
[60] The Rabbit and the Rooftops

I step out of the dorm, silver briefcase in hand, luggage trailing behind me. The afternoon sun beats down as my classmates spill out onto the courtyard, a sea of excited chatter and nervous energy.

"You ready for this?" Uraraka bounces on her heels, eyes shining.

"As I'll ever be," I reply, scanning the crowd. Everyone's decked out in their civilian clothes, hero costumes safely tucked away in matching silver cases. It's a strange sight - we look more like we're headed on a class trip than starting our first real steps as heroes.

A low whistle cuts through the air. Kaminari points towards the school gates, jaw dropping. "Guys, check it out!"

A sleek red convertible idles at the curb, chrome gleaming in the sunlight. Leaning against it, arms crossed and a cocky grin plastered on her face, is none other than the Rabbit Hero herself - Miruko.

"Midoriya!" she calls out, waving lazily. "Get your ass over here, intern. We've got places to be."

A hush falls over my classmates, followed by an explosion of whispers.

"Holy shit, is that really Miruko?"

"The number five hero?"

"I thought we were all taking the train!"

I heft my luggage, fighting to keep a smirk off my face as I make my way over. Miruko's sharp eyes rake over me, assessing.

"Not bad, kid," she says, nodding approvingly. "At least you know how to pack light. Toss your stuff in the back and let's roll."

As I load my bags into the convertible, Momo approaches.

"Izuku, I thought we were all heading to the station together?"

Miruko cuts in before I can respond. "Change of plans, ponytail. Ryukyu's swinging by to grab you and blue-hair in a bit. We're headed to Ginza - that's where her agency is based, does most of her patrols there."

Momo's eyes widen. "Oh! I... I see. Thank you for letting me know."

I turn to address the class, raising my voice to be heard over the excited chatter. "Good luck on your internships, everyone! I know you'll all do great."

A chorus of well-wishes and goodbyes erupts:

"Kick some ass, Midoriya!"

"Don't let Miruko work you too hard!"

"Bring back some stories for us!"

Kirishima flashes me a sharp-toothed grin. "Show 'em what you're made of, man!"

Even Todoroki gives me a solemn nod. "Stay safe out there."

Bakugo shoulders his way to the front, red eyes blazing. "Oi, Deku. When we get back, you and me are gonna throw down. Got it? Don't you dare slack off."

I meet his gaze. "Better bring your A-game if you don't want to get your ass kicked again."

"Alright, alright, enough with the love fest," Miruko calls out, sliding into the driver's seat. "Time's wasting, kid. Let's hit the road."

I climb into the passenger seat, giving one last wave to my classmates as Miruko revs the engine. The convertible peels away from the curb, leaving U.A. and my friends behind in a cloud of dust.

As we merge onto the highway, Miruko glances over at me. "Hope you're ready for this, green bean. It ain't gonna be no walk in the park."

I meet her gaze, letting a hint of steel creep into my voice. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

She barks out a laugh, gunning the engine. "That's what I like to hear! Alright, kid. Let's see what you're really made of."

The wind whips through my hair as we speed towards Ginza. This is it - my first real taste of what it means to be a pro. And I'm going to make the most of every second.

As we cruise down the highway, Miruko fiddles with the radio, settling on a rock station.

"So, green bean," Miruko says, eyes fixed on the road. "Tell me what you know about Ginza."

"It's one of Tokyo's most upscale shopping districts. Lots of high-end stores, restaurants, and corporate headquarters. Heavy foot traffic, especially on weekends."

Miruko nods approvingly. "Not bad. Now, what does that mean for us as heroes?"

I consider for a moment. "Potential for theft and robbery, given the expensive merchandise. Crowded streets could make pursuit difficult. Lots of civilians to protect if a villain attack occurs."

"Bingo," Miruko grins. "Now, here's the real question - how do we balance maintaining a visible presence to deter crime while still being able to respond quickly to emergencies?"

It's a tricky question, one that doesn't have a clear-cut answer. I mull it over, thinking out loud. "We'd need to establish regular patrol routes, but vary them enough to be unpredictable. Maybe set up a network of lookouts or informants among the shop owners? And we'd need to know the layout of the district like the back of our hand - all the shortcuts, alleyways, and potential escape routes."

