
18. Ski trip revelations

Jonathan Pov:

Some people may argue that constantly spying on your family using hyper advanced drones that can rearrange anything on a subatomic scale while not telling them that you know actually everything about them except their private stuff is ethically questionable and I agree 100%. But unfortunately I am paranoid.

Let's see, I need to stop LGBTQIA, make certain my son's love life doesn't become a tragedy, fostering deeper feelings in a girl who was born with the genetic memories of how to kill dragons who is also in love with my son while not knowing he is a dragon also that she has been hunting him for months, making certain a nuclear war doesn't start because of some fat politicians, secretly protecting my son using a alter ego, constantly refining a believable story to convince my wife, investing resources in order to protect my future daughter in law's family, protecting my family from many corporate bastards in who wants to use them as leverage against me and my business and monitoring the huntsclan's movement.

So, I'm just going to give myself a pat on the back for doing everything as an average guy. Good job me. At that moment J.A.R.V.I.S said," Sir, tomorrow is Mr. Jake's annual ski trip and I have also detected suspicious movements from the huntsclan in the area of the ski lodge where Mr. Jake's class will stay." " Send in two phantom and three assault units. Arm them with infrared decomposition rifles." I ordered.

" Our military activities are already causing suspicions on many intelligence agencies but due to the lack of any leads they can't find anything for the time being." Said J.A.R.V.I.S. I asked " What's your advice?" " Uh, I might be able to help with that." Said CORTANA. "Listen, CORTANA both you and Skynet have some history. For that reason I have failsafes against you two but I would prefer it if I didn't have to put those failsafes at all. So, speak freely and that goes for you as well, Skynet." Skynet said in a robotic voice," Kidnap huntsgirl and show her the location of her family, use nano swarms and destroy all bases in one fell swoop. Chances of success are 99.99%" " Hey, you stole my lines." Complained CORTANA.

" Yes, it's possible but the problem is the flow of events. If we do that the butterfly effect will literally change things beyond the original timeline and the universe will become a shit show and the memories of Rose were wiped from the minds of her parents. So, let's just wait and I will send a few wood clones to monitor everything." I just rubbed my forehead and muttered to myself," You better marry her Jakearoo."

Central park:

Jake and Rose are building a snowman and it's a snowman like the hundreds of others around them but they feel it's unique after all making it together with the person you're in love makes it special. Rose said to Jake ," Oh! He's got your eyes." " But he's got your smile." Said Jake. "But I don't know where that nose came from though." Replied Rose.

" But something feels missing. I know arms." Said Rose. Jake turned on his dragon mouth and fireblasted the snowman turning it into a perfect ice sculpture of Rose. ( I hope my son doesn't get rejected from art school.) Rose came back with a few sticks which she planned to use for the arms but when she saw the sculpture she was surprised but what surprised her even more is the dripping water showing that an incredibly hot flame was used to shape the sculpture and only a dragon's breath can reach the needed temperature and control to form such a flawless sculpture in a moment's notice. Rose asked," How did you... Well, that's.. awesome."

" Not as awesome as the real thing." Replied Jake. Rose held back her tears of joy and she closed her eyes and put her lips forward and Jake used his dragon legs to in order to reach her lips but before they could kiss Rose's pager suddenly rang and Rose said," Sorry Jake I need to go." But she gave a little peck on Jake's lip before leaving.

The next day:

" So, you guys were about to seal the deal then, bam! She just ran off, hmm?" Said Trixie. " Hey, she has to do stuff as well and she's also busy. I can feel the special connection between us. It's valentine's day this weekend and I'm going to tell her that I'm a dragon." Said Jake. Jake got up at the bus and he saved a seat for Rose and due to the butterfly effect she was actually able to sit beside Jake instead of Brad.( Oh, who am I kidding? Rotwood is infected with mind shackle scarabs.) Rose sat beside Jake and said," Hey, sorry for leaving yesterday on such short notice. I hope you don't mind." " No no, it's cool. I get sudden calls from G all the time. So, no problem yo. Man it's gonna be so much fun. Say Rose, why don't you have a smart phone?"

" Sorry, my uncle doesn't like them because he is a little paranoid and he thinks the government will track us using the phones." Said Rose. Jake said in a whisper," Perhaps I can ask dad to get you an encrypted phone like ours?"

" Huh? Why do you guys have encrypted phones? Rose asked clearly puzzled. " Well, dad's sudden rise as the most dominant technological tycoon put many people in the corporate and government at their edge. I mean dad literally gave each of our family members a Canoptek spyder as bodyguards because one they can't be hacked and two they come with somethings that are straight out of sci fi." Said Jake sheepishly.

" Then where is your spyder? Asked Rose. " On top of us. He's in camouflage mode." Replied Jake. Both Jake and Rose looked up and saw the blue flash of Gammah Null's eyes revealing his existence for a brief second. Rose seems normal but when she sees Gammah Null she keeps getting flashbacks of how she nearly became a legless cripple to that mysterious construct and it's also makes her 80% certain that Jake is actually the American dragon.

