
5ª Progenitor in DXD

After having an accident and being in a coma. His soul was transmigrated to the world of Strike the Blood where he was turned into a progenitor against his will and in his revolt became a tyrannical demon king. Until the day he was defeated and killed only to wake up in his original body in his old world, and he decided to live in peace. Only to find that his world was far more dangerous than he realizes. Can a demon king live a normal life of gods and devils?

history_Experiment · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

back home

"This is the end?" Akatsuki Leon complained about a smile "I think that with this the sacred pact won't fall apart"

Everything around him was destroyed as if an atomic bomb had been dropped where he was.

He was lying on the ground with a spear piercing his chest and blood was pouring out of his body. He could finally rest.

Stop being the Demon King of Chaos. Stop being a monster to the world. He would now be just another corpse and not the emperor of the Latin Empire which. He forcefully conquered an entire continent

His sons would be free to rule and the people can

"Ni-San" Akatsuki Kojou ran towards Leon, but, a white-haired girl in maid clothes appeared in front of him protecting Leon's body.

"Sakuya, get out, we need to save him" Kojou yelled

"Save it how?" Sakuya coldly replied "My master sacrificed everything for you his beloved little brother... even if he is adopted"

Sakuya's tone had anger in the background, from his voice

"I will make sure no one soils his corpse and then I will kill myself" Sakuya touched Leon's body and placed a paper on it

"What do you mean? What's the point of him sacrificing himself for me?" Kojou yelled, clenching his fists at Sakuya.

"You must know more than anyone... ask your blood servant" Sakuya coldly looked at Kojou and made a motion with his fingers "That the world cannot support 5 progenitors"

"It can not be..."

"Senpai...." Himeragi Yukina spoke for the first time catching Kojou's attention "She's right... A fifth progenitor is a reason for the holy war to start again... the fear of some powerful ones for the increase of vampire power it's too much for the world to overcome"

"Yes... Yes... Kojou... let your big brother rest" Leon sighed wearily and looked at the Sekaron in his chest piercing straight into his heart.

"master" Sakuya shuddered to let a tear fall and fell hugging Leon

"It's okay... Sakuya... I want you to take care of that idiot and not let him die..." Leon placed his hand on Sakuya's head, stroking it gently before closing his eyes and letting his life drain and his hand falls limp beside him "I will finally rest"

"Master!! Don't leave me!" Sakuya yelled in desperation and Koujo tried to go hug his brother. But at the same moment, Leon's body started to glow in the blink of an eye. he disappeared with Sakuya who was hugging him

"What the hell just happened?" Kojou yelled desperately "Where did they take my brother?"

"Senpai" Himeragi shook his head with a confused look "you don't have a brother"

"What are you talking about?" Kojou blushed at Himeragi and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket" look here he is"

Kojou went to the photo gallery and showed a picture of Nagisa to Himeragi who raised an eyebrow

"Senpai... this is Nagisa" Himeragi whispered

"Don't play with me....how?" Kojou screamed and looked at the picture and was shocked


A Teenager groaned, slowly opening his eyes to see a completely white ceiling that he was unaware of. He thought of all sorts of scenarios that could have happened.

Since he survived being stabbed through the heart by Himeragi's spear and was in the hospital. But when he looked at his hands he saw something that shouldn't be in his body.

The lack of the red tattoos that came with the curse of immortality. He was also thin, very thin. At the bridge of much of being close to what they call flesh and blood

Not to mention the fact that his body was weak enough that he couldn't even lift his head. It was agonizing for him to lie in that bed for hours until finally a nurse passing by saw him with his eyes open.

She ran away before he could call her and he already imagined she went to call island security to arrest him or even the lion king's organization.

But when the nurse came back. She was surrounded by doctors who ran to him asking many things he didn't even know about himself.

It was at that moment that he realized. The question was asked, he knew how to answer that single question with all the strength that his body had

The question was about his parents' names which he spoke of as Natsuki, Gajou, and Mimori. The people who raised him in the other world. But, it was wrong according to the doctors.

His mother's name was Vivian Akatsuki and Akashi Akatsuki was dead with him in the car accident.

