
Hp: Blood Demon

Livros e literatura
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  • 62 Chs
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  • NO.200+

THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST FUNNIEST FANFIC YOU WILL EVER READ, I CAN BET ALL MY FRIENDS BALLS ON THAT. Synopsis: Kael journey through the world of Harry Potter begins with the mysterious activation of the Emo Chest System, where treasure is gained by driving people's emotions to extreme heights. His first prize? The Heart of Black Magic. From that moment on, any spell he casts transforms into a darker, twisted form of magic. At the tender age of five, Kael roams the shadowy alleys of Knockturn Alley, earning the title of "Blood Demon." By thirteen, he's imprisoned in Azkaban, where even the Dementors bow before him as their king. Professor McGonagall: “The Transfiguration spell I taught you was supposed to create a needle—not a Dementor!” Professor Flitwick: “How did a simple Levitation Charm cause the entire castle to lift off the ground?” Professor Snape: “Dumbledore, we need to expel this child. He’s the next Dark Lord in the making.” Dumbledore, visibly shaken, suffers a cerebral hemorrhage. Kael: “Dark Lord? No, I prefer Satan.” Kael's Vision: "If Satan doesn’t have my name tattooed across his back, he’s not worthy of his title." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon : patreon.com/AHumanMadeMOFO If you want to support and read ahead, there are already 25+ chapters available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: THIS IS A TRANSLATION AND I DON'T OWN THE BOOK BESIDE THE TRANSLATED CONTENT ITSELF. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Name: 霍格沃茨:黑魔王?不!叫我撒旦 Author: 国运兔子

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Chapter 1Chapter 1 - The Blood Demon in Diagon Alley

<September 1st> <London >

<Omniscient Reader's POV>

Today is the day young wizards start their journey at Hogwarts.

Platform Nine and Three-Quarters is packed with people, with parents everywhere sending off their children.

Amidst the noisy crowd, a small team of Aurors stood nervously by the entrance to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

Perhaps due to their tense demeanor, a few-meter-wide empty space formed around them, with six of them at the center.

Some parents who worked at the Ministry of Magic recognized them.

The team of Aurors in front of them wasn't just any Aurors; they were the elite...

The Ministry of Magic's Elite Aurors!

Each of them had experienced countless battles and were always on the front lines against dark wizards and sorcerers. And now, they were at the station.

Merlin's beard, could something big is about to happen?

Just as everyone was puzzling over this, a boy appeared through the wall.

His chestnut hair was slightly curled, his deep blue eyes shone, and his handsome features were striking.

Unlike the other young wizards carrying large bags, this boy had nothing in his hands and seemed completely at ease.

He wore the neat black Hogwarts uniform, giving off an air of nobility and elegance.

However, what caught everyone's attention even more were two magical creatures perched on his shoulders, creatures no one had ever seen before. They resembled some kind of feline.

The one on the left had a completely purple body and eyes, with a red gem embedded in its forehead.

The one on the right was black, with golden ring-like patterns.

As soon as the two adorable magical creatures appeared, they immediately drew the attention of many young wizards, especially the girls. Who could resist the charm of such cute creatures?

But the small team of "Elite Aurors" reacted with heightened alertness when they saw the boy. They instinctively gripped their wands tightly.

Some powerful individuals in the crowd, who recognized the boy's identity, were equally terrified.

Kael Mephisto!

A famous figure among the upper echelons of the British magical world!

No one knew where he came from.

Kael first appeared in the sight of the Aurors when he was just six years old!

That year, he killed thirteen dark wizards who had ill intentions towards him in Knockturn Alley, earning himself the title of "Blood Demon."

Since then, he took the surname "Mephisto," after the mythological demon.

His origins were unknown!

His identity was unknown!

Even the magic he specialized in was unknown!

The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic could only gather a few clues from the bodies of the dark wizards Kael had killed.

But there were too many different ways people had died at Kael's hands.

Ice, fire, lightning, physical impact—there were even many deaths where it wasn't clear how they had died.

The only known information was that Kael seemed to possess the ability to communicate with magical creatures.

There were always various magical creatures around him.

Up until last month, when Kael received his Hogwarts acceptance letter, it was estimated that in the past five years, at least 300 people had died at Kael's hands!

Knockturn Alley, once a dark corner of the British magical world, was a place the Ministry of Magic had always been reluctant to interfere with.

But the terrifying reputation of the Blood Demon, combined with the fact that he was only six years old, led everyone who heard of him to think of one phrase:

"The Third Dark Lord!"

This conclusion frightened even the Ministry of Magic, leading them to take action against Kael. But he had already been in Azkaban three times!

The first time was when Kael was seven, for a week.

On the second night of Kael's imprisonment, Azkaban exploded.

Prisoners and guards, who were asleep, woke up to the sound of a loud bang and found themselves staring at the starry sky.

Within a week, Azkaban's buildings had exploded three times. The high-ups at the Ministry of Magic compromised and released Kael due to a lack of evidence!

The second time Kael went in was at the age of nine, and this time, it only lasted three days.

The Dementors guarding Azkaban went on strike.

According to the message they conveyed, Kael had a power that made them feel fear.

If Kael wasn't removed, they would refuse to return to Azkaban.

The third time was even shorter—just one day and one night. This time, it wasn't the Dementors who objected, but the human guards.

One night, while patrolling, a human guard saw the Dementors lining up and kneeling before Kael. The guard was so scared he wet himself on the spot.

Who could bear such a sight?

The Dementors of Azkaban bowing to a prisoner?

Some guards even feared they might receive a "Dementor's Kiss" that night!

So, the Ministry had no choice but to release Kael again the next day due to lack of evidence.

Three times Kael walked out of Azkaban, and the Ministry of Magic was completely at a loss.

Everyone knew Kael was responsible for the deaths, but there were no witnesses and no sufficient evidence could be found at the crime scenes.

In desperation, the Ministry could only conceal Kael's existence to prevent widespread panic in the wizarding world.

What else could they do?

They couldn't kill a young wizard without evidence, could they?

Taking action would only result in exposing the matter to the public, and the leaders of the Ministry of Magic would be condemned in history.

Even with an explanation after the fact, no one would believe them. People only see what they want to see.

They would think that this was just an excuse for the Ministry's evil actions.

As for a fourth trip to Azkaban?

Don't even joke about it!

The Dementors had already submitted to him.

The higher-ups at the Ministry could already imagine the grand scene of the Dementors lining up to welcome their king's return the moment Kael set foot in Azkaban.


So how the Translation, If there is any grammar mistake or recommendation for translated names then comment, I will the make changes if the names are better.


'Over 25+ chapters are now available on Patreon following the mass release of 10 chapters.'

pat r eon.com/Outer_God_KingOfWN

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FictionOnlyReader · Livros e literatura
442 Chs
Volume 1