
[59] Honest Darkness

In a good mood today ad my professor is actually chill so here is a chapter for you guys. But, from now on if you want extra chapters... It will cost some power stones. I think 400 per extra chapter is a good amount. 

Also... so thats how it looks like JJK is gonna end, huh? Well with the final chapters being an epilogue most likely I now have an idea of where I want to go with the potential JJK story. I don't want to touch Itadori or Fushiguro as Helios and JujutsuGuy are doing plenty with that as well.

So it will most likely be an oc and after watching deadpool and xmen-97... you should already have an idea on who's ability I am going to base his CT off of.

 The only other thing I can think of is who the love interest will be and trying to convince myself to not make it Maki but ill figure it out eventually.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter. 


 I wake to the soft glow of dawn filtering through the curtains. Momo's sleeping form is draped over me, her arms wrapped tightly around my torso. Her warmth seeps into my skin, and for a moment, I'm tempted to stay put. But duty calls.

I gently try to extricate myself from her grip, but her hold only tightens. Her eyes flutter open.

"Where're you going?" she mumbles, nuzzling closer.

I press a soft kiss to her lips. "Training. Go back to sleep."

She makes a noise of protest but releases me, burrowing into the warm spot I've left behind. I watch her for a moment, a small smile tugging at my lips, before I force myself to turn away and get ready.

The morning air is crisp as I step outside, my breath forming small clouds in front of me. I'm about to start my warm-up jog when I spot a familiar figure heading towards the gate.

"Iida?" I call out.

"Midoriya. You're up early."

"Same could be said for you," I reply, jogging over to him. "Heading out for some training?"

Iida nods stiffly. There's a tension in his shoulders that wasn't there before, a tightness around his eyes. I remember the news about his brother, and my chest tightens with sympathy.

"Mind if I join you?" I ask, keeping my tone light. "Could use a training partner before I head off for my internship."

He hesitates for a moment, then nods. "That would be... acceptable."

We make our way to the track in silence. I steal glances at Iida from the corner of my eye, noting the rigid set of his jaw, the way his fists clench and unclench at his sides. He's wound tight, like a spring about to snap.

"How about some sprints?" I suggest as we reach the track. "Race you?"

A flicker of his old competitive spirit sparks in Iida's eyes. "Very well. First to ten laps?"

I grin. "You're on."

We line up at the starting line. Iida's engines rev, and I channel a low percentage of One For All through my body.

"Ready," I say. "Set... Go!"

We take off like shots from a gun. Iida pulls ahead immediately, his quirk giving him a significant speed advantage. I push myself to keep pace, but I deliberately hold back just enough to stay a few steps behind him.

The wind whips past us as we tear around the track. Lap after lap, I watch Iida's form, the way he leans into the curves, the precise movements of his legs. His technique is flawless, but there's something desperate in the way he runs, like he's trying to outpace more than just me.

As we near the final lap, I increase my speed just enough to close the gap between us. For a moment, we're neck and neck. I see Iida's eyes widen, see him push himself even harder. I let him pull ahead in the last stretch, crossing the finish line just behind him.

We both come to a stop, breathing hard. Iida bends over, hands on his knees, gulping in air. I force myself to breathe heavily too, though I'm not nearly as winded as I'm pretending to be.

"Good... good race," Iida pants.

I nod, wiping sweat from my brow. "Yeah. You're as fast as ever."

He straightens up, adjusting his glasses. "Thank you for the challenge, Midoriya. It was... invigorating."

I study him carefully. Some of the tension has left his body, replaced by the pleasant exhaustion of physical exertion. But there's still a shadow behind his eyes, a weight on his shoulders that no amount of running can shake off.

"Want to go again?" I ask.

Iida considers for a moment, then nods. "Yes, I think I would."

We run three more races. I let Iida win each time, but I make sure to keep it close. By the end, we're both drenched in sweat.

As we cool down, walking slow laps around the track, I decide to broach the subject that's been hanging over us like a storm cloud.

"How are you holding up, Iida?" I ask softly.

He stiffens slightly but doesn't break stride. "I'm fine."