Miruko lets out a low whistle. "Not too shabby, Midoriya. You've got a good head on your shoulders. We'll make a real hero out of you yet."

As we near Ginza, the cityscape changes. Gleaming skyscrapers give way to elegant storefronts and bustling sidewalks. Miruko navigates the crowded streets with ease, eventually pulling up to a sleek, modern building.

I raise an eyebrow at Miruko's words. "Using Ryukyu's agency? I thought we'd be working out of your own base."

Miruko chuckles, pulling into a parking spot with a screech of tires. "Kid, my agency is wherever I happen to be. I don't do the whole office thing. Too stuffy, too many rules. I go where the action is."

She hops out of the car, stretching her arms above her head. I follow suit, taking in the imposing building before us.

"Ryukyu and I go way back," Miruko continues, leading me towards the entrance. "She's letting us use her place as a temporary HQ while we're in Tokyo. But don't get too comfy."

As we step into the lobby, the air conditioning hits me like a wall of cool relief after the sweltering heat outside. The interior is sleek and modern, all polished chrome and gleaming marble. A receptionist behind a curved desk looks up as we approach.

"Ah, Miruko-san! And you must be Midoriya-kun. Welcome to Ryukyu Hero Agency."

Miruko waves off the formalities. "Get him set up with an access card and show him to the locker room. Also, tell Ryukyu we're here, will ya?"

As the receptionist leads me away, Miruko calls out, "Get changed and meet me on the roof in thirty, green bean. We're going on patrol."

After changing into my outfit I head out. The elevator dings as it reaches the top floor. I step out onto the roof, blinking in the bright sunlight. Miruko's already there, stretching lazily as she gazes out over the Ginza skyline.

"There you are, green bean," she says, not bothering to turn around. "Ready to see what real hero work looks like?"

I move to stand beside her, taking in the view. From up here, Ginza looks like a glittering maze of streets and buildings. "Yes, ma'am," I reply, unable to keep the eagerness out of my voice.

Miruko snorts. "Drop the 'ma'am' crap. It's Miruko or Rumi when we're not in public." She finally turns to face me, eyes narrowing as she takes in my costume. "Not bad. At least you don't look like a total pushover."

Before I can respond, she's already moving, vaulting onto the ledge of the building. "Alright, intern. Let's see if you can keep up."

With that, she leaps, soaring through the air to land on the roof of the next building over. I take a deep breath, channeling One For All through my body. Time to put all that training to use.

I sprint forward, pushing off the ledge. For a heart-stopping moment, I'm airborne, the ground dizzyingly far below. Then I'm rolling onto the next rooftop, popping up to my feet just in time to see Miruko already three buildings ahead.

"Come on, slowpoke!" she calls back, laughter in her voice. "You'll never catch any villains at that pace!"

I grit my teeth and push harder, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. It's exhilarating and terrifying all at once. One misstep could send me plummeting to the streets below. But with each jump, I feel more confident, more in tune with my quirk.

We race across the Ginza skyline, Miruko always just a few steps ahead. She leads me on a winding path, doubling back and zigzagging between buildings. It takes me a few minutes to realize she's not just showing off - she's giving me a crash course in the layout of the district.

Finally, Miruko comes to a stop on top of a particularly tall building. I land beside her.

"Not too shabby, green bean," she says, barely winded. "You managed to keep up, at least."

"Thanks. So, what's next?"

Miruko grins, a predatory glint in her eye. "Now comes the fun part. We're gonna play a little game of cat and mouse. You've got ten minutes to lose me in the streets down there. If I catch you, you're buying dinner tonight. If you manage to evade me until time's up, I'll teach you one of my special moves. Deal?"

"Deal," I say, meeting her gaze.

"Good," she nods. "Your ten minutes starts... now!"

I don't waste a second, leaping off the building and using my quirk to absorb my descent. As soon as my feet hit the pavement, I'm off, weaving through the crowded streets of Ginza.

My mind races as I run, trying to recall the path Miruko showed me from the rooftops. I duck into a narrow alley, then double back, using the throngs of shoppers as cover. Every few seconds, I glance over my shoulder, half-expecting to see Miruko's grinning face.

