
3,264th Victim of Truck-Sama

Wisteria, a 16-year-old female who got hit by the notorious truck-sama, was reincarnated into a yandere otome game she had finished. Forced to live under the orders of a self-proclaimed god, and escape the clutches of yandere capture targets, will her quick thinking let her get out of these situations unscathed? Updates: around once a week

glitteringstarlet · Fantasia
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24 Chs

Chapter 10: Peculiar day

~~Marquis Everflame's POV~~

I loathe Sage. Yes, I know very well that this hate is irrational. I know that Sage is innocent, and hasn't done anything wrong. But, the amount of fury that I feel towards her breaks much of the willpower I had to hide these feelings.

My work is my life. I put all my effort into it and enjoy watching my hard work pay off. Over the years, I have grown increasingly attached to the business my partner and I run. So, when I found that my fiance was a spy, trying to sabotage my work, I was enraged. However, she, unfortunately, committed suicide the moment I found out, therefore there was nothing I could do towards her. Additionally, there were no leads towards who was behind this. It was only natural that I directed all my hate towards the child she left behind. The one I was 100% sure wasn't mine.

I abandoned this child and left it to the mercy of my servants. If I didn't, I don't know what I may have done to her. I plan to marry her off towards Marquis Jade's 3rd son when she comes of age.

A small knock whips me out of my thoughts.


]A petite girl with iridescent white hair and blue eyes walks in. Her aura is dignified and mature, much unlike her seemingly young age. It then hits me.


The way she carried herself and the glow in her normal dull eyes made me take a while to remember who she is.

"Good day, marquis, please pardon the interruption."

She lifted the sides of her oversized, dirty shirt, and lowered her knees slightly, in an apparent attempt to curtsy. While it was wide of the mark of an actual curtsy, from her legs being awkwardly placed, to her hands not lifting the sides of her dres-- er shirt properly, it was not a skill that a 9-year-old who has been locked up in her room should have. On that note, the fact that she had wandered outside her room when I had told her not to do so, and even physically disciplined her, was infuriating.

"What are you doing here? Had I not made it clear enough that you are to stay in your chambers?"

"I deeply apologize for breaking this rule, however something urgent happened that I believe is important to personally notify you. If you find my actions wrong, after I am done explaining, I shall accept punishment. I ask you, please listen to this request of mine."

Putting aside questioning her manners for later, I gazed at her suspiciously. What is this child of that wretched fox up to? Deciding there was no harm in letting her proceed, I permitted her to speak.


"Thank you very much. I think that my magic seal is broken, and also think that I have a unique magic."

I scoffed. That was a lie that even a three-year-old wouldn't believe, and now you expect me to believe it? Ha!

"And why do you think this?" I ask, expecting her to be startled and flustered, attempting to make up some other ridiculous lie on the spot.

"Recently, when I was talking, I felt the flow of mana, and then for some reason, I changed what I was saying. I have never heard of something like this being done with regular magic" she immediately replied.

Since this was possible, I cannot punish her until I confirm she is lying. Instead, I decided to threaten her, inflicting fear and then punishment once I manage to gather the tools to prove her wrong.

"I see, if I find that you are lying, and you do not have unique magic, you will be in great trouble. Now is the time to tell me the truth."

"I am telling the truth." She said. Although it was obvious that she was going to say something like this, the fact that her eyes didn't waver slightly surprised me.

"Very well then, we shall see the results after an appraisal ceremony. I shall schedule it for tomorrow. Now go back to your room."

"Thank you very much for your ti-"


A desperate and beastly roar filled the room. I locked my eyes on the origin of the sound--Sage's stomach. I then realized how unhealthily thin it was.

"-me, m-marquis", She continued, attempting to pretend that event never occurred. Her flustered state, much contradicting with her previous mature aura made me silently chuckle.

She once again lifted the sides of her shirt and slightly bent my knees once again.

I looked over at the servant who escorted her.

"You have been feeding that, right?" I pointed towards Sage. I allowed the fury I felt to seep its way into my aura. How dare they treat a high ranked noble like this. Although she may not have my favor, she is still a noble nonetheless.

'If she ends up with health concerns, then I won't be able to use her for a political marriage. If I did, it would most likely worsen my bond with Marquis Jade instead of increase it. It would be taken as an insult to let his son marry a sickly and weak person with many health concerns.' I told myself

"O-of course my lord." the servant was sweating bullets, deepening my suspicions.

"And just how much have you been feeding it? That growl didn't sound like something from a well-fed 'child', not to mention how skinny it is."

"A s-slice of bread… m-my lord…" His voice had softened perhaps a foolish attempt for me to mishear.

"When that was born, what was my first order?" I said, my fury growing by the second.

"T-to keep her alive, my lord"

"Correct, it seems you still remember. I asked you to keep it alive, not half alive and half dead."

"I apologize… I shall t-talk to the head maid. T-This won't happen again..."

"Good, if it does, I may have to get some replacements. Now go. Feed that thing while you are at it. I could probably hear that beast of a stomach roar from a mile away. As a penalty, all servants in charge or related to this 'child' will be punished with 1 month without pay. You all will also have to compensate for the food that you have taken under the context of the child. You shall pay double the amount taken, who pays what can be worked out with those among you." I am usually very lenient with my servants, however, the number of supplies they took out under the context of 'the child' was quite a sum. In fact, some nobles may have even executed their servants for doing something like this.

I watched the servant rush out, quietly closing the doors behind him.

Letting off a sigh, I slouch back into my chair and review the events that had just occurred. A 9-year-old who was acting nothing like one in her situation should be, and the embezzlement from the servants I had treated so well.

Deciding to quickly sort out how the appraisal ceremony shall go, I find myself settling on the most expensive and accurate magic circle, despite knowing that Sage's declaration was a blatant lie.

'Well that may not be 100% true' I admit to myself. I know that deep down, my hatred went a bit down for that child, despite our meeting being quite brief. I found myself subconsciously trusting her words, even though I know that it was a lie. Well, once the results of the ceremony come, I'll lose this trust anyways.

"What a peculiar day" I chuckle to myself.