
chapter 1: A new life

It was raining cats and dogs in Toulouse, a city renowned for its calm, sunny weather. It was late or early, depending on how people were behaving. It was around 4.30 in the morning, night was still reigning supreme and it was difficult to get around as soon as you strayed from the main roads lit up by street lamps. It was against this backdrop that I found myself returning from the party that my school's BDE (Bureau des Etudiants) had organised.

I was neither drunk nor sober, my ears whistling to the music from the club where I'd been before wandering the empty streets of the pink city. I was now next to a park, the Japanese garden for those who want to know, and I had to cross a footbridge that went over the roads. So I started to cross it when I saw three kings approaching me with knives. 

From there, there are several possible outcomes: the first and perhaps the least likely, these three caïd accost me and ask me for fire for their firecrackers then go away thanking me, for the second outcome, more likely, they ask me for money, I refuse and they stick their knives in me to be able to pick my pockets. Finally, the third possible outcome, just as likely, but better for me than the second, is that they ask me for money, I reluctantly accept and then they leave me alone.

But back to my situation, one of the likely outcomes happened, but as I wasn't an idiot it was the third outcome. But what would a story of reincarnation be if the protagonist didn't die in his first life?

Unfortunately for me, when I went to give my money to my aggressors, I couldn't find my wallet. So when they saw that my hand was empty, they thought I was making fun of them and started attacking me with their knives. And so, despite my experience in Krav Maga and knowing how to defend myself against an attacker armed with a knife, I died, because remember, I wasn't physically very well and this isn't a film, it's impossible to defend yourself bare-handed against 3 armed attackers with the physique of a student at around half past four in the morning.


I can't see anything, I can't hear anything, I can't feel anything. I don't know where I am, but I know why I'm in this state and I'm clinging on to this knowledge alone for an uncertain, even unreal time...


1380 Royal residence - Paris

The maids run to the royal physician who was then standing next to King Charles V.

"Messire! The dauphin (A/N: the title of the heir) has woken up!

"Did you hear them majesty? Your son has woken up. You won't lose another loved one before you die." asked the doctor.

"Good... Let him know that his father the king orders him to take his time to recover and that he is wary of his vassals who might betray him out of ambition..." dictated the king

"Yes Majesty, I will send him a letter by pigeon post."

And when the doctor returned to the king's bedside. He was dead.



"Long live King Charles VI!

I had woken up and was reading the letter from my father the king when the lords who made up my retinue and my brother came in and announced my father's death.

I was now King Charles VI, known for his madness. And I hoped that my reincarnation would have dispelled that. But I also knew that the reign of Charles VI was marked by the influence and fratricidal struggles of his uncles who fought for power from the regency onwards, a regency that, instead of lasting about 1 year and 3 months, lasted 8 years under the influence of his uncles.

So I already knew, without my late father's advice, that I had to be wary of my uncles and in particular the Duke of Burgundy, who in the original story gradually began to secede.

"Warn my brother Louis and the great men of the kingdom and prepare my return to Paris! I ordered.

Once alone, I wanted to confirm my theory.



Name: Charles de Valois

Age: 11

Title: King of France (under regency)

Martial: 2 (-5)

Diplomacy: 0 (-5)

Intrigue: 0 (-5)

Administration: 2 (-5)

Erudition: 2 (-5)

Health: 2 (-3)

Reputation: D

Genetic traits: inbred (malus)

Skills: 0

Quests: !

Shop: !




Points: 150

Delete a genetic trait: 50 pts - one use remaining

Add a genetic trait: 25 to 100 pts - three remaining uses

Current trait:

Inbred: -5 ( Diplomacy, intrigue, martial, administration, erudition) and-3 Health

List of available traits:

left-handed, ambidextrous, energetic, flexible, agile, genius, quiet voice, soft voice, ..., attractive, appealing, ... capable, solid, immense, ... astute, insightful....

"Delete inbred!

Add perceptive and flexible".

Perceptive: +2 ( martial, diplomacy, intrigue, administration, erudition) - 50 pts

Flexible: +1 Martial and +1 Health - 50 pts



Name: Charles de Valois

Age: 11

Title: King of France (under regency)

Martial: 10 (+3)

Diplomacy: 7 (+2)

Intrigue: 7 (+2)

Administration: 9 (+2)

Erudition: 9 (+2)

Health: 6 (+1)

Reputation: D

Genetic traits: perceptive (bonus); flexible (bonus)

Skills: 3

Quests: !


I intended to improve my stats overall which is why I chose flexible which improved my health and insightful which improved everything else. So I left myself a trait for more trad in case I gained points by doing quests as I'd theorised.

From what I understood, the martial stat corresponded to strength and combat techniques, diplomacy to relationships, intrigue to the ability to spy but also to survive in a courtyard, administration to mastery of the economy and stewardship, erudition to knowledge in general, which complemented the previous stats, health to life expectancy and the probability of falling ill, not forgetting reputation, which needs no explanation. Finally, health ranged from 0 (death) to 10 (life expectancy beyond that of a human). A health of 5, for example, is the average health and the others range from 0 to 20, but 10 is not the average stats but rather the intermediate mastery of the stat.

Let's take a look at the quests




Add and remove genetic traits using starting points. - Reward: Unlock the other part of the shop. ✅️

End Regency Council at age 13 (Bonus: limit Regents' influence and actions) - +3 in Intrigue and Diplomacy and increase in Reputation (Bonus: +1 extra)

Develop your skills: complete your studies within 4 years. - Rewards: +5 (martial, diplomacy, administration and erudition)

Maintain your body: do 10 hours of sport a week apart from weapons training.

(+1 in temporary health)

I clicked with my mind on quest reward completed and then went to the shop




Points: 0

Cash: 0

List of features:


Skills list:

archery, one-handed swordsmanship, two-handed swordsmanship, leadership, stewardship, espionage, hand-to-hand combat, self defence, ...

List of technologies:


So I'll be able to learn a skill without having to learn it from someone else, and I'll be able to fill in my scientific gaps thanks to technology.

Maybe my skills will show up in my status.



Name: Charles de Valois

Age: 11

Title: King of France (under regency)

Martial: 10 (+3)

Diplomacy: 7 (+2)

Intrigue: 7 (+2)

Administration: 9 (+2)

Erudition: 9 (+2)

Health: 6 (+1)

Reputation: D

Genetic traits: perceptive (bonus); flexible (bonus)

Skills: 3

Self defence (4/5) ; Unarmed combat (3/5) ; One-handed swordsmanship (1/5)



It's my second story so far so sorry if you see that my writing style changes during the story. this version is a TL of my original story with deepL so sorry for the possible mistakes.

Porthos10creators' thoughts
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