
Chapter 142: New World, New Order! Pt 1


Sasuke's POV (Nothern Mountains of Irminsul - Terra)

"So there is more…" Sasuke softly pondered out loud. "And you are the leader. Meaning if I were too…" As he finished his thought, Sasuke quickly snatched up the large Weasel with one hand, the other roughly holding a kunai against its spine. "I suppose that means they would be moved by your capture, perhaps even compliant to ensure your safe return?." Sasuke spoke with a smirk.

"You evil scum! Release me at once! Even if you use me, my children will simply bide their time to kill you!"

Sasuke didn't respond, letting his displeasure show by digging in the kunai slightly. The Weasel screamed out in pain as the blade entered him. "Swear upon your name. Your men will act properly to protect your livelihood."


Sasuke continued to dig in the blade slowly. "On. Your. Name."

"I SWEAR IT TO THE GREAT NAME, SPLEEN FEASTER!" The Weasel cried out in pain. "Stop this pointless torture!"

Sasuke and Muri blinked in surprise at the name. "Well, oddities aside, this will serve us well," Sasuke remarked.

"It's Great when his kids find us; we can try to negotiate for our lives! What kinda man slaughters a group then holds their leader hostage! We'll be lucky if they don't just decide to slay the both of us regardless." Muri dramatically complained.

"Of course not. We will force… Spleen Feaster… here to lead us to their home and force them to accommodate us." Sasuke answered. "Once we ensure they aren't harboring others, we continue on, releasing him as to ensure they don't feel the need to chase after us."

"THE BLOOD-" Spleen Feaster began before Sasuke chopped its neck, knocking the weasel out and allowing him to carry the large weasel with ease as the two walked on.

"I guess that'll work…" Muri agreed, and with that decision, the two marched on toward the home of the snow weasels.

'So incredibly different and yet similar to Naruto. The same endless drive and will. They have the same shocking power and confidence, yet their methods and ideology differ greatly. I can see why Naruto spoke well of him… and yet there is darkness there… just beneath the surface. How interesting.' Muri thought 'Hopefully we find Naruto soon…' 


Lee's POV (Eastern Forest of Irminsul - Terra)

Lee and Muuni excitedly walked down the open-air corridors that threaded their way through the trees and the central hub of the Okama hideout. Well Lee was excited, Muuni seemed happy but awfully moody. Perhaps she would miss him once he left? The treehouses were elaborate, small, and functional homes, each flowing to the other. Nearly every building held an indoor kiln and clay, which each raccoon worked on dutifully. As well as various other housing necessities, nearly as decorated and lived in as any human home.

"What is the deal with the clay? Are you all fans of pottery?" Lee asked curiously. He had seen several raccoons working with clay or even harvesting it during his stay. "A respectable hobby if so."

"It's our talent." Muuni impatiently replied. "Every member of the Okama clan is both an artist and student of clay. It is actually used to form these unique homes and pathways we walk through and on. And what achieves our acclaim to the other clans. Many have peaceful agreements with us in exchange for our pottery and unique skills. Such is why this hideout is necessary. Though I cannot tell you much more as a non summoner. We have already offered you much more than what would be considered appropriate. Please be silent for now; I am glad another human is coming; perhaps I will be relieved of watching you, Human Lee."

"Your frank honesty is the epitome of youth!" Lee responded happily. Allowing for what he felt was a most comfortable silence. After a short journey the duo drew to the central training and eating facility. Half a training field for a variety of physical and chakra-related exercises. The other half was an indoor dining hall. A group of smaller, what Lee assumed were children, raccoons scramble by playing around the facility. Several adult raccoons were being drilled in spear play, though most seemed to have gathered to see the second human. Though Lee did note they were all oddly silent.

They entered the mess hall to see an older woman sitting patiently at the head table. Surrounding her were several large raccoons. Apparently, the bruisers of the clan, whose immense physical strength allowed them to act as the guards of the Okama. Lee had in his time here sparred with them, and they were surprisingly voracious fighters. They had initially been Lee's watch until he earned their trust by proxy for his friendship with Naruto. A shame they had worthy training partners.

'Not one of my youthful allies. I should be grateful that they are spared the potential danger I suppose. Nonetheless, leaving this stranger astray in a strange land would be most unyouthful. I'll just have to protect her until I can find a way to send her home.'

"Hello there, mam!" Lee called out politely. "I see you have also been taken to this land, as I was only a short while ago. I wanted to assure you that I will ensure your safety!"

The woman smiled prettily at Lee. "It is relieving to know a young and lively young man such as yourself will be protecting me. But I must ask, where is this place we find ourselves? I was merely relaxing after a patrol when I appeared here."

"Well, the exact location and finer details are a mystery even to me," Lee admitted with a shrug. "Youth can miss the finer details at times."

Muuni sighed at such, likely excited for her eventual break, as she interjected. "We are now at the land of Terra, a world separate yet connected to your own. The most defining difference is that this land is free of humans. In fact, it is ruled solely by intelligent and, thankfully, less destructive "animals" as you would put it. This world is where you humans gain access to the summoning clans. Your arrival here is likely due to the same reason as Lee, one of the clans have been attempting to force access to new summoners. Forcibly reverse summoning various shinobi. I believe you to be a kunoichi. As you had mentioned before you lost your headband and the patrol you mentioned earlier. Clearly, you do not come from the Leaf, so which village do you claim?"

Lee frowned as she saw the lady's face twitch for a second.

Actually posting at a decent time today! And we seemed to have made our return decently smooth. Thanks for reading and supporting. I plan to keep this smooth update schedule up for as long as possible. Remember this Saturday and Sunday won't have chapters. But we will return Monday as planned. Sorry for the inconvience and I hope you have a good weekend! Peace~!

AfroLordcreators' thoughts
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