."

I smile, "oh? I just happen to have business with them though."

"Piss off before I call the security." I swear, this lady-

"Wow, scary~" I smiled at her as I take my phone and dialed a number.

~On the call~

 "Ah Joonie, I might be a little late. I have some problems to settle with the receptionist of the company."

"Oh honey, you've arrived? I told you to call me once you arrive.."

"Sorry.. it kinda slipped my mind for a second there."

"Alright, wait for me, I'm coming to get you okay? Don't run off before I get there."


~End of call~

The woman scoffed as I end the call. "You think fake calling the boys will scare me? Hah! What a delusional wench." 

"Says the wench herself."

"YAH-" The other receptionist covered her mouth. "Please don't mind her, she has a terrible temper.."

"I'm Soyeong."

"Y/n." I smile, she's a kind one.

A minute later, the woman shouted. "YAH! IF YOU DON'T GET OUT, I'M CALLING SECURITY!"

The security came and before they could lay a finger on me, someone uttered, "by who's orders?"

Namjoon came wearing a baseball cap held my hand while glaring at the woman.

"Sorry I came rather late, have you waited long sweetie?" He said, warmly gazing at me with a calm and a slightly worried face.

"Not really, I just got here and got stuck on the way while waiting for you." I smile, Namjoon started to glare at the lady.

"N-Namjoon sir, f-forgive me, I should've just chase her out-"

"Are you seriously dumb, or are you just deaf and blind?"

"I-I beg your pardon-"

"She was clearly asking you to let her through."

"B-But she's a sasaeng! Plus, we don't know where the hell she came from! What's so special about her?? What kind of wench like her gets attention from you-"


She gulped.

"Do I have to report anything regarding my life to you?"

She gulped and her eyes and body trembled, her reflexes cowered and cold sweat grazed her pale porcelain face.

He intertwined our fingers as we head over to the elevator and press the button for the 4th floor. It was quiet for a while until he spoke, "are you hurt anywhere?"

I chuckle, "do you think they're able to leave a scratch on me?"

"Hmm.. Great point." We both laugh.

"Should I just have her fired?" He mumbled to himself.

"You don't have to do that sweetie.." I chuckle as he realized I heard him. 

"B-But she insulted you and even cause a scene-"

I smile, "it's fine Joon, people like her won't survive another day in society, don't you think?"

"Well.. you're right."

I smile as he said, "you look gorgeous honey.." I chuckle. "Thanks, you look rather handsome too."

He pout and I asked, "why the long face, love?"

He pecked my lips and said, "I don't want others to see you like this.. You're just too pretty that I just wanna keep you for myself. Is that selfish of me?"

I chuckle, "Hm.. Not really."

"I don't really mind, it just means I can spoil you even more~"

"Don't worry, I'll discuss the arrangement with all of you later, okay?" He kiss my forehead, "okay sweetie.."

The elevator stopped at the 4th floor and Namjoon acted like my personal butler and escorted me to the practice room. He opened the door for me and I chuckle, "Thanks dear."

I went in followed by Namjoon and saw that the members were practicing for their next album. They noticed me and immediately stopped what they were doing and ran to me, "Y/n!!"

A little Jimin pounced on me and I scoop him in my arms. "How have you been sweetie?"

He hid in the crook of my neck, "I missed you.."

I chuckle, "It's only been a day sweetie~"

"But I missed you.." He snuggled his face at my neck while he sulk.

"Quite the possessive type aren't you?" I pinch his nose, his face crimsoned while I peck the corner of his eye. "Cute."

"Oh, and I brought lunch for all of you so stop practicing and take a break." I took lunchboxes from my spatial ring and placed them on the table.


"Honey, you made all of these??" Jin's eyes widen. "I can't even make THAT much if there's 10 of me. And that would mean that there's more handsome faces to be seen in the house."

"Hyung!" Yoongi said as Namjoon continued, "you and your handsome face saga."

Then Hoseok said, "they look incredible! And it's enough to feed more than 10??"

"To be exact, it's food for 17." I said with a straight face as they look at me with eyes that widened in shock.

"Well, I heard our Jungkook is quite a foodie, so I made more than usual."

"WOW~~ THANKS NOONA!" He pecked my lips and sat down along with the others and started eating their lunch.

While the boys ate their lunch I asked, "boys, should I change my spatial ring to dimensional spatial magic instead?"

"Is there a difference between them?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, they hold the same purpose, it's just that dimensional spatial magic is not an item that can be worn around."

"While spatial ring is an accessory for storage, items from the dimensional spatial magic can be summoned from the void, anytime and anywhere. Things can be stored and summoned by mana instead of Qi."