"It can't be..." The boy lamented in pure and extreme surprise "I'm back..."

"So... your guardian will come for you," The doctor said leaving the boy confused

"I don't have..." The boy tried to speak when someone came running through the door.

"Master..." He recognized the voice instantly and gasped

Just looked to the side out of the corner of his eye as he didn't have enough energy to turn his head. The boy saw a young woman wearing a doctor outfit with white hair

She took the boy's hand with a look wet with tears of happiness.

"Let's go home"

"Sakuya?" Leon asked looking at the girl without reaction. Her lips quivered, and her voice cracked, "How are you…here?"

Sakuya chuckled gently making her beauty even more evident then. She frowned as she looked at the doctor who was still in the room watching them and Sakuya looked at him steadily

"What are you still doing here?...go away"

Hearing Sakuya's words. The doctor's shoulders stiffened, and his eyes went dead as if he'd been hypnotized.

"Yes..." The doctor spoke emotionlessly and turned his back leaving the room leaving Sakuya and Leon alone.

Leon struggled to lift his head and received a hand from Sakuya on his forehead who gently pushed him onto the pillow. She placed herself in Leon's field of vision and smiled gently with her eyes still watering.

"Master don't strain. Your body is still weak" Sakuya whispered turning the head of his forehead as if he were some kind of extremely fragile object which. She could easily accidentally destroy


Having Sakuya close to him made Leon much more relaxed. Even though it doesn't make any sense and why he was back in his old body which he wasn't sure was his true old body. it was comforting

Sakuya had been with him since he couldn't remember. Before he was even sealed in the fairy coffin. He could remember the day he'd met her a long time ago.

When the other Progenitors with the help of some still divine beings who were unaffected by the sinful god's curse, created him with Avrora

At the same moment, he fled, as Avrora was something more attractive to the Progenitors than he was. Since his magical beasts were slightly weaker than Avrora's making him something more like a normal progenitor

It was during his escape that he encountered a group of humans fanatical about the sinful god wanting to burn a girl who was no more than 15 years old. Not knowing what to do and scared. Leon summoned the most powerful of his 6 familiars

Tiamat is a western dragon of 70 meters in length and wingspan. The huge dragon just appeared and with a single roar turned the village to rubble killing all the fanatics and villagers.

Not knowing what to do when he saw that everyone was dead. Leon thought about running away, but at the last moment, he heard the grotto cough and tried to save it.

That's when he created his first blood servant who followed him for his entire existence. Even after he was captured by the other progenitors and sealed in the fairies' coffin. She continued to search for him until she finally found him in that terrorist attack that woke Avrora and him.

"I understand you're worried," Leon said with a sigh at Sakuya's executive concern "but I'm fine... the question is how are you here?"

"Well... The truth is"


1st person

I couldn't believe what Sakuya said. It wasn't possible. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye for a few seconds, and she smiled kindly. It was like not being able to move normally.

The question was. When I died, my body glowed and light swallowed Sakuya along with me, and she woke up in an ancient mansion in a place with red skies and no moon or sun.

A strange place... the worst thing was that she was a child, what she is no longer looking at her, I can see that she is even bigger than when we first met.

The house she was in suffered some sort of attack and a group of winged soldiers attacked her. All with crow's wings as dark as night itself... she must be romanticizing

The soldiers attacked her with weapons made of light... ability to control light, huh? I haven't seen it in a while. The issue was that she had a very young body and couldn't fight, even her ability to stop time was weak.

That's when according to her… Sakuya screamed for me and Articuno my 4th familiar appeared before her and froze all the winged soldiers with everything around thousands of kilometers from where she was. After summoning Articuno, she fled from where she was and was finally able to use the power of the mist as she was a blood servant. A vampire who was born human and was

transformed by a pure vampire or a free-blooded Servant.

She managed to teleport to the real world after many attempts to where she had wandered for centuries. Until she gets the position of doctor and finds me in japan.

According to her... she was ordered to come to Japan 14 years ago. The year that the self before going to Isekai was born. I see... Articuno must have recognized my soul when I was born...

