
3rd Sibling of a family of birds

"Stranded in a desolate parking lot, Alexandra's life takes an unexpected turn when her old car refuses to start. Little does she know, her mundane existence is about to collide with the ethereal. A mysterious god-being grants her three unique wishes, catapulting her into the vibrant world of RWBY. Reborn with extraordinary abilities, Alex faces a journey filled with twists, challenges, and the unpredictability of fate. Embark on a thrilling adventure where life, death, and the unknown converge in a tale that transcends realms and expectations."

SirHellKid · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

A new Start.

In a mystical realm, a young girl floated motionless, as though she had slumbered for an eternity. The surface of this realm exhibited a strange, floating quality.Her eyelids, previously closed, fluttered open with a startle, revealing nothing in her immediate view.

Overwhelmed by confusion and disorientation, she pushed herself upright, her gaze wandering into the endless expanse of this unfamiliar realm—devoid of landmarks or reference points.As she pondered her circumstances, memories began to resurface.

Alexandra Blanca, after a mundane day on Earth, found herself stranded in a desolate parking lot due to her old car refusing to start. Regret gnawed at her, having spent her last abit of money on anime, leaving her without a means to get home that night.

Alexandra had just finished another long day at her dead-end job. Trudging across a dimly lit parking lot, her worn-out sneakers echoed against the concrete. The weight of her mundane existence bore down on her shoulders as her breath formed a cloud in the chilly night air. Rubbing her hands to keep warm.

Her battered car, a relic that had seen better days, sat lifeless in the corner of the parking lot. Knowing it wouldn't start, she tried the ignition one more time, the engine sputtering weakly before succumbing to silence.

Leaving the car behind, feeling as broken as the vehicle itself, she couldn't afford a bus ticket or ride-sharing services. Approaching a streetlight, Alexandra encountered a desperate attacker, driven to violence by their own desperation. The gleaming blade struck, and darkness enveloped her.

Clearing her head, Alexandra found herself in an ethereal realm where time flowed in a peculiar manner. Disorienting and ever-shifting, it defied her attempts to grasp its passage.With eyes wide with confusion and anxiety, she took in her surroundings. The realm, initially tranquil, had an otherworldly beauty. Time and space held little meaning, and the concept of minutes, hours, or days blurred.

Alexandra's attempts to measure time were futile. The realm's unchanging, ethereal landscape offered no clues. She felt suspended in a perpetual moment, unable to move.

As minutes turned into hours and hours into what might have been days, Alexandra's anxiety intensified. Tears welled up in her eyes as she grappled with isolation and uncertainty, feeling adrift in a sea of nothingness. In this moment of profound isolation, a radiant light manifested before her.

A figure of shifting and ethereal form regarded her with understanding, speaking resonantly, "Child of the mortal world, I sense your confusion and pain. You were not meant to arrive here in this manner, for it is not yet your time."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! I'm dead? I just wanted to go home!" she yelled in disbelief, her voice echoing through the ethereal emptiness. "I didn't get to watch my shows," she cried mournfully, a sense of disappointment and longing echoing in her ethereal surroundings.

As Alexandra spilled her lament about missing her shows, the god-being observed with a raised metaphysical brow. Clearing his throat, he began to say, "Little mortal, I empathize with the abrupt nature of your passing. Apologies for interrupting your existential moment, but we need to get things moving."

"Uh, sorry. I just needed to vent, but I've lost track of time, and it felt like I've been here for years." She admitted, a tinge of embarrassment coloring her words.

"Actually, it's only been five minutes." Alexandra's eyes widened

"Eh!?" disbelief evident in her expression.

"It's likely your ADHD acting up, and your anxiety and depression making their presence felt," the god-being added, a compassionate tone underlying the acknowledgment of her struggles.

With every word, Alex, short for Alexandra, felt a surge of embarrassment, each syllable like an arrow piercing her being. She started to trace circles on the nonexistent floor, a small cloud forming above her head, encapsulating the weight of her discomfort.

"Don't worry, I've got a little something for you, little mortal, that'll cheer you up!" The god-being beamed, a warm and reassuring smile gracing their features.

"Bring my life back," Alexandra pleaded, her eyes swelling with tears, a mix of desperation and hope evident in her gaze.

"Ack, no, how about I send you to a world you may know, little one," the god-being proposed.

"R-really?" Alexandra stammered, her eyes widening with newfound anticipation.

"Yes, any world of your choosing. Pick from any work of fiction—anime, cartoons, comics, manga, manhwa," the god-being offered, a twinkle of excitement in their eyes as they awaited Alexandra's decision.

Narrowing her eyes in suspicion, she said, "What's the catch? I know this song and dance. The whole reincarnate or reborn routine you gods or cosmic beings like to pull on people."

"I see, is it because of Aqua?" the god-being inquired, understanding the underlying issue.

"Yeah, ever since Konosuba anime, I wouldn't trust or that weird 'betrayed by the goddess' trope in so many manhwa/manga adaptations," Alexandra explained, her skepticism rooted in past fictional experiences.

Then, a sudden realization crossed Alexandra's face as she remembered an ero-manga that a friend had recommended—a title that sent shivers down her spine.

"Metamorphosis," she whispered, her expression shifting from suspicion to a mix of discomfort and reluctance.

A quake reverberated through the realm, as if millions of other characters sensed the disturbance, causing Alex to struggle to maintain her balance.

"Please don't say that name. To this day, every time it's brought up, it causes a reaction in this realm," The god pleaded, the memories tied to the name visibly affecting not only to the being but the very fabric of the ethereal surroundings.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. It's just that I have some trust issues. I've been very gullible to a lot of things, and now that I've learned my lesson growing up, it's been disappointment after disappointment," she explained with a pout. In a whisper, she added, "Being an adult sucks."