"Then why not use both when at times of need?" Namjoon suggested, "it would be more convenient if both were at your side."

"Well, true. Spatial magic can be summoned anytime, so I'm not worried about it." They aggressively nod while they stuff more food into their mouth.

I chuckle at their behavior while I brought up a topic. "I know this is sudden, but would you all like to live with me?"

Their attention is now on me while they continuously blinked in confusion. "Hmm? So it's a no?"

"No no, it's just that the thought itself is quite the impossible?" Yoongi stated as they all were at the same level of thought, among each other.

"We all would want to live together with our girl, but at the same time, how?" Namjoon said. "I mean, we've been thinking about it for a while too, but we didn't know how to tell you.."

"There's always a solution for everything, just don't overthink it."

"Ah.. I've forgotten that anything can happen, now that I've seen many unexplainable events." Hoseok chuckled.

"Our Y/n is the best!" Taehyung brought up the most innocent and most brightest smile while he giggle with his deep and resonant voice.

I pat his head as his soft and silky hair brushed the tips of my fingers as I break out a smile. "Anything to make you happy sweetie.."

"Well, I will inform you guys when I've built the house and most likely that would be the time you guys can move in."

"Yayyy~" Jungkook and Jimin celebrated in tiny while the others looked a little shy as a slight color of pink tinted their cheeks.

"Noona, is there anything you can't do?" He giggled.

"Well.. There are."

"Woah~ What is it that even Noona can't do?"

"Noona can basically rule the world!"

I chuckle, "sweetie, there are some things that even someone like me can't do. As the saying goes, no one is ever perfect. Not even the gods themselves."


I chuckle. "Yes, really. I cannot reverse time but I'm able to freeze it for a short amount of time. Even the incurable disease in the void called 'eternal curse', is something I cannot cure."

(Eternal curse: The curse lies deep in the depths of people's desire, as it puts someone into an eternal slumber that could not be woken up from.)

"But for us, Noona is still the best!" I chuckle as I pat his head, "Thanks sweetie~"

"Yeah!" they all nod as they agree while I laugh at their dainty behavior.

"Though, I'm curious about one thing.." Yoongi said.


"You possess various of powers, but how do they exist all together? Like.. Don't they oppose each other?"

"You're right there, but when I existed, I was made by the universe. These powers that reside within me co-exist with each other as I gained enlightenment a few thousand years ago. They somehow lived in harmony that resides in my body and combined as one, even I don't know how to explain it clearly."

"Wow, that's... amazing, really."

"Maybe." I chuckle.

"Hmm.. I'm going to the restroom, will that be okay?" I ask.

"Jungkook, you should go with Y/n, she might get lost in the building." Yoongi said.

"I appreciate the thought sweetie, but I think I can manage on my own~"

"Okay, we'll be here waiting~" Jin smiled.

Time skip

Water running from the faucet streaming down my fingers to my palm. Giggling and faint voices were heard just outside the door of the restroom. "Have you heard? Our Joonie oppa brought a girl to the company!"

"What? No way!" I dried my hands with a towel and twist the knob as I exchanged glances with some girls in the hallway.

I ignored them and was on my way back to the practice room.

Well, I 'WAS'.

"Yah, why didn't you greet us? Our eyes met just now." She started eyeing me up and down. "Don't you know who I am? Are you new here?"

I stared blankly at them and turned around walking back to the practice room. 

"YAH! DID YOU JUST IGNORE ME?!?" she grabbed my wrist tightly, but I didn't flinch at all.

"Why are you heading to all of our oppas practice room?!?"

"Sowon, that's enough." one of the girls spoke out.

"But this fucking bitch ignored me when I was talking to her, and what's more! SHE WAS HEADING TO THEIR PRACTICE ROOM!"

"Yeah, but-"


"Do I need to though?" I sarcastically smile.


The two other girls held Sowon back and tried to calm her down. "Yah, Sowon. I TOLD you to keep that attitude of yours at bay!"

"How many times we should remind you?!?"

One of the girls sigh. "I deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused, Miss.."

I smiled, "it's okay."

"Uneducated whores do need to learn their lessons, right?"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU FUCKING BITCH-" She raised her hand, I clench my fist concentrated with both mana and Qi as her hand was about to hit me.

When I was about to slash her hand off, suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist forcefully. Jungkook..

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!" He raised his voice, almost screaming. I was taken aback, did Jungkook just.. Yell? I didn't think he had it in him, but I guess I stand corrected.


"Don't fucking call me oppa with that disgusting voice of yours." 

And I thought he wasn't the type to swear either.