"Sorry, Sakuya... I kept you waiting again" I said regretfully with a sad look.

"Master... from now on... you will never leave me again!" Sakuya spoke with a serious look and took my hand "We'll be together forever"


"Strong! Maybe, he can help me defeat Baka-red"

"Mrs. Ophis? Are you okay?"


After leaving the hospital and finding out that Sakuya was his new one. It took Leon a few months to fully recover from the physical damage caused by the way. He already stayed at the Sakuya house without even having anything to declare. Normally, he would go to her parents' house. But utilizing his disability and being a minor Leon's relatives squandered all of Leon's parents' money and assets.

Sakuya's mansion was something phenomenal. Certainly the salary of a star doctor who, before becoming a progenitor and having dominated the South American continent and almost having caused the demonic war to start again when he was freed from the fairy coffin

"Well, since Sakuya's gone to the hospital, I'm going to check on a few things" Leon whispered after looking around the house and not seeing anyone around. There was not a single maid or butler in that gigantic mansion. Sakuya lived a life of solitude without him

Sitting cross-legged. Leon closed his eyes, relaxing. He stood there for hours without moving a single inch as if he were some kind of statue. While he was meditating, some red lines were faintly forming on his body.

It was the ones who did, Leon twitching his brow in disgust. He could feel the almost infinite magic power surrounding him as if there was no tomorrow. Of course, it wasn't even close to the dense magic power he had before. Leon realized that his magic power didn't lose potency in size, but in density.

He sighed that he hadn't been human again when Sakuya spoke of the Articuno. He first thought that she had somehow returned with his soul to this world, and only she was powerful, and her blood servant instincts had brought her to him feeling his soul.

But, it was at this point that he realized the fact that his soul was already the soul of a vampire. He had the soul of a progenitor, the only thing that changed was his body which was that he was now a human with the soul of a vampire. He no longer had all the physical power and trickery that the 5th progenitors' body had

Leon realized that was why he was already recovering so quickly. His progenitor soul was healing his body and quickly making him more salvageable. Which was irritating for him. He came to the normal world after thinking he had died.

He is now a freak in a world where the freaks are just him and Sakuya.

Opening eyes. Leon huffed and fell back onto the cold floor with an annoyed expression.

"I feel sorry for Kojou and Nagisa... Being adopted by Mimori when I went to spy on the island was something completely surprising that I did not react to go against... thanks to that... kojou and Nagisa will bond too much on me"

"Despite all the despite. I finally got back away from a world full of demons. I'm human again, and I can live in peace in this peaceful world"

Leon looked at the ceiling and lay there gray until his stomach rumbled and he looked at the table where he had all the food he loved the most.

"Besides... I have my sweet Sakuya with me... hehehe" Leon ran to the table and started picking up some loose pieces of food. He started with the turkey leg and took a bite.

"Umm mm! Sakuya's food is the best"


"What do you mean, you want to resign?" An above-average-looking young man dressed in business clothes asked angrily "You are the best doctor in the country... Think about it Sakuya Izayoi... why do you want to fire me?"

"I'm sorry sir Nakata" Sakuya bowed slightly sad on the outside "But, I have something important to take care of"

"What's so important?... Are you getting married and want to give up your career to be a housewife?" Nakata asked chuckling, as Sakuya was always someone who wasn't susceptible to flirting. She ignored all the flirtations of all the men and women and even the flirtations of Nakata who once even asked the gods for Sakuya to give him some more personal attention.

"Ummm" Sakuya just waved "please! Accept my resignation"

That was enough to make Nakata's eyes go dead and his skin pale. His heart was destroyed

"Yes..." Nakata replied in an unfocused voice almost as if he was drunk and clueless

"thank you sir Nakata" Sakuya bowed gratefully and turned to leave the hospital director's office

"Wait... Izayoi" Nakata came back to reality and in an unexpected action grabbed Sakuya's arm. He had to stop her. He pulled out a pocket compass from he as he pulled it out "You can't go... think about your future... think about us"

Nakata spoke seriously shaking the compass. He smiled inwardly remembering when he got the compass from a deal he made with a demon. He gained the power to hypnotize people and always got what he wanted least Izayoi.

