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Oh hey! Well everyone (especially me lol) makes mistakes, I honestly was so confused when I saw your review. But an apology is more than good enough for me. I hate plagiarizing as much as anyone so I can respect attempting to reign it in. Thank you for reviewing again, it makes me happy to have the last one gone. Hope you are doing well.
okay i had originally were merely a misguided fan attempting to an out what you thought was a lazy person coasting off others. but upon reading (and i kid you not) literally the first chapter it isn't even remotely close to Despite it All. One major theme of Despite it All is the aged up aspects of characters, not a team seven fic shifts in life is, Despite it All is Au heavily including in the first arc unlike (not that there is anything wrong with this course) shifts in life which is pretty much the canon first arc telling, one more and this is a big one, Kushina in my fic is alive .she's not in the other. I sincerely doubt you've read my or the work you brought up based off this. thanks your time even if you spent it lying
um I assure you this is my work for better or worse lol .I'm not familiar with the work your referring to but their could be similarities but that would be purely by chance. i also do not have a paetron, one it would be illegal since this is a fan work, two i am not arrogant enough to believe this work worthy of someone's hard earned money. i write this one for my own amusement, and for practice for my own original work in the future. please do not randomly accuse someone of plagiarism or asking for money if they are not.
okay quite the comment here, one I'm not familiar with the work your referring to but I assure I have written all of this myself. (i mean the early chapters scream rookie lol). Also I don't have a patron? hell I don't earn anything off of this nor do i ask? I fully realize fan fics are not something that can profited off of, nor am i arrogant enough to think my work is worthy of such. perhaps check before you needlessly and ignorantly accuse someone?
hey there. I could understand how'd that be confusing. I'll update it tomorrow with the new chapter. ty for feedback
oh I've been reading them for ten years, hell been debating the topic for like four lol. most loopholes people point out have at least some semblance of answer (not always a good one but some sort of in verse explanation). and often find themselves disliking the answer. as such i consider it more of poorly planned writing than outright loophole
I don't quite agree i believe he definitely tweaked things last minute. hell he's said as much but I've yet to see a loophole that wasn't somewhat explained
brevity is the soul of wit, but that would be inaccurate. only the genin version doesn't. though i suppose you have a point lol. ty
Thanks so much! It's my first work so I'm glad I'm improving as I go on. Thanks for the support.
ya it really was; early on in this story, I wasn't as skilled a writer as I am now. luckily it improves as it goes