"B-But this bitch-"


Sowon held her cheek with tears streaming down her face like a broken pipe. I covered my mouth with my hand and look at Jungkook with a surprised expression. He was raged and unfazed by her tears. Oh. My. God. Did Jungkook just slap her? Him? Using violence? 

I can't underestimate him being a kid now can't I? 


The pressure was faint but I sensed a little aura from the pressure from his words. He used aura, although it was really vague, I'm sure he used it. But the question is, how.

"Jungkook.." I tugged the hem of his shirt as his gaze falls to me, "It's not all their fault, just... that one." I pointed at Sowon.

"All of them are nice, except her." I smiled at the other girls.

Jungkook sighed, "But Noona-"

Their eyes widen in shock at the phrase 'Noona'. 

"Just let them go, they've learnt their lesson, haven't they?" I smile.

"Okay.. if that's what you want." They nod and leave and when the girls were finally out of sight, he wrapped his masculine arms around my waist. "Noona.." He buried his face in the crook of my neck. I'm still confused how can this little bunny use aura when he's this adorable?

"Master." foxy said.

"You felt that too?"

"Yeah. I've been feeling it for a while, it makes me uneasy for some reason."

"I've scanned the premises while they were talking, but nothing seemed unusual or out of place."

"Let's just ignore it for now."

"...Yes, master."

"I'm sorry I took so long to come.. Please punish me.." He tightened his grip around my waist as he muffled the words out.

"And why would I do that sweetie?"

"Because if I was a second late.." He snuggled his face filled with guilt and his pouty lips.

I chuckle, "But you came just on time sweetheart." He looked at me with his innocent, doe eyes and said, "Really..?"

"You stopped me just right before I dislocate her wrist, so I would say that you've done a great job sweetie~" I turned him around and gave him a peck on the nose.

He pout and said, "Noona, can I have a kiss?"

I chuckle, "didn't I just give you one?"

"Not a peck.. I want a kiss.." He sulked. How cute.

"Then, shouldn't you come and claim it yourself?" I chuckle as my face is slowly closing in his, he shyly close his eyes with a slightly reddened face. 

I mumbled as I kiss him, "what a shy little bunny~"

"Noona." I hummed as a response.

"Don't make me worry like that.." He gave me a hug as I melted in his embrace. 

"You know something like that won't scare me." I chuckle and pat his back.

He peck my lips once more as he showed his signature bunny smile and display his perfect set of teeth. 

"You're bolder than I expected."

"I'm glad Noona sees me as a grown man."

"Nope, you're still a little boy in my eyes kiddo~" I chuckle.

Time skip

"I'm back~"

"Ah, sweetheart~ come, sit." I sat beside Hoseok and smile.

"What took you so long honey?"

"Well, I happen to run into some problems on the way, but Jungkook came just in time." I smiled, "he's my little hero."

"Ah, so that's why that brat was with you." Jin said while I laugh.

"What happened?" Taehyung's voice suddenly became stern. Everyone looked at me and I somehow feel small under their gaze.

I looked at Jungkook and sigh.

I started explaining everything from how I met Sowon and when Jungkook came to stop her from slapping me.

The room was silent and the mood was tense.

I can see some of them showed their obvious anger while some clench their fist and jaw. Jimin stroke his hair back while leaning back with his other hand supporting him. Jungkook did the same and clicked his tongue. Although Jungkook was there, I guess he did not know the whole situation.

"You guys don't have to worry-"

"How can we not worry??" Namjoon slightly raise his voice.

"Hyung, calm down." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, we know fairly well that Y/n can take care of herself. I'm just worried that if Jungkook had not been there, Sowon would have her arm blasted." Yoongi said with a stoic and blank face.

"Hyung.. how can you say all of that with a straight face?" Jungkook look at Yoongi with a questioning face.

"I just did."

I chuckle, "you guys don't have to worry so much.. I'm fine aren't I?"

"Sigh, you're right sweetie. We're the ones overreacting.."

"No no, it's fine~ in fact, I was happy since you guys cared for me." I smile.

The mood lifted as we are all having a great conversation going, then suddenly the door to the practice room open.

Revealing a figure of a middle aged man with glasses, he stood by the entrance holding his hands behind his back. He had a bright and genuine smiling face as he head towards the boys.

"Bang PD nim~!" They all stood up and greet him while hiding me behind them. 

He chuckle. "Nice to see you boys, how's the practice going?" 

"It's going great!" Some of the boys try to hide me by gathering in front of me with their tall figures while I'm still sitting on the floor.

"Who's that behind you Taehyung?" They froze.

