
19. A camping trip turned into a hunting trip.

Jake, his friends along with Rose are going on a camping trip with Jonathan. Jonathan tried to persuade her to go to spa camp with the ladies but Rose insisted on going camping because she has never been on a relaxing camping trip before and he believed her.

After all, the only reason the huntsclan will go to the great outdoors is probably to do brutal training or occasional killing of innocent defenseless creatures. I load the newly made pick up truck with necessary camping supplies and then put my special rifle case with the supplies.



I get on the driver's seat and Spud seats beside me. Rose sits in the middle, Trixie on her right and Jake on her left. I'm sporting usual camping clothes and Rose is also wearing camping clothes while the rest are wearing casual clothes. I say," I packed extra camping clothes for all of you. If you need them they are in the black cases labelled "CLOTHES" and don't touch the long black case labelled " IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" if there is no emergency and wear your seatbelts. Also put on these tracker bands and they can be used to track any of you by all of you including me."

I finally said to both Aleph Null and Betah Null," You two make certain that they get on the right bus." Both Aleph and Betah gave me a salute using their front right leg. Seeing the antics of the spyders Rose let out a genuine laugh. Jake is genuinely glad to see Rose happy.

I get on the driver's seat and start playing," Devastation of Baal- SlaVView." But seeing that it's a little heavy for the current atmosphere so I changed it to," Kanata Haluka of Suzume no Tojimari by RADWIMPS." I don't know whether it's the smoothness of the truck or the song but all of them fall asleep. I just keep driving and enjoy the beautiful peace and quiet which I must protect.

Susan and Haley Pov:

Susan and Haley have reached the bus station and a bus obscured by a mail van said," SPA." Haley and Susan were about to board it but Aleph Null stopped them and Betah Null came and showed them a picture and it showed the full name of the bus," SPARTAN BOOT CAMP." (NGL, the name is metal as fuck.)

Susan and Haley were led to the SPA bus but the lady drill sergeant tried to make them board the boot camp bus but Betah Null imprisoned her in the forcefield and tossed her into the boot camp bus like a garbage bag and just to be safe she will be deatomized at the end of the weekend.

Jonathan & Co. Pov:

It took 40 minutes instead of the usual 106 minutes that it takes to reach New York to New Jersey due to my hydrogen fuel cell powered pickup truck. I just shut the doors quietly not to wake up the children. I look at them and my heart melts especially seeing Rose after all this is probably the most secure she felt in her entire life.

I unload the tents and started setting up my special roofed tents which at the pull of a chord can become transparent to let the starlight in. John picked up some woods and lit a campfire. John picked up a large pot and suspended it on the fire using a simple construct of two Y shaped sticks and a horizontal stick.

I'm making a spicy chicken stew with vegetables and smores for dessert. Honestly all this is being done using a Cougar handy claw 2000 which is no matter which way I look at it is an incredibly sophisticated collapse tech, I mean a tong, a ladle, a flyswatter, a spatula and so many more things are in here that it puts the swiss army knife to shame.

The children finally woke up and Jake asked," Whoa, dad what did you cook?" Rose said," It smells amazing." " Nothing special just a spicy chicken and vegetable stew and smores for dessert." I replied. " Mr. Long you could have awoken us and we would have helped." Said Rose while the others nodded their heads in agreement.

" You guys were sleeping so peacefully especially Rose that I just couldn't bring myself to wake you guys up." I replied. Tears started falling from Rose's eyes and she said while wiping her tears," Don't worry about me I just got a little smoke in my eyes." I came forward and gave the unfortunate girl a hug and said," Rose, you're my son's girlfriend and that makes you no less of a daughter to me. If you have any problems just come to me and I will try to solve it to the best of my abilities." Rose couldn't hold back anymore as she hugged me back and started sobbing.

Within a few moments it becomes a group hug. To break the tense state I said," Well, look at the time. It's time for dinner." Everyone enjoyed the dinner and Spud enjoyed the smores especially. I took the utensils to clean up and the children just stayed back. At that moment a red haired, butterfly winged creature with bug antennas came and said," American Dragon thank god you're here you must save us."

But before the sprite could finish speaking it was smacked using a fly swatter by John. "Such a large mosquito definitely had enough Malaria to kill an elephant." I said out loud. " Now you kids get in your tents before you get bitten by these bugs." I put out the fire before entering my tent and the sky is illuminated by the milky way galaxy creating a breathtaking view.


Jake helped the sprite up and apologised to him. The sprite led him to the sprite village of Avon and the village elders explained how every century the jersey devil rises and attacks the sprite village for 7 consecutive nights and told that it has been prophesied that a great hero will emerge and defeat the jersey devil for good. Jake, Rose, Spud and Trixie track the Jersey devil and fight it for sometime before it flees.

All of them came back battered and exhausted. John followed them around all night using the Mayfly technique in order to make certain they stay safe. Seeing them returning John catches up with a few hours of Z's after all there is exactly 2 hours before the sun rises.