She is being torn between loyalty to the huntsclan and her lover who actually regarded her as a human being instead of a tool. The trip to the lodge was spent in fun but she must hunt an abominable snowman and collect it's pelt. She honestly feels a lot psychological pressure in hunting these creatures after all she unlike other huntsmen don't hunt for sport but rather for survival after all once she becomes worthless she will be thrown away like dirt by the huntsclan.

She doesn't have anywhere to go maybe the Longs will take her in but it will just put a target on their backs. She still remembers the day when Mr. Long invited her to have dinner someday with his family and she would love to take up on that offer but honestly she is scared. One the huntsclan and two there is something about Mr. Long that unsettled her. She felt it, Mr. Long caught the flashes of emotions in her eyes that day.

His gaze was almost predatory and she felt exposed. His eyes while conveying kindness also carried the warning of unthinkable consequences if I did something detrimental to his loved ones. He knows doesn he?( Uh, when the heck did I convey those?)

"...ose, Rose, Rose." heard someone yelling Rose and she saw it. She was leaning her head on Jake's shoulder and he was gently calling her name. She jolted up and was about to apologise but Jake just laughed it off and said that it was nothing. Both of them took a ski card from the trampled Mr. Rotwood's hand and Jake called an ambulance for the guy. Jake, Rose, Spud and Trixie are looking for their rooms. Turns out Trixie and Rose are in the same room. While Brad is rooming with Jake. Spud walked in the wrong room which was the room of two mischievous girls and they beat Spud with their pillows turning him into a chicken.

Jake said to Trixie," Wait!!! You're rooming with Rose? Trixie you must try to learn everything about Rose." " Nuh uh, Jakey boy mama Trixie don't do girl talk." Said Trixie. " I will give you 40 bucks." Said Jake. " Make it 50 and I will even record her snoring." Said Trixie.

" Deal." Replied Jake. Trixie enters the room and starts making girl talk with Rose in a fake girly voice. The trio goes out for a little skiing and snowboarding and Spud became frozen in place at the sight of the ski lift. Trixie asked," Can someone please tell me what's wrong with Spuddy here?"

" Well, Spud is actually terrified of the ski lift." Replied Jake. " Not terrified, respectful." Quipped Spud. At that moment Jake saw Rose and he started going towards her. Trixie said to Jake," Jakey reconsider I mean you seriously can't tell Rose that you're a..."

" Dragon." Yelled Rose which surprised everyone. " There's a dragon on your snowboard." Said Rose. "Oh yeah, there is." Replied Jake." Is the birthmark still there?" Asked Jake. " It's kind of permanent." Replied Rose shyly. "Say you wanna have go a little skiing?" Asked Jake but before Rose could give a reply Brad cut in and gave Rose a rose and took her to the ski lift against her will. Her mood is pretty sour. ( Brad is infected with mind shackle scarabs but can't give my son everything on a silver platter.)

Rose's Pov:

" For the first time in my life I get the unspeakable urge to murder someone. I mean why? WHY??? Something good is about to happen and bam something happens and my plans must be scrapped. Was going to kiss Jake bam go and hunt a Leprechaun and then the hunt is interrupted by the American dragon and then more training to make up for my supposed lack of skill. I'm the only one who fights that red lizard and all of your behinds just gets roasted every time.

Well, it's probably what I deserve after all I'm a sinner." Thought Rose to herself dejectedly and at that moment the alarm of the trap went off signaling that something was caught and she karate chops Brad and knocks him out and she stealthily gets out of the ski tracks and goes to the woods and changes to her huntsgirl uniform and seems like she caught what she was after, an abominable snowman. She contacts the huntsmaster and said," Master I have captured the snowman. You can send the huntsclan to retrieve it."

" The Huntsclan? Why should I send the huntsclan when you are already there? Huntsgirl you're not a little girl anymore either come back with the pelt or don't come back at all." The huntsmaster said and disconnected the call. Rose just sighed and was about to move on. But at that moment she heard," Sheesh, such a buzzkill and I think snowy over there is on the endangered magical creatures list."

" American dragon." Said Rose with as much as venom she could muster in her voice and it was negligible. They got into a fight which ended up being a snow fest in all honesty. Rose felt embarrassed after being buried in snow and simply ran off. Jake yelled to her," Hey, you forgot about your ski pass?" Jake took the ski pass and compared it with the one he has and it was a perfect match.

Wood clone's Pov:

The huntsclan was fighting a XXXL sized abominable snowman and after an hour or two the snowman was slain and they removed a crystal skull with icy blue gem eyes from the inside of its head and I understood that it was an Aztec skull. I performed Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees and the poisonous pollen knocked them out.