I stand up and walk towards him with a smile, "Hi, I'm Y/n."

He look at me and then back at the boys and said clearly in question. "U-Uh.."

Nervously, Jungkook gathered courage and said, "hehe.. We can explain."

A few, long minutes later.



"Okay, allow me to explain." I chuckle, "sir, if you would allow me to show you something by touching your forehead."

He looked at me confusingly but the boys tried to convince him. "Bang PD nim, Just trust her~"

He sigh, "fine, then..."

My finger met his forehead and the scene from the concert played in his head. "W-Woah!"

I projected the scene onto the wall for everyone to see. He couldn't believe his eyes and bowed 90 degrees, "I'm forever grateful that you've saved our boys that day, on behalf of our company- No, on behalf of me, I sincerely thank you. If there's anything I can do to repay this kindness, please allow me to fulfill them."

"Sir, please don't bow.. It's bad for someone for your age and it'll also make people misunderstand and they'll take it as me bullying the CEO.." I laugh nervously.

"But there's no need to, it's my duty as their mate to do so." I smile.


"Ah, I forgot to add that to the memory transfer. But long story short, they are my destined mates, chosen by the universe itself."

He took a while to process the given information. 'D-Destined m-mates.."

"I know what and why you're concerned, but I believe I can solve them."

"They're idols and a public figure across the globe, so I understand the concerned trouble and scandals it would bring."

"Y-Yes and if word goes out-"

"It won't."

"M-Miss Y/n-"

"I'll take care of that if it happens."

He got silent, as for lost of words.

"Scandals, rumors.. They're all child's play as you already know what I'm capable of, Mr Bang Si Hyuk."

I smile, "in my sincerest offer, I'll take care of everything related to the company's and the boy's safety as well as the scandals and rumors."

"How about it?" 

He took a moment to decide and organize his thoughts, he glance at the boys that were looking at him with puppy eyes from behind me.

"It isn't a bad proposal if you ask me, I would say that it's a win win situation, don't you think so?" I break into a congenial smile.

"I'm not against you being with the boys, but why are you also guaranteeing their safety along with the company's safety?"

"It's simple, actually. How can I not guarantee the safety of the company my mates are in?" 

"Consider it as an investment, as I see the kindness from you in your present and also past life. Mr Bang is a good person regardless." I smile.

"There's no reason not to accept your offer Miss Y/n. But an offer without party 'A' benefitting, I can't really just get all of the benefits." He suggested. "Deal?"

"I believe we have a deal." We shook hands and laugh.

"Since we're now acquainted with each other, I'll have you as one of the board of directors. Since you're officially cooperating with Bighit as a business partner, is that fine for you Miss Y/n?"

"Yes, thank you." I smile as he continued. "I'll arrange a meeting to inform the staff, I'll introduce you to them."

"It's an honor, sir."

"The honor's all mine, but just call me Bang Si Hyuk or whatever suits you."

Taehyung whispered, "didn't noona already said Mr. Bang's name however she liked before he even asked her to?"

Yoongi chuckled, "that's so like her."

"Alright Bang PD nim~" I chuckle.

"I'll leave the boys in your care, Miss Y/n." He smile.

"Yes, but just call me by my name, Mr Bang."

He smile, "it's a pleasure working with you, Y/n."

We shook hands and I said, "likewise."

"Alright then, I won't intervene any further, so boys behave yourselves, understand?"

"Yes sir!" The boys said in unison.

After he left, the boys sigh in relieve as I said, "I can finally take a breather." 

They all look at me confused. "You looked fine just now sweetie, to me, you didn't look nervous at all." Yoongi chuckle.

"It's like talking to my future in-laws." I chuckle.

"Ah, I see~" They all giggled as we sat down. I suddenly saw Taehyung struggling with his pants, I asked him in the mind link, "Taehyung sweetie, what's wrong?"

He blushed as his ears turn red. "I-It's nothing-"

"Sweetie, want me to help you?"

He blushed even harder as he cutely shake his head, "I-It's fine n-noona, I-I'll just g-go to the toilet.."

"Are you sure?"

He nod and mumbled in his head, "I-I don't want to hurt you.." 

I smile while I sigh and said. "Okay."

He excused himself to the toilet and I secretly told the boys, "I'll be back okay?"  in our mind link excluding Taehyung for the time being. And when they got the message, they nod.

"Our mates surely are cute, master."

"They sure are."

"Master wouldn't even get hurt from something as trivial as this." Foxy chuckle.

"Being a master at both war and peace for thousands of years," I chuckle, "I'll let him go this time." 

After that, I followed him from behind as he didn't notice. I waited for him outside the washroom and after he was done, he came out and was shocked that I was waiting for him.