The god-being chuckles and replies, "No need to apologize, little one. Trust issues are a common affliction among mortals. Now, let's focus on the excitement of your newfound journey. Being an adult may have its challenges, but perhaps this world you're entering will offer something different."

"Wait a sec! I thought I had the power to choose where I'd reincarnate and what abilities I could use," exclaimed Alex, her brows furrowing in confusion.

The god-being chuckled softly, a glint of amusement in their eyes. "Apologies, little mortal, but your world was handpicked by a higher being, and the body you'll be using' in your reincarnation was also their choice."

Alex sighed, a mix of disappointment and resignation. "Well, I guess I'll have to roll with the cosmic flow then. So, what's this chosen world like, and what kind of body am I getting?" She asked, her curiosity piqued despite the initial shock.

"The body selected for you? None other than Madara Uchiha," declared the god with a mischievous glint.

"Oh, damn! But I wasn't signing up for a gender switch," exclaimed Alex, her surprise evident at inheriting Madara's form. An undertone of annoyance crept into her voice, grappling with the unexpected twist of taking on a male persona.

"No little one, The body chosen for you isn't the male Madara but an AU female version with the same skills," clarified the god-being

"Wait, what's the difference?" questioned Alex.

"The distinction between the male Madara and the female Madara lies in the biological standpoint," explained the god-being. "In this realm, the differences between female and male ninjas go beyond mere anatomy. Female ninjas often emphasize agility, flexibility, and finesse, while male ninjas may focus more on strength and endurance. It's a dynamic balance, each gender bringing unique strengths to the ninja arts."

"So, you're saying there's more to it than just the obvious anatomy?" Alex queried, her curiosity piqued.

"Exactly," replied the god-being. "In this world, female ninjas often excel in techniques that require agility and grace. They might prioritize speed and stealth. On the other hand, male ninjas may lean towards techniques emphasizing raw strength and endurance, making them formidable in head-on combat situations. It's a fascinating dynamic that adds depth to the ninja arts."

"Ah, so you mean it's like the power of male Madara versus the speed of the female version?" Alex sought clarification.

"Exactly," confirmed the god-being. "It's a nuanced dance between power and speed, each contributing to the unique strengths of male and female ninjas. As the female Madara, you'll have the opportunity to explore and master this delicate balance in the world you're about to enter."

"So, what world am I heading to then?" asked Alex.

The god-being replied, "The world you're heading to is the universe of RWBY, with a bit of a twist." They leaned in, an air of mystery surrounding the revelation.

"Wait, won't that be a bit absurd? I mean, sending someone as strong as the female Madara to the RWBY world?" questioned Alex, expressing concern about the potential mismatch in power dynamics.

The god-being acknowledged the valid point, "True, but I'm sending you during your new sibling's birth, and your memories will be sealed after. When you reach the age of 4," they explained. However, a solemn expression appeared as they continued, "But you're going to feel great pain during that time, little one."

Alex, still grappling with the idea, voiced her worries. "But wouldn't it be risky? I mean, the power of the female Madara in a world like RWBY might cause some unintended consequences. What if I end up disrupting the balance or causing harm?"

The god-being, maintaining a sense of gravity, responded, "Your concerns are valid. The balance in the world of RWBY is delicate, and introducing such a potent force could indeed lead to unforeseen consequences. However, I trust that the twists of fate will unfold as they should, and your journey will be both challenging and enlightening."

Despite the reassurance, Alex couldn't shake the unease, a sense of uncertainty lingering as she contemplated the intricate web of destinies about to unfold in her new reality.

"Wait, won't the two brother gods try to—," Alex made a throat-cutting motion with her hand, signifying potential danger.

"No, little one. You'll be protected from the senses of those gods. The only time they would notice you is when you have all the relics to summon them. But by the time they do, you'll be too strong," explained the god-being, providing reassurance amidst the potential threats lurking in the intricate threads of the universe.

"Now that we've off-tracked, let's begin. What would your three wishes be, little one?" said the god-being.

"Damn, I wanted to know more, but you're right. Let's begin. So, you said they can't be too overpowered, right?" Alex questioned, ready to embark on the journey of her chosen wishes.

"Exactly, little one. The wishes must be within reasonable bounds. So, what are your desires?" inquired the god-being, eager to grant the chosen wishes.

"Alright, let's keep it balanced. First wish, I want the ability to understand and speak any language. Second, I wish for enhanced learning capabilities, so I can absorb knowledge quickly. And for the third, I wish for the ability to transmute materials into gold effortlessly," Alex decided.

The god-being nodded, acknowledging the revised wishes. "Very well, your wishes are granted. May your journey in the world of RWBY be filled with wonders and challenges, little one."

As the god-being concluded the granting of wishes, a radiant light enveloped Alex felt a gentle pull, a sensation of transition, Overwhelmed with gratitude, Alex approached the god-being, her heart filled with a mixture of excitement and appreciation. Without hesitation, she embraced the divine figure in a heartfelt hug.

"Thanks, really. I didn't expect all this, but I appreciate the adventure you've set me on," she expressed sincerely.

The god-being, though ethereal, seemed to reciprocate the sentiment, and as they parted, a warm smile graced their features. "May your journey be extraordinary, little one. Farewell for now."

With anticipation and a twinge of nervous excitement, Alex embraced the unknown, stepping into the next chapter of her existence. The world of RWBY awaited her, and destiny unfolded its tapestry, weaving threads of adventure and discovery in the intricate design of her chosen path.

See ya next time

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