
HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Livros e literatura
Contínuo · 1.7M Modos de exibição
  • 89 Chs
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Some or maybe many of you have read about a guy dies and then if he lucky or by just circumstances he get to reincarnate into the world of that person choosing or by random. I'm a fan of Harry Potter, and I have been reborn in Harry Potter World aka A magical world where there is wizards, villain, mysteries, and more importantly a Protagonist, and many other more things. but I didn't reincarnated as a protagnist Or someone strong but as a that many readers call them that term who isn't that important 'extra' if you may say or may not, And I will ge going to attend the hogwarts soon, but hey atleast I jabe knowledge of the world and it's future events.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: Starting!

You ever have one of those mornings where you really don't want to get out of bed? Not because it felt so nice just to continue to lie on, but because you just couldn't be bothered to get up and do anything because your head felt like someone had beat it to a pulp with a nine iron?

Well if you have you'll be familiar with how I'm feeling right about now. My head's splitting but I don't remember drinking last night.

In fact, I haven't had a drink that would cause this kind of a headache since that poker night the guys and I had a few weeks back, man that was a night. Right now I just want to curl up in my sheets and… wait these aren't my sheets, they don't feel right.

Forcing my eyes to open, I look at the bed covers and blink seeing they were red. Okay that wasn't right. My sheets are black and grey, something's not right here. Pulling the covers down I sit up in the bed that wasn't mine, it was wooden and not my leather frame. It was a four post instead of my base and headboard, this was not my bed.

Looking around as my eyes adjust to the lighting I can see I was in an old room that felt oddly familiar.

The walls were plastered over with an old pale and brown wallpaper that looks to have faded over the years.

The floor was wooden boards that looked just as old as the rest of the room. There was a wardrobe, a dresser and a desk in the room but not much else. I could see the door with was opposite a window, both looked just as old and worn as the room.

The more I looked around the more I felt I recognised this place but I couldn't put my finger on it. But the questions on my mind was, where the hell was I, and how did I get here?

I bring my hand up to rub the bridge between my eyes to try and soothe my headache but when I saw my hand I stopped.

It was smaller, not the hand of a twenty-three-year-old but the hand of a young child. It had none of the scars I got in my teen years but felt so familiar.

I turned my head and my eyes bulged as I looked to the dresser mirror and my eyes widened as I saw the reflection that I hadn't been paying attention to.

It was me that I saw but not the twenty-three year old me that was staring back, rather it was an eleven or twelve-year-old me looking back at me.

My black hair was short like my mother used to keep it instead of my shoulder length hair that I grew out during my college years.

I looked down at myself to see I wasn't seeing things as I threw the covers off me to see I was in a pair of grey long sleeves pyjamas.

Getting out of the bed I stumbled a bit, not used to this body. I made my way over to the dresser, my eyes wide as I looked myself over.

I looked exactly the same as I did when I was younger, except my brown eyes were grey now and my cheekbones were a little higher.

Taking a deep breath I tried to remember what had happened but the last thing I remember was that I went to bed after a long night of gaming like I usually did. I couldn't remember coming here at all, wherever here was.

Looking in the mirror something white caught my eye. On the bedside table there were two letters. Walking over I looked at them, they both looked strange.

The paper was thicker than normal and the first had the words "read me" written on its front. While the second one had already been opened, its wax seal already pulled free from the lower half of the envelope.

I opened the first and took out the thick paper inside and started to read which only confused me more and first.


~"Hello Magnus,

I suppose you're wondering where you are and how you got here. And why you look like your eleven-year-old self again.

Well, the answer is simple, Magic. Your old life had come to an end, rather abruptly as it turns out. So you've been reincarnated into a new world. Most think reincarnation happens from the moment you die and then you begin a new life.

That is the way it normally is but there is the odd occasion when it can happen in the first eleven years of a person's life so that way the souls can merge into one and there aren't a lot of memories to interweave with the new soul.

Some of them will start filtering in a few minutes once you've finished reading this and your new world will become very much recognisable to you, if it hasn't already.

From there it'll be up to you on how you want to proceed, the world will be at your fingertips to enjoy.

But I'll just give you a quick rundown of your new self so you know what to expect. You're human obviously. You're eleven years old.

Your birthday is the same as your last life. Your name is the same, except for your last name that will come later, and you are a wizard.

Yes you read right you're a wizard, magic exists in this world and the second you read the next letter you'll realise just where you are, and I know it will blow your mind with the possibilities that are open for you to enjoy, have fun."~


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