I pass high-end boutiques and gleaming corporate towers, barely registering the startled looks from pedestrians as I dash by. My heart pounds in my ears, adrenaline coursing through my veins. This is more than just a game - it's a test. A chance to prove I can think on my feet and use the urban environment to my advantage.

As I round a corner, I catch a flash of white hair in my peripheral vision. Miruko, closing in fast. I dive into a department store, racing up the escalator and out onto a skybridge connecting to another building. From there, I drop down into a secluded courtyard, then slip into a service entrance.

The next few minutes are a blur of narrow escapes and quick thinking. I use every trick I can think of - doubling back, creating false trails, even briefly joining a tour group to blend in. All the while, I can feel Miruko's presence, always just a step behind.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, I hear a distant whistle. Time's up. I lean against a wall, hardly daring to believe I've actually done it.

Moments later, Miruko lands beside me. "Not bad, green bean. Not bad at all. Looks like I owe you a new move."

I can't help the grin that spreads across my face. "Looking forward to it."

Miruko claps me on the shoulder. "Don't get cocky. This was just the warm-up. Now the real work begins."

Miruko leads me back to the agency, this time sticking to the streets. As we walk, she points out potential trouble spots - dimly lit alleys, busy intersections prone to traffic accidents, shops that have been targeted by thieves in the past. It's a side of Ginza tourists never see, the hidden dangers lurking beneath the glitz and glamour.

"Alright, green bean," Miruko says as we approach the agency building. "Time for your first real patrol. We'll start with a basic route, get you familiar with the area. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open. And remember - we're not just looking for villains. A lot of hero work is about preventing problems before they start."

I nod, trying to absorb every word. "Got it. What should I be watching for specifically?"

Miruko grins, pleased by the question. "Good, you're thinking. Look for anything out of place. Suspicious packages, people acting nervous or agitated, cars parked where they shouldn't be. And always be aware of potential hazards - loose scaffolding, slippery surfaces, that kind of thing."

We set out on our patrol, Miruko setting a brisk pace. At first, it feels a bit anticlimactic. We're just walking down the street, albeit in full hero costume. But as we move through the district, I start to see Ginza through new eyes.

I notice the subtle nods of recognition shopkeepers give Miruko as we pass. The way her presence seems to put people at ease, even as it deters potential troublemakers. It's not flashy or dramatic, but it's hero work all the same.

About halfway through our route, Miruko suddenly tenses. Her ears twitch, picking up something I can't hear. Without a word, she takes off down a side street, motioning for me to follow.

We round a corner to find two men in the middle of what looks like a heated argument. One has his fist raised, clearly about to throw a punch.

"Oi!" Miruko barks. "What's going on here?"

The men freeze, turning to face us with wide eyes. The one with the raised fist immediately drops his hand.

"N-nothing, Miruko-san," he stammers. "Just a misunderstanding."

Miruko's eyes narrow. "Is that right? Because from where I'm standing, it looked like you were about to start a brawl in the middle of the street."

I watch carefully as Miruko handles the situation. She doesn't yell or threaten, but her presence alone is enough to make both men sheepish. Within minutes, she's got them talking out their disagreement civilly.

As we continue on our patrol, Miruko glances over at me. "So, what did you learn from that?"

I consider for a moment. "That sometimes just being there is enough to prevent a crime. And that de-escalation is an important part of hero work."

Miruko nods approvingly. "Good. Remember, kid - our job isn't just about punching villains. Sometimes it's about stopping fights before they start, or helping people solve problems peacefully."

The rest of the patrol passes without major incident, but I find myself noticing more and more. A child wandering away from their parents, quickly reunited thanks to Miruko's sharp eyes. A potential pickpocket deterred by our timely appearance. Small things, but important all the same.

As we head back to the agency, the sun starting to set over Ginza, I feel a sense of satisfaction. It wasn't the action-packed debut I might have imagined, but I've learned more in these few hours than I could have from any textbook.

Miruko stretches as we reach the agency doors. "Not a bad first day, green bean. Hit the showers and let me know what you want for dinner."

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