He never dared to use the compass on her either because he liked her or because something told him it wouldn't work. But he was desperate

He had to and he did. When Sakuya looked at him and her eyes focused on the compass that glowed.

{She's mine!} Nakata thought smug seeing Sakuya's eyes turn red like most people who looked at the compass.

Nakata leaned over to place his hand on Sakuya's waist as Sakuya's hand gripped Nakata's hand so tightly it made Nakata wince.

"Ahhhh" Nakata yelled kneeling down in front of Izayoi who looked at him with an icy and furious look.

"Don't touch me you filthy trash… the only one who can touch me is the master" Sakuya squeezed Nakata's arm tighter making a snap and then his eyes went to the compass and narrowed "A low-quality magical object made for hypnosis? As expected, it wasn't as rubbish as you to be the director of a hospital."

Sakuya shook his head as he spoke venomous words to Nakata who twisted his lips almost crying. She then smiled and looked at him deep into her eyes.

"I'll show you what true Hypnosis is," Sakuya said with a cruel smile and with her eyes glowing red causing a kind of black mist to come out of her body "You filthy trash, will abandon your position and never spend all your money in bitches and booze until you pick a fight and get killed"

Sakuya's words were cruel and cold which made Nakata's eyes go cold and lose focus as if he had died.

"I understand my lady," Nakata said without emotion letting the compass fall to the floor and getting up with slumped shoulders going out of the room leaving Sakuya alone who could the compass destroy.

"hump... what a fool" Sakuya clicked his tongue "such a weak artifact shouldn't even be worth the price of an ice cream... what did this idiot pay for the artifact?"

"It doesn't matter... I have to go back to the master" Sakuya hummed and her body shimmered with her doctor outfit being subsisted by a maid outfit "that's better"

She smiled once more it became mist disappearing from the room.


"Alright... I now have to find out what happened to everyone while I was away... punish my treacherous family and see what the hell is this strange and scary energy that watches me" Leon spoke to himself while writing some things. in his notebook when he saw a mist materialize in front of him

Out of the mist came the maid he liked best. His Blood servant wearing her maid uniform looked at him and bowed

"Master! I'm back" Sakuya said laughing softly

"Did you solve what you had to solve?" Leon asked closing the notebook and looking at Sakuya

"Yes, Master!" Sakuya spoke with a smile

"I'm glad... I'd like you to find someone for me" Leon said seriously.

"Who?" Sakuya asked

"Two people, Tsubaki Shinra and Sona Sitri" Leon spoke looking at Sakuya

"who would they be?" Sakuya asked narrowing his eyes

"Childhood friends, people I spent most of my childhood with... apparently my parents had business with Sona's older sister," Leon said relaxingly "Please... Sakuya... is a favor... they are the closest I have to a family after you"

"Yes, master! I'll find them" Sakuya clenched his fist and smiled not resisting her master's sad words "I'm sorry for going against you sir"

Leon laughed and stood up calmly, gathering his energy to keep up with his weak body, and hugged Sakuya with all the strength he had leaving the maid red and with a very suspicious smile on her face.

"I love you... Izayoi" Leon whispered and then looked into her eyes. "Don't confront them... I just want to know how they are and not meet them, understand?"

"Umm, I will find them right now" Sakuya whimpered happily nodding his head, but in her mind, there was only one thing "He called my first name!"

She was exactly happy if she could. She would scream and cheer as if her team had beaten their rival 5-0. But as she was a servant it would be.

Sakuya didn't... not there...

"You can do it tomorrow! Come sit with me and let's watch" Leon said stepping to the side and placing his hand on Sakuya's waist.

"Yes master" Sakuya spoke politely and put his hand around Leon helping him to move as he was still weakened. When the two arrived on the couch, Sakuya laid Leon's head in her lap and started stroking his head until he fell asleep.

"Sitri and Shinra, huh?" Sakuya grumbled with a murderous look "I'm going to see who these are who want to take my master away from me"

Sakuya finally showed an annoyed, distorted face that she never showed in front of Leon. A side she never showed Leon the jealous side of her.