7 A.M. in the morning:

The morning sun rises and I am also awake after all gotta cook breakfast. I took out a large Chinese wok because I'm gonna scramble an Ostrich egg with some bacon, sausage and vegetables. But suddenly Rose comes out of her tent and sees me with a large egg and she is hesitant to ask about it. I saw her gaze lingering on the egg and I just smiled and said," Don't worry, it's an ostrich egg and it's unfertilised. It's completely legal as I got it from the Ostrichland USA ostrich farm."

" Do you need some help, Mr. Long?" Asked Rose and I replied," Only one thing. All you have to do is hold the egg over the wok." She holds the egg and I take out a phase blade and cut it in half as if cutting through butter after all I didn't swing the blade just cut through it. Rose while surprised didn't say or ask anything a direct effect of her training as the huntsgirl.

I replied while scrambling the ostrich egg," Phase blade, cuts through the very dimensions of an object. Made using my personal understanding of multidimensional science and as you have guessed my understanding in that subject is particularly high. Well, thanks for the help Rose. Perhaps you should walk around, exercise or simply just wash up and enjoy nature. Rose after a moment of struggle asked me," Mr. Long Why did you tell me about your phase blade?"

" Because I trust you. We Longs have a long history of choosing the right one amongst thousands." I said with a smile. I see her eyes shining and she leaves for a jog. My real body received all the info after all this is a wood clone.

9 A.M. in the morning ( 3rd person Pov):

Jake and his buddies finally wake up and at that moment Rose comes back after taking a bath at the lake. She really did some intense workouts and the bath was more of a necessity. I mean the full Saitama exercise regimen, spear practice and finally target practice. Of course, John was pushing his very physical skills to the test in his underground training camp and he came back at 8:30 A.M. via teleportation.

He dismissed his wooden clone and took its place. He yelled at the half asleep kids," Come on, wake up kids it's time for breakfast." " What's for breakfast, papa dog?" Asked Trixie. " Of all things out there you dare compare me to a dog!!!" I thought but replied with a smile," Trixie don't call me papa dog just Mr. Jonathan is fine."

" Okey dokey Mr. J." Replied Trixie. I thought," Close enough." Jake and the others gulped down the breakfast like a hungry wild beast and Jake just left us to do his STUFF and Rose tried to go with Jake but Jake insisted on doing all those things alone.

A few adventures later:

I look at the drowning sun from a cliff and say with a sigh," Perhaps I'm still embarrassing my son. After all he still doesn't want to do father-son bonding with me." Rose said," Mr. Long don't worry we will find Jake." Trixie and Spud nodded positively and they followed Rose in order to find Jake. I was going to the campsite and at that moment I heard a tearing sound and at that moment I knew it was the Jersey devil rampaging in our campsite.

I don't bother going that way as I made my way towards the pickup truck and unloaded the rifle case and took out my multimode rifle. I have named it B01 Bullseye. It can fire ferroslugs at Mach 5 or deatomization beam and it's completely recoilless.

It has advanced targeting systems that can link up with my MJOLNIR armour's HUD and has a camouflage system which can alter its colour.


I activated my MJOLNIR nano armour and activated the woods camo and I then reached the campsite and started tracking the footprints and the broken branches it left. I really hope that the chimera bastard doesn't hurt the children.

Jake & Co. Pov:

Jake again lost the Jersey devil and he is currently in the ditch of his own digging and it's depressing. Jake at that moment heard someone calling his name. "...ake, Jake, Jakey." It was Rose, Spud and Trixie.

They helped Jake to get out of the hole and they took him towards the campsite. When they reached the campsite all they found was everything in ruin. Jake gritted his teeth and tears started flowing as he thought his dad was killed and said," The Jersey devil just made it personal."

Jake was enraged and he found the Jersey devil incredibly fast and engaged it in a fight. Jake's behaviour became erratic as he was consumed by rage and he kept making mistakes. Rose used her kill stick to try and provide Jake some help but he just carried the Jersey devil away and landed on a cliff and unfortunately Jake's back was the first to land which resulted in him being transforming back into his human form and the Jersey devil was about to snap his neck but at that moment the Jersey devil simply dissipated into a light show of green atoms.

Jake got up and saw a man wearing what seemed like advanced armour and the helmet turned into liquid and receded revealing the face of Jonathan. Jake was on the verge of tears he broke into a sprint and just hugged Jonathan and Jonathan hugged him back. " Da..da..dad I thought I lost you." Said Jake while trying to hold back his runny nose.

I said," Don't worry kiddo. I was tracking you all using the bands. Also, Jake never lose your cool in the face of danger." Jake asked," Say dad is there still time to do some father son bonding?"

" You betcha Jakearoo." At that moment Jake's friends come running and Rose quickly hides her staff which I noticed. The wind is gently blowing, leaves are dancing and the white clouds are floating and at that moment Jake said," Dad you have any sick tunes for this occasion?"

" I don't know whether it's sick but it certainly fits the mood." I replied and I started playing" Gravity Falls theme-Epic cinematic." We ran with the wind that day. The weekend ended in various fun activities and as I was packing up and preparing to leave the campsite I received a notification saying that the drill instructor has been successfully eliminated.

Before Jake got in the pickup truck I gave him a box instructing him to give it to Rose as a gift from him to her and he could see what was inside. Truly a weekend that is to be remembered for many years to come.

From now on there will be three chapters per week and some random updates.

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