

Kingpin was sat in the dark smoking a cigar, he does admit he was previously quite anxious. The boy was quite strong, but he looked back down at his phone.


The Vulture was always a damn fool, but he could he at least have included details or evidence.

Kingpin shook his head, he had nearly 70 of the best soldiers money can buy all in his office and he was just waiting for Vulture to confirm the kill so he can dismiss them back to the hallway and leave him to his privacy.

He saw a green light flash and looked over, one flash meant a planned visitor. He sighed in relief, that relief died when the light stayed on.

It's only meant to stay on for a few seconds.


The receptionists arms were gone, turned to dust and her bloody head rested on a large green button.

A black wearing white haired figure walked to the elevator with blood dripping onto the bloodstained white floor.

Tomura stepped over a body, and then another. Last time he came here only the receptionist was down here.

This time though.

He looked back to the dozen bodies half decayed sprawled bodies and shook his head.


Kingpin was on edge, the green light was still on. He heard the muffled sound of the elevator open and felt his blood rush through his large body.

He couldn't go anywhere, he should have made a damn escape plan. He sighed as he looked over at the soldiers surrounding him.

The mahogany doors to his office opened with a crash and the glimpse of white hair caused Kingpin to close his eyes and sigh.

Bullets started to fire and men started to scream, in pain, fear, exhilaration. Kingpin couldn't tell, all he could hear was screams.

In under 15 seconds the screaming was done, he sighed once more and opened his eyes.

The blood covered teenager was staring into the Kingpins eyes.

"100 Million in cash and you live" the words were unexpected but not unwelcome.

The Kingpin however was suspicious but he sighed and looked around the room, he didn't really have a different choice.

He pulled out his phone and called Wesley who answered before the first ring had even finished.

"Send over one hundred million cash Wesley, be quick about it" he hung up before he could get a response and met the teenagers hungry eyes with his own beady ones.

As always Wesley was loyal and showed up within the hour. "All the cash is in a truck at the entrance." The kingpin quickly noticed the blood on the bottom of Wesley's shoes and didn't dare ask infront of the teenager.

Tomura nodded and stuck out his hand to the Kingpin who didn't want to admit it but did not even think of touching that boys hands.

Tomura laughed, the laugh was dry and sounded half mad. "If I was going to kill you i would just kill you, you don't think I'm a coward do you?" He asked.

Fisk stuck his own hand out and almost absorbed the boys far smaller hands in his own.

He could squeeze right now and-

The Kingpin grunted as suddenly burning pain started in his palm, he started to struggle and pull his meaty palm from the boys suddenly incredibly tight grip.

The Kingpin looked down at the far shorter boy and couldn't help the fear showing through his eyes.

The man's hand was now without any skin and the decay was spreading slowly as The Kingpin struggled.

Wesley was stood directly next to the teenager and tried to pull a gun but was kicked suddenly in the chest, the loyal man was sent crashing into a nearby expensive statue that crashed on top of him.

Tomura could give the Kingpin this, he never screamed ou, only grunts and struggle.

"Now, my decay could spread far further, I could cripple you for life, take your arm completely, take your life" Tomura explained.

"But for now, this will do" the Kingpins struggles did not falter "I've taken everything from your right arm except the bone, the only reason your still alive is your use"

Kingpins hand was suddenly released and all that was left was of his whole right arm was bone and torn pieces of muscle that hadn't fully decayed yet.

"Remember that" Tomura said as he left the penthouse office in a casual stroll.

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