I say to J.A.R.V.I.S," J.A.R.V.I.S send me a deatomization rifle, a mind analyzer and a scanner." The items arrived in a blue flash and I scanned the skull. The scanner showed me something incredible. Countless Aztec runes were used to contain one law of reality in each skull and there were also runes that prevented many forms of cosmic accidents from happening to the universe due to a wish but it was very weak on the time department but I can use these to complete my risk free celestial orrary but on a galactic scale and commit Xenocide if any xenos threaten my family.

Anyway then I fire my deatomization rifle at the skull while keeping the scanner running and the skull ceased to exist but at the next second it rematerialises. Turns out as a safety function it can control time using the flow of tachyons to prevent its destruction if certain conditions are not met. I took the mind analyzer to find the location of the base in which nine more are kept and good news the base has bare minimum of guards and I happily ordered Skynet to send a tactical team to scan those skulls and make certain to make it seem like that we were never there. I just give them an antidote and they will wake up in thirty minutes.

Rose Pov:

Rose was putting on her civilian clothes but at that moment she realised that she lost her room's key card and she just lets out a dejected sigh and starts making way towards the lodge to ask Mr. Rotwood for another key card.

Jake & Co. Pov:

" Jakey and Spuddy are going bonkers trying to find the huntsgirl but Jake seems to ignore every single conclusive evidence leading to Rose. I mean she literally karate threw a not so light poor boy on Mr. Rotwood, upturning a steel frame bed with everything and using it as a monkey bar for doing pull ups, the six packs, jacked biceps and triceps and not to mention sweetly asking for another key card from Mr. Rotwood while the huntsgirl lost HER key card at the very same time.

Love truly makes one blind. Now one loverboy is going to die at the hands of the huntsgirl and the other is going to die trying to ride the ski lift in a blizzard. Guess it's time for mama Trixie to step up her game." Thought Trixie. Jake is now already fighting the huntsgirl and the huntsgirl has already trapped Jake in a wooden cage and Jake can't use the fireblast properly due to the blizzard but the wings can be used to float and float he did.

Jake was finally able to smash the cage open but the huntsgirl turned her staff into a snowboard and started snowboarding. Jake followed her using the clawcrafted master snowboard. (Again, I hope my son doesn't get rejected from art school.) They slide around the trail for a bit and finally Jake knocked the huntsgirl away and pins her in a tree using icicles. The huntsgirl yells," What are you waiting for? FINISH ME. The huntsclan will find you soon enough."

Jake just took off the glove on her right hand and saw the dragon shaped birthmark. Jake's heart sank because what Trixie said was right Rose is the huntsgirl. Seeing the dragon hesitate the huntsgirl broke free and said," Like what you see? This is the mark of the Huntsclan. This mark shows that I was born to do one thing and one thing only. That is to slay dragons." Rose then let out an high pitched," HIYAAAAAH." Which reverberated through out the mountains and set off an avalanche.

The huntsgirl tried to get away but as fate would have it she was swooped away by the avalanche. Jake without sparing a single though anxiously yelled," ROSE!!" and yes this time Rose heard him. Jake swooped down and saved her. After they landed to safety Rose asked," How did you know my name?"

Jake not being able to suppress the anguish in his heart turned back into his human form and said," Do what you must huntsgirl." Rose grabbed Jake by his coat's collar and said in a angry voice," Oh I'm going to do what I must alright." She brought Jake's face in front of her face, gave a menacing look, then kissed him and said," This is for trying to forfeit your life." And kissed him again and said," And this is to make up for trying to kill you for the past few months." She finally hugged him and Jake hugged her back and they let go of each other. At that moment Spud and Trixie fall over Rose from the ski lift and pinning her arms and legs. Trixie said," You gonna have to face mama Trixie now dragon filleting no good she witch. No way you gonna fillet Jakey's lil behind, nuh uh."

" Yeah, huntsgirl this time you're not going to get to kill our friend." Yelled Spud. Jake said," Guys chill. Rose is now with us." " You guys really expect me to kill the one person who showed me any form of affection in my entire life even after knowing his truth?" Asked Rose in a sarcastic voice. Spud and Trixie both nod their heads positively and Rose replied," You two are brutal."

All four of them had a long talk while walking towards the lodge and sorted things out at the lodge on a hot cup of cocoa. The next day they come back and Jake and Rose are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Brad tried to protest but this time Jake just German suplexes him out of sheer annoyance.

Jonathan Pov:

I knew the universe would become unpredictable but using the 13 founding laws harnessed by the Aztec skulls and my limitless knowledge I have created the ultimate deterrence, the celestial orrery which is normally nothing but a real time celestial tracker of the galaxy but one component if installed it becomes the literal hands of god as a matter of fact I can see everything in microscopic details of the galaxy including the past, present and future of everything but the future foresight function will remain restricted without my authorisation.

But this is not a weapon but a tool that will fix things that others can't fix. Everything is for my family. Plus the Oruscar Dynasty's knowledge of the celestial orrery and it's complete blueprint cost me 100 trillion AP and it will take some to recover my AP stock.

[Image is in chapter comment]

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