
protection money, keeping the streets safe

I went back to the village and call all the elders and police force.

I told them that from now we will disband the police force and will form our own private protection services. We are not public servants any more and we will have drum up work one way or another . If the customer is not willing, we goto give them a bit of encouragement.

All the elders started yelling saying how dare I gave away the right of being the police , how are we gonna explain this to the hokaga. How dare you disgrace your ancestors . We are going to rob the people of the village just for ur financial goals. You already the richest person in konoha , how much more money do you need. "

I laughed and said " too bad , what you gonna do , fight me , you all are encouraged to get a chance to fight for the clan head spot if you can best shisui or fork up 1 mil for the fight. Ur concerns are too meaningless and a waste of air to respond to . Now either you enforce these rules or be permanently kicked out the Uchiha. I want all ur police badges now , I'm gonna go turn it to the hokaga. No Uchiha policeman will be out of work , we just turning private. So hurry up. Anyone who refuses will not have a job . "

The elders kept calling about this and that , I went and collected the badges and left . I wasnt gona stand there and hear them yap about stuff. These fools better of dead like original novel .

On the way back shisui came in front of me and asked " is this really the best move for the village Arnold , why don't you think it over. Are you really this money hungry, what's the point of so much money "

I put my hands on shisui and said " there is a reason why you a unpaid intern and im ceo of Arnold business , you got no vision ,you best friend a traitor. Why I want more money is simple , money is power , and I want all the power I can this life. Power to force sociaty to my liking . If you don't like how something operates you can just change it with money. If I want a golden neckless to show it to all the hoes , I can get a golden neckless. If I want to open a few orphanages to get more unpaid interns I can do to with money. Money is needed to make the world go round my unpaid intern. You lucky you get to learn so much in ur internship at Arnold company. I should be charging you for this valuable lessons . Now go on ur way before I charge you for lessons ."

Shisui once again looked defeated and went back to the elders to try to calm them down. A pointless action, let them seeth .

I thought I was free to go and then fugaku came and asked the same thing as shisui . And told him " why do you people have no vision , you couldn't even spot ur own son betraying you. For people with the sharingan , you guys sure lack a lot of vision. You have to think about what we get being a public force vs a private force. A Public force will always has to answer to the hokage , and operate on a loss cost basis . I'm trying to bring us our the hands of that old bone 3rd . And what's the point in being the police if everyone hates you. What sort of public servent is that . Also when you a police , you everyones ops. Now go by the way before I demote you from a elder to handicapped ."

He said " I shouldn't have given you the position of the head. Traditions be damned , you dont lead the clan you just order it around. "

I said " I got something to order at least if this clan was under your management, there wonldnt be much left to lead or order "

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