

Sterns looked at the sheer amount of cash in the corner of the warehouse in wonder. "Wh-Where?" Sterns asked.

Tomura snorted "Fisk, fucker tried to set me up. Got him to pay for it"

Sterns eyes widened and he suddenly started to build an electric signal detector out of random things in the cluttered warehouse.

He then scanned the cash and sighed when nothing happened. "I thought, maybe they might have bugged it" he said with a sheepish look on his face.

Tomura hummed, he didn't even think of that.

Sterns suddenly spoke up "Anyway we will need to buy more cameras, more defensive perimeters" Stern said as he mapped out the warehouse on a piece of paper.

"We can't get robbed now can we" Tomura agreed with the man. "Oh yeah I also got these" Tomura handed the man a bag.

"Samples? Of who, I saw your fight didn't exactly go well with Hul-"

"Yeah yeah I know, that's uh Spider-Man's villains, the Lizard, and The Rhino."

Sterns looked down in the bag with interest "Thank you, it will help" he said as he examined.

"Also I think we should move, remember that massive set of abandoned warehouses I found?" Tomura said.

Sterns nodded.

"I looked into it and it would cost a lot, but we would have tons of space, we can add cameras throughout the whole thing. It would be insane, what you think?"

Sterns nodded slowly "That would be perfect, we could even add air conditioning and heating to make the warehouses more liveable and then we could both move into our own warehouses so I don't have to constantly drive back and forth." He muttered to himself but Tomura could hear.

"Exactly, I'll contact the owners soon and see what type of deal we could get"

Sterns was clearly excited by the prospect, and so was he.

This was the beginning, they wouldn't be working out of some tin can much longer, soon he will have an empires worth of land right in New York City.

Tomura got to putting in the number he saw on the for sale sign on the land with an excited feeling in his heart.


Logan came storming back into Xavier's school with Bobby and Cyclops behind him both looking just as annoyed.

Storm quickly turned to them and asked. "Well? Where is the kid-"

"Fucking Magneto" Logan said as his jaw clenched.

Jeans eyebrows furrowed, no he wasn't with magne-

"No, he's not with Magneto. The kids gone." Cyclops clarified. "But Magnetos the reason we were late" he said as his own fists clenched.

"The idiot stopped the jet in the air and started spouting his fucking ideologies as if we haven't heard it everytime we see the cu-"

"Logan!" Storm reprimanded, as she nodded her head to the children in the room.

He took a deep breath "Listen we couldn't find the kid, by the time we got there he was gone"

James the boy with the sharkhead looked down at his feet.

Jean spoke up "He's okay, he just retreated instead of fighting the damn Hulk" she said to calm the boy.

But if Jean was being honest she didn't know if he was okay, only that he's in some warehouse.

That's all she can gather, his location. His head was screaming, just constantly screaming.

She thought back to what he had said.

'Your just pissed because your stuck in this shit hole'

'Prick' she though to herself.

She stood and was about to walk back to her room when the TV changed from replaying footage of the Hulks fight to a bloody scene at Fisks tower

Her eyes were wide as she watched a newsman report that 13 bodies were found dead in the bottom of the controversial buisness man's tower.

"Fisks condition is currently critical and it is unknown if he will-"

"You don't think that was him?" Logan said as his eyes narrowed on the scene.

"No, what the hell would he have to do with Fisk?" Cyclops said as he also paid close attention to the news. "This is probably Fisks 'buisness' just catching up to him."

Jeans eyes were wide.

This was him.

She remembered the buisness deal he and Fisk had, who else would do this.

It must be him.


A week later and they were moving into the Abandoned warehouses, there must have been at least 16 giant warehouses on his new property.

The price had been insane but most definitely worth it. An abandoned small but tall red brick factory in the very centre of the land became Tomuras.

While the warehouse closest became the lab and the warehouse next to the lab became Sterns home.

They spent another couple million on Secruity alone, hundreds of motion sensing cameras covering every inch of property. Dozens of trespassing alarms and tall spiked fences all around the property with another larger spiked fences surrounding the factory.

Sterns was also researching if he could make some sort of turrets for the lab but that was a work in progress.

Sterns started to train himself in the use of firearms twice a day and placed hidden guns and weapons all over the lab and his own home.

They spent millions more on brand new lab equipment and also outfitted the small factory and two warehouses in use with air conditioning and heating.

They turned one of the warehouses into an inside heated pool and that in Tomuras opinion was the best moneys he ever spent.

But now he had a difficult time, he needed to decorate his factory. It was not akin to a home at all, and if he ever wanted anyone to visit he would want it to at least look like a home.

So he started with his bedroom, it was on the top floor and overlooked his kingdom. He filled it with random stuff and it looked terrible, so he did the easy thing and just hired someone to decorate for him.


He looked up at his new home from the ground level, it almost looked like a wizards tower from stories.

He laughed as he imagined showing this place off to visitors. He walked through the massive main entrance and came across a pool table, he didn't know how to use one but it looked nice enough.

The home had 6 bedrooms and its entertainment room was the size of a house.

He walked through his new home in fascination, this was his.

All of this was his.


He and Sterns were in the lab, they discovered the lab had a tiny basement and had hidden the cash down there with several advanced locks.

Sterns looked up from his computer and met Tomuras bored eyes "Why didn't you kill Fisk?" He asked curiously.

"Hm, well I needed his money" he said with a shrug.

Sterns eyebrows furrowed "What? Couldn't you have just killed him and taken all of his money?"

Tomura shook his head "Nah, i don't even have a bank account, I mean if I killed him I don't even know where he keeps his cash or any details."

Sterns nodded in realisation "Fisk will probably try to kill you again"

Tomura nodded "Yep, but if I killed him all his connections just go to waste. I don't know anyone on the streets. So the occasional murder attempt is worth it, also whenever he tries I go up there and steal another 100 million"

Sterns nodded "Just be careful with Fisk, he is a billionaire he could just throw endless hitmen our way and it only takes one being lucky"

Tomura nodded. "That's why we need some better security, how are those gun turrets things going?"

Sterns smiled with a victorious glint in his eyes.

Tomura laughed "Going well then" he said with a grin.

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