
5ª Progenitor in DXD

After having an accident and being in a coma. His soul was transmigrated to the world of Strike the Blood where he was turned into a progenitor against his will and in his revolt became a tyrannical demon king. Until the day he was defeated and killed only to wake up in his original body in his old world, and he decided to live in peace. Only to find that his world was far more dangerous than he realizes. Can a demon king live a normal life of gods and devils?

history_Experiment · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

partial awakening

When he woke up, Leon thoughtfully reflected on his future. It was obvious he wasn't in a flower world like he thought his world was. Now, he had no idea if that monster was something normal in his world or just some rare creature.

"Alright. Remember everything you learned in the other world and how to deal with threats, there was also a time when you were a rookie" Leon said to himself, remembering the things that happened in his past from the other world. world. He started as a noob who barely had control over his familiars. Even so, he managed to survive for several years with Sakuya's help in teaching him about the common sense of that word. He was even captured by the other progenitors and placed in the fairies' coffin.

He became a person capable of dealing with most monsters that existed in his ancient world. But, that was when he was at the height of his power. Now he was a human with the soul of a vampire.

His body was no longer as powerful as before and his magic power was much less dense than before. He had just discovered that he still had his familiar with him. Which meant it was only a matter of time before his soul adjusted his body and made him a progenitor again or his familiar devoured all his vital energy.

"Fine. First I need to lower the frequency I use my familiar... I need to train my body to withstand the familiar's power first" Leon nodded to himself. He understood the situation, having his familiar devour his vital energy would be terrible. After all, he just came back to life, dying now would be a waste

"I have to be the hunter too. I can't allow myself to be the prey, I have to always be one step ahead, I won't let anyone oppress me"

Leon stated his rules for handling his situation. Afterward, he stood up stretching his arms to finally go to the wardrobe and choose an outfit that suited him.

A sports set. It was a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt that warmed and made their bodies comfortable with the changes that were already being made in their bodies by his parent soul. He could already feel it when he went out during the day, the sun stinging his skin.

He was no failure to let the sun defeat him. But, it doesn't change the fact that the sun really bothers his skin. Despite feeling the discomfort, he saw it as a good sign. He would become a full vampire before his familiar sucked all the life energy out of him. That was a reason to celebrate.

After getting dressed. He passed by Sakuya's room who was sleeping curled up with a doll similar to him and smiled lightly before closing the bedroom door. He already saw that she was fine and decided to leave the mansion and look for somewhere more free to train her body.

Walking the streets of Kyoto, he watched people coming and going from everywhere resembling some kind of festival. Of course, he got some dirty looks from some sides. Mainly by bullies, which he discovered on the spot. It was obvious that they didn't like Leon because of his looks. But, he ignored, that xenophobia was everywhere and in every country.

Passing through the city center. He followed his instincts and continued to walk to a relatively large temple in the city. The temple caught his attention not only for its beauty but for the energy emanating from the temple.

It was powerful and very similar to the magical power emanating from it. Just much purer and less aggressive. He was on the alert about what was in the temple. So he became cautious and locked all of his magic power into his body using the limited ability he had left to hide his presence. An assassin technique he learned from a clan of demons mixed with humans who served him in the Latin empire

When he took the first step toward the temple. He heard the rustle of weeds moving and looked back quickly, not wanting to be caught off guard by anything. Closing your guard and prepare for an attack. The unexpected happened.

An injured little girl stumbled out of the bushes limping towards the direction of time with tears in her eyes

"Mommy" She cried. when falling to the ground when something caught her leg

Leon widened his eyes as he saw a mixture of a snake and a man pulling the little girl's leg and looking at her with a wicked smile.


"don't run princess... it will be worse if you run" The snake laughed

"You... You're dead... My mom will find out" The little girl whimpered putting her hands on her head to protect herself "She's going to kill you"

"Kill me... I doubt it... I'll kill you... now that I've received Kira-Sama's power" The man screamed in ecstasy and his eyes glowed a latent red.

"Kyaaa" The little girl cringed, screaming and trembling in fear as she felt a danger she didn't understand.

"Hey... Who gave you that child?" A cold voice caught their attention.