I don't push, just nod and keep walking. After a moment, Iida speaks again.

"My brother... he's stable. The doctors say he'll recover, but..." He trails off, his voice tight.

"I'm sorry," I say. "If there's anything I can do..."

Iida shakes his head. "Thank you, but no. This is something I must handle on my own."

I just nod. "I understand. But if you ever want to talk, or just... not be alone, I'm here."

"Thank you, Midoriya," he says quietly. "I appreciate that."

We sit down on the track, our legs stretched out in front of us. The morning sun has risen higher, casting long shadows across the field. Iida's breathing has steadied, but there's still a tension in his shoulders that won't quite leave.

"Midoriya," Iida says suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence we've fallen into. "What would you do if you were in my position?"

I pause, caught off guard by the question. It's loaded, heavy with implications. I know what he's really asking: what would I do if someone I loved was hurt, maybe permanently, by a villain? What would I do if I had the power to seek revenge?

I take a deep breath. "As a hero," I start slowly, "our duty is clear. We're meant to uphold the law, to arrest villains and let the justice system do its job. That's what we're trained for, what society expects of us."

Iida nods, his expression unreadable. "And as a man?"

"As a man... if someone hurt my mom for example, I can't sugarcoat it. I'd probably do everything in my power to make sure that person was killed."

The words hang in the air between us, heavy and sharp. Iida's eyes widen, shock clear on his face. I meet his gaze steadily, letting him see the truth of it in my eyes.

"It might not be heroic," I continued. "But I'd make them pay. Whatever it took."

Iida stares at me, and I can see him reassessing everything he thought he knew about me.

"I... I see," Iida says finally, his voice shaky. "I didn't expect that from you, Midoriya."

I shrug, forcing my muscles to relax. "We all have darkness in us, Iida. The trick is knowing when to use it and when to keep it in check."

Iida nods slowly, processing my words. "And how do you decide?"

"That's the hard part," I admit. "It's a balance. You have to weigh your personal feelings against your duty as a hero, against the greater good. Sometimes... sometimes you have to put your own desires aside for the sake of others."

"Even when it hurts?" Iida asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Especially then," I say. "That's what being a hero is about. Making the hard choices, doing what's right even when every part of you is screaming to do the opposite."

Iida falls silent, his gaze distant. I can almost see the gears turning in his head, weighing my words against his own feelings.

"I want to kill him," Iida says suddenly. "The Hero Killer. I want to make him suffer for what he did to my brother."

I nod, not surprised by the admission. "I know."

"But I can't, can I?" Iida continues, his voice rising. "I can't throw away everything I've worked for, everything my family stands for, just for revenge."

"You could," I say quietly. "But you'd lose yourself in the process. And I don't think that's what your brother would want."

Iida's shoulders slump, the fight draining out of him. "No, it's not. He'd be disappointed in me for even considering it."

I reach out, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay to be angry, Iida. It's okay to want justice. But don't let it consume you. Use it to fuel your training, to become a better hero. That's how you honor your brother."

Iida nods, taking a deep breath. "You're right. I... thank you, Midoriya. For being honest with me."

"Always," I say, squeezing his shoulder before letting go. "That's what friends are for."

We sit in silence for a few more minutes, watching the sun climb higher in the sky. I can feel the shift in Iida's energy, the way some of the tension has left his body. He's not okay, not by a long shot, but maybe he's a step closer to finding his way through this.

"We should head back," I say finally, pushing myself to my feet. "Internships I'll be starting soon."

Iida nods, standing up as well. "Yes, you're right. We shouldn't be late."

As we walk back towards the dorms, Iida speaks up again. "Midoriya... I'm glad you're my friend."

I smile. "Me too, Iida. Me too."

We part ways at the dorm entrance, each heading to our own rooms to shower and change. As I step under the hot water, I replay our conversation in my head. It was a risk, showing Iida that darker side of myself. But it was calculated, necessary. He needed to see that even someone like me, someone he sees as a paragon of heroism, has those thoughts too.

And who knows? Maybe someday, that shared understanding will come in handy. After all, even the white knights sometimes need to make moves in the shadows.

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