I took him by the neck and connected our lips, slowly and gently kissing him. It progressed slowly but as he was closing his eyes, face red, I started to deepen the kiss.

"Oh, you'll let him 'go' this time huh."

"Kissing is kissing, they both are different things."


A few moments passed, we separated our lips and looked at each other. 

"Sweetie... next time," I connect our foreheads and whispered. "I'll help you."

He blush, "b-but.."

"Didn't I promise that I'll take care every single one of you?" I smile. 

"O-Okay.." His face flushed with pink as he had a small smile.

I held his hand in mine with a smile on my face and said, "Let's go, they must be waiting for us." Then, guided us both back to the practice room.

"Noona~! What took you sooo long~?"

I pinch his cheeks and he pout as I chuckle, "was I gone for that long?"

"20 minutes.." Jimin pout sulked and I chuckle at his behavior.

I booped his nose, "Did you really miss me that much?"

Yoongi placed him soft lips on my head and planted a kiss. "A lot." We laughed.

"Hyung, why is your face red~?" The little one said, full of curiosity.

"Taehyung? I wonder.."

"Taehyung sweetie, do you mind if I tell them?"

He shyly nod as a response. I mind linked the boys and told them but leaving some minor details, saying that Taehyung was just being shy when I kissed him.

"Hoho~!" Hoseok place his arms over Taehyung's shoulder. "Our beloved Taetae was such a softie~"

"Wasn't he always a softie?" Yoongi said.

"Taehyung-ah," Hoseok whispered as he was ignoring Yoongi. "How was it~?"

"W-What do you mean, hyung?" Taehyung then had his pinkish cheeks show.

Hoseok whispered, but still audible. "You guys didn't just kiss right~"

His face immediately flush and redden. "H-H-Hyung!! I-I-It's n-not what you think..!"

Hoseok is unnecessarily sharp, I'm kind of impressed in a way, but still I didn't help him with his problem so technically we just only kissed. I'm proud of him, weirdly.

"Whaaaaat??" All of them were in shock, but Namjoon and Jin looked the most surprised.

Jimin tugged the hem of my sleeve and pout. He looked like he was about to cry, along with Jungkook.

"Dear, don't cry.." I caress Jimin's cheek. I look at Jungkook, "you too, sweetie.."

"Nothing happened, sweethearts." I peck both of the corner of their eyes, "And you all know I don't pick favorites."

"Yeah, stop pestering our Y/n you rascals." Yoongi said.

I chuckle, "They didn't pester me yoongi, I just wanted them to know~"

"You spoil them too much." Yoongi said, "they'll be spoiled brats in the long run."

"Though, I'll spoil all of you equally." I chuckle.

"But, to be completely honest.. I'm quite envious of them, sweetie." Namjoon said, coming closer to me.

"Same here." Hoseok said with his resonant yet husky voice.

"Sweetie, how are you going to make it up for us hmm..?" Yoongi ask, "though, we're not as patient as those brats."



"Go calm all of your hormones by yourself!" He continued. "Seriously!"

We all laugh at his mom's instincts.

"Hyung, calm down will ya~" Hoseok tried to contain his laughter.


Innocent ey?

I chuckle, "Alright, alright~ calm down honey, thanks for protecting me Jinnie~" I kissed him on the cheek.

Then I felt a sudden dread and uneasy feeling. It was full of unknown aura yet it made me feel uncomfortable as it was out of the blue.


"We'll discuss it later."

After that, I bid my goodbyes to the boys and went straight home.

Time skip

The city spread below me, and the world suddenly felt so wide and free as I hovered right above it. Lights glittered everywhere just liked stars dropping to the earth, huge and small buildings collided in a mixture of shadow and geometry, tiny vehicles rushing along tangled lines of streets creating twisting threads of light, they all intertwined together in a magnificent mess of dream.

My lovely mother, I wish to bring her out of the small house we live in. I'll provide her an apartment in Gangnam, it'll at least cost a million dollars or so. I already got some money from my commission and discovery experiment at Oxford, they'll be calling me tomorrow as it marks my first day teaching there and I've got a feeling they would call too.

I take in a breath full of nothingness and heave a plentiful sigh.

How long has it been since I arrived on Earth? I thought I would be lonely, or missing my home world.. But I don't feel lonely at all. Being a god is tiring, but now, for some reason, I don't feel tired anymore.

"Master, about what happened earlier this afternoon.."

"..I don't know, foxy."

"That's the first time I've heard that phrase from you, master."

"Then let's hope it'll be the last time you'll hear that from me."

End of ch. 6