
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Eye for an eye


Millie & X 


As soon as the words fall from Stephanie's mouth that Millie is in trouble I book it out of the door. 

I practically fly down the stairs, holding onto the railing for support but jumping four stairs at a time. 

Time is of the essence, every second that passes is a second closer to Millie's death. I don't know Dani's motive here but I can only assume the worst. 

I'm finally on the third level of the house, sprinting through the hall. 

I hear Stephanie and Julian behind me, gasping for air as they try to keep up for Millie's sake. 

A thunderous bang fills my ears and my heart plummets immediately. A gunshot. I want to fall to my fucking knees and die. 

"No!" Stephanie cries out but continues running behind. 

"309! It's 309!" Stephanie sobs breathlessly. 

312, 311, 310, 309! 

I instantaneously slide my master keycard in the door. 

"Fuck, hurry up!" I scream out kicking the door. 

Fucks sake an eternity later the green light appears. 

I hastily open the door barging through. 

It's too late. 

The job has been done..

An ear-piercing screech emits the room, it's Stephanie. 

My whole body stiffens at the image in front of me. 

Blood everywhere. 

Blood cascades the hardwood floors, drips from the black leather couch, and splattered on the walls. 

"Holy shit, I'll call Stone," Julian remarks from behind me. 

I make eye contact with the killer. 

"You made quite a mess baby," Is the only thing I say with a smile on my face. 



Blood drips from my hands, but not my own. 

You see, I'm not as inexperienced and weak as everyone makes me out to be. As a teenage daughter of a police officer, I took self-defense classes, I was taught to remain calm, study my surroundings, and execute a plan. 

So I did. 

I played Nick and Dani's little game as I scoped out the environment, their weapons, and who would I take out first. 

I asked them unnecessary questions, except the last one of course while I untied my hands. 

How did I do that? Simple. Nick was inexperienced in the whole playing field. I held my hands in a way that allowed space for me to untangle myself. Rookie..

I allowed them to slap me around and for Dani to cut me to think that they had the upper hand, let them feel confident in their abilities to take me down. I won't lie, there were times I believed I was living my last moments. 

After I asked my last question and Dani confessed to drugging me and stealing my baby from me, I continued talking to keep their guard down and annoy them as they glanced at each other bothered. 

I took my chance when they looked at each other to bitch about me, since Nick had the pistol I went for him first. I kneed him in the jewels and head-butted him, he fell to the ground with confusion. I immediately grabbed the gun and hit Dani over the head with it, causing her to fall to the ground but not enough to knock her out, I wanted her fretful and aware when I took her life. 

Nick, I didn't give a shit about, so I took the knife that fell out of Dani's hands and immediately cut his throat, blood spewing from the carotid artery. Dani faltered back with fear and surrendered her hands up. 

I shook my head no, nope not happening. 

I walked over to her as she begged my name but I ignored her pathetic pleas. 

"Haven't you ever heard Dani, an eye for an eye? You took something very special from me and now you have to pay the consequences," I said making sure to sound as emotionless and psychotic as possible. 

She apologized blah blah, meant as little as shit to me. 

I pointed the pistol at her frightened face, "now you get to be with your sister, in hell," I said before I shot her. 

Which brings us to now, the blood dripping from my hands and probably everywhere on my body, to be honest. 

X looks at me bewildered, shocked, confused, and above all else madly in love. If I didn't know any better I'd say he has a hard-on. 

So how come I didn't press X more about Dani from the time Steph told me about the drink incident? I'm not as weak as I come across. I had my own revenge and ideas, like Dani had said, eye for an eye and I wanted my own vengeance. Mess with someone I love and it's over for you. I had no idea this was how it would all go down but it is what it is and it's over now. 

I have said before that I promised I would never take another life, I've always been known to keep my promises but maybe I should be known as a liar now. 

The adrenaline is still coursing through me like bolts of electricity as I watch everyone scramble, and make phone calls and I just stand here watching prideful knowing I deleting two horrible people from the world. 

Hey, I never claimed to be a saint, you just made me out to be one.