Both the snake man and the little girl looked in the direction the voice came from and saw Leon with a furious grimace and his eyes were glowing an intense red. Leon had his hands in his pockets and was taking careless steps that looked like amateurs.

Which was a complete lie. A simple act to trick the enemy into thinking he was facing an amateur. The only thing that failed in Leon's act to look fragile was that instead of a cute aura. From him came a toxic black aura, seeming to melt everything around him.


Leon was too furious to bother deceiving the enemy.

"I asked you who gave you this child!" Leon growled aggressively at the snake man who looked at the little girl who was crying scared and dropped his fist as he looked at Leon

"Who the hell are you Go away! That's none of your business" The Snake Man yelled and pointed his finger at Leon. From the snake man's fingertip, a fireball appeared, and the snake man shot the fireball at Leon "Die"

"That's bad, I don't have enough power to summon Gorgon... come on Leon think what to do... You are the hunter and not the prey" Leon bit his lip as he saw the fireball come to him and rolled over to the side dodging the flame that hit a kind of barrier in the temple falling apart. He then looked at the little girl and had an idea "it's all or nothing"

"Why?" The snake man yelled in surprise at something "my attack should have destroyed the barrier"

Realizing that the snake man was shocked by something. Leon thought fast and ran towards the snake man not giving the snake man a chance to react. Leon punched the snake man in the face causing him to swing to the side and fall to the ground.

Wasting no time. Leon grabbed the little girl and pulled her towards him jumping backward with great speed away from the snake man. But, I wasn't enough to run away, as the snake's tail attacked him, throwing him away and piercing his rib.

Leon not giving in to the pain hugged the little girl and turned around preventing her from falling with him on top of her crushing her.

"You are well?" Leon asked calmly getting up with blood running down his rib cage.

"Ummm, did you save me?" The little girl whimpered and widened her eyes "Uncle, you're bleeding"

"Yes, I'm Leon! What's your name?" Leon asked thoughtfully stroking the little girl's head.

"I'm Kunou" The little girl replied trying not to cry "Uncle you have to get out of here... you're going to die"

"Don't worry... Kunou-chan... this wound is nothing... but... I need you to do something for me" Leon spoke calmly and with a smile.

"What do you need?" Kunou asked worried about the seriously injured man who was protecting her

"Blood... I need blood" Leon said sweating showing his red eyes to Kunou "I need blood to defeat that man"

"Uncle, are you a vampire?" Kunou asked fearfully. She had heard the legends of vampires and thought they were terrible monsters. But there was one in front of her protecting her

"Yes... I'm a vampire and I'm weak... if I don't have blood I'll die" Leon spoke the truth. He needed blood and didn't even know if his body could handle receiving blood. After all, only his soul was a parent, his body was still human. Then there would be a chance that the blood would not be accepted by his body. At the same time, the magical beasts inside him were absorbing life energy from him and the wound on him was killing him faster.

He had no choice but to take a risk. He needed blood to at least keep fighting. Now. It was all or nothing… Either he would go back to being a progenitor in the body, or he would die.

"Uncle, I give you my blood... but... save my guards!" Kunou whimpered taking the clothes off her shoulder

Leon looked at Kunou's small and fragile neck and made his decision. He bit her neck causing the loli to whimper in pain and blood rushed to his throat. It didn't take a lot of blood to make the magic power inside Leon go crazy.

"don't ignore me" The snake man screamed and attacked

He launched many fireballs in the direction of Leon and Kunou who remained still. It was at that moment that a black mist appeared before the two and protected them from the powerful fire attack that broke apart.

"What the hell happened?" The snake man screamed in terror

"Thank you so much Kunou-Chan, even though it wasn't enough to wake up any of the 6, it gave me enough power to deal with this idiot," Leon said gently putting Kunou on the ground who staggered and looked at him confused. She raised her hand when she saw that Leon was going to the snake man, but she couldn't say anything to ask him to run away, as Kunou had no more strength.

"You caused a lot of trouble creatures...die knowing you were useless" Leon squinted at the snake man and raised his hand making a ball of energy form in his hand"You weren't a complete waste, I woke up thanks to you"


The energy beam flew from Leon's hand through space at great speed and hit the petrified snake man completely in the chest without even saying a last goodbye.

