

Jirihya looked at me confused and asked what is a Habibi. I told him it is how people in distant lands call their friends and lovers. Now my friend summon you toads before I make you into a fried toad.

He said alright alright , he did the summoning jutsu and the two old toads got summoned. They looked as disgusting as the anime, these mf some old ass toads. I looked at them and said" so this sage mode thing , is there a way to learn it besides going to ur place and turning into half toad in the process. Or is there a way out side."

Fukasaka said " who the hell are you and why did you summon me Jirihya boy. "

Jirihya said " I'm just trying to not become a fried toad, the person asking you the question is the Arnold Uchiha. The person I was telling you about who doesn't use ninjustus while being a Uchiha and the person that is strong as a hokage."

Fukasaka looked at me and said " well certainly the reports of you having a massive imposing figure correct. As for your question, the method to learning sage mode out side our mauntain is possible. But nearly impossible , for someone to learn sage mode they need to open there out side chakara pathway to sage mode. In our mauntain we have special oil that's pops them open , that's why people turn into toads with them since the nature energy in our place makes you into a toad. If you learn sage mode in regular place like here you won't have any toad features. "

I asked " so you telling me it's possible, very interesting, how do I open these chakra pathways on my own "

Fukasaka said " I don't know my boi. We never needed to learn techniques for that . From what our grand elder told me , the first hokaga managed to learn sage mode on his own since the circulation of wood release and sage mode are similar so he opened it up using wood release. For you to open it up you have to figure out a way circulate chakra in and out ur pathway similar to that of sage mode. "

I said " you guys so useless , living so long to not even know how to reach sage mode out side. Now either give me some relics from ur mauntain to give as gifts to unpaid workers or I beat this Jirihya boy cause he looks like a perv. "

The two frogs looked at Jirihya and said " I think we stayed long enougt,we have to leave you with your friends now by by ." Then they both vanished .

Jirihya started sweating and saying " come on Arnold we all friends here , I got a few trinkets on me how about I give them to you and you can be on ur way."

I put my hand on his shoulder and said " seems like you don't understand how this gona to , your face looks extremely punchable, and my fist need some thing to hit so let's tango ."

I clenched my fist and throw a paunch at him , mf Jirihya used his sharp hair technique to protect him self. Sadly for him my fist is too strong and blow past it . I knocked the man 30 m into a wall. I walked up to him and said " you know for some one called a sanin you sure are weak beside your sage mode and seals. This village for to long has had strong ninja in search of peace . Yet all they do is more killing and cause more wars. You guys all pathetic , every time I see you or that old man the 3rd I think my tax dollars are getting burnt. Maybe I should be the one getting protection money. Thanks Jirihya, you had one good use , punching ur pathetic face made me realize it is time to form the Uchiha cartel I mean Uchiha protection fee. Good good now see you later I have to go protect some people. "

Before Jirihya could respond I left.

Jirihya said to him self " the 3rd wasnt joking when he said he packs a paunch . He almost dislocated my jaw, that prick . What the hell is a cartel and protection money , I'm glad I'm not the hokage or else I would have to deal with him constantly. "

Meanwhile in my head I was thinking of how much to charge for protection money, we goto keep the streets safe you know. Also for sage mode it was a let down but I think my best chance to learn it is either with the demonic back or if I learn reverse yang release. Those two might give me some hints on how to release my nature chakra pathways.

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