The surrounding ground was completely petrified and cracked.

"Looks like I'm back" Leon joked touching his rib and seeing that the wound had already disappeared and then looked at the snake man "Child... who put him there?"


Kunou watched from afar a little tired from the loss of blood. But, vu Leon looked sadly at the snake man. She didn't understand why her savior was sad for her abuser.

That's when a light shone on the snake man's body making her worried. She shivered at the snake man's finger to have survived

"Calm down Kunou-chan... this child is harmless" From the snake man's body came a small glowing serpent that snaked towards Leon.

He raised his hand with a smile and the little snake rubbed its head on his arm, seeming to be enjoying Leon's touch.

"It's okay now little one" Leon whispered caressing the little snake and looking at Kunou "I see... so that's what happened... Come on... I have a job for you"

Leon spoke and the little snake made a little noise as he approached Kunou.

Leon knelt in front of Kunou running his hand over her head making the loli purr.

"Kunou-chan, this is Tsuki... a small magical beast taken from its original master" Leon spoke caressing the little snake "She is an orphan... her original owner was killed... she needs someone to take care of her. .. unfortunately my magical beasts aren't very receptive… Kunou-chan… can you take care of her?"

Kunou looked at the small snake in Leon's hand and hesitated for a second thinking about the pros and cons she would have to taking care of the beast that came out of the snake man. She then looked at the snake man's petrified corpse and discovered that what was petrified there was no longer a snake man but a normal man with scales.

Kunou didn't understand what happened. She was even scared, but at the same time. She as a smart girl understood that what made the man snake by the pound was the little snake

"Will I become like… him? If I stay with her?" Kunou pointed at the petrified man with a bit of hesitation

"ha ha, of course not, Kunou-chan… It wouldn't last more than a week if he continued like that… that man is pure proof of what happens if you put a familiar on a being not fit to have a familiar" Leon stroked Kunou's head, laughing gently, but his words showed resentment for what was done to the little snake"Kunou-chan, this little snake is already attached to me... I'll take care of providing her with what she needs to survive! She will only stay with you because it would be too dangerous for her to stay with me... an annoying snake wouldn't tolerate having to share space with another familiar other than the ones that already exist in me"

"I see! I'll take care of her" Kunou shouted excitedly taking the little snake from Leon's hand and the little snake wrapped itself around her arm gently going up to Kunou's neck. At the same time, something unbelievable happened. Kunou's body glowed and showed fox ears and tail scaring Leon"hu? my cover is gone?"

Leon looked at Kunou with a little fright but calmed down. He was no stranger to Beast people. They were the most common among demons. He just didn't know there were demons in this world

"Uncle, I'm a kyubi... you don't have a problem with Kyubi, do you?" Kunou asked worriedly holding the little snake around her neck

"Of course not... I'm a person who loves cuteness" Leon joked, stroking Kunou's head before saying anything else. He felt something coming with great speed and didn't seem hostile so he laughed "We'll see you around Kunou-chan"

"Sakuya, I know you're there, let's go... you have a lot to explain to me," Leon said looking up with his eyes closed

"Yes master let's go" Sakuya spoke dejectedly from a place that Kunou can't see and then Leon's body turned into mist disappearing

Leaving Kunou alone looking around not finding Leon anywhere


"Kunou" That's when she heard her mother's worried voice from Afar. Upon hearing her mother's voice. Kunou finally gave herself the right to cry.

"Mom I'm here" Kunou cried and the little snake passed its head on Kunou's face to cheer her up which worked a little, but it didn't let Kunou fully calm down that she kept crying

From the forest, Kunou's mother jumped towards her daughter as she widened her eyes to see her daughter with injuries and ran to her daughter and hugged her "By Amaterasu, Kunou what happened?"

"Yasaka-Sama..." Someone called out to her and Yasaka turned a little emotional to widen her eyes at the sight of the petrified statue.

"Again? What's going on here?" Yasaka asked shocked "Kunou, what happened?"

"daddy saves me"

"What?" That was the shock of everyone who was arriving from Kunou's guard and Kunou's mother as Kunou didn't have anything like a father