
Chapter 115: Survive!


Naruto's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Naruto stared warily at Gaara, unsure of his new form or the barrier surrounding them.

"Dome of Forced Isolation!" Gaara cheered madly. It was as if he was overjoyed. He held his face as his roars turned into cackles.

"So, is there a point to this barrier?" Naruto asked as he eyed it curiously. "Some kinda ultra secret technique?" Naruto asked with a raised brow. Jiraiya had spent much of their training ironing out Naruto's strategic mind. Including how to use manipulation to farm information from his foes. Hopefully, Gaara wo-

"Probing for information already, brother!" Gaara howled, his voice deepening as it did. The transformation was complete. And Naruto's ploy had been detected. "But why not indulge you? We have plenty of time! This beautiful dome is a gift from Shikaku, unique to any normal jutsu you may encounter! Greater truly! With this technique, I have assured you there will be no interruptions, no more noisy interlopers denying me what is mine!"

Naruto was utterly perplexed by Gaara's behavior. He hadn't lowered his guard even now; he was certain Gaara had somehow become even more fearsome in this form. "And what is yours exactly?"


"Excu-" Naruto started but had to duck as suddenly Gaara closed in and attempted to slap Naruto with a massive sand hand. He was slowly growing in size as the sand seemed to aid his strength. 'He's strong!' Muri's voice sounded off in Naruto's head. It appeared he had switched to mental communication. 'Faster, too, I saw you attempted to repel him. He resisted it with raw strength. This really is the final stretch.' Naruto thought as he spun around in the air with absurd speed, a whoosh sounding off from the motion and wind working to empower the blow further, and kicked Gaara square in the face. But to his shock and Gaara's joy, the sandy monstrosity did not budge an inch. Nor did the sand seem to even indent from the power of the blow. However, Naruto had no time to be shocked, as Gaara grabbed Naruto's leg quickly and yanked.

Naruto was no stranger to physical might, yet was shocked by the ease with which Gaara whipped him from his feet. The entire time, Muri desperately attempts to blow Gaara away. 'Naruto! Be amazed later! I will not be a tanuki pancake!' Naruto focused back as he willed his chakra and will to double the power of the wind. But Gaara merely chuckled as they held on with ease. Naruto growled as, with a thought, Riptide flew back into his hand; Naruto growled as he filled it with chakra and managed to hack off the giant arm of Gaara's. Naruto and Muri worked in tandem to float above Gaara and stare down at the monster. Be careful not to touch the barrier. Barrier Ninjutsu was something the academy had briefly taught them, warning of their effectiveness and counter-defensive measures.

"Thank Kami, Uzumaki. For a second, I was worried physically and mentally crushing you would be boring!" Gaara roared. "It would've been a shame if this was boring! It is the start of your new life!"

"I won't be changing Gaara, but you will be," Naruto promised readily. He then started to slash Riptide rapidly, each strike transforming the air around him into blades as they rested above Gaara. "Starting now!" Naruto screamed as he hurled the storm of powerful blades toward Gaara. Naruto had seen these blades cleanly split massive boulders in two. This would slow him down, surely!

Gaara squatted down before he launched himself into the air. Each blade hit its mark, but each dispersed around his tough new skin. Gold shined within it. Showing the Golden Dust had been used to harden part of the hide even further. Naruto could only widen his eyes before Gaara roared triumphantly as his now-massive hand wrapped around Naruto. He had finished growing but was quickly three times as large as before. With a cruel chuckle, he whipped Naruto to the ground.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Naruto and Muri called out in tandem as they spiked toward the ground at a speed that both appeared to be nothing but a blur. With a wind boom, they both managed to stop their fall before suddenly Gaara flew in from above. Body fully outstretched, he tapped his hands to his knees before reextending and calling out with glee. "FROG SPLASH!" The massive Gaara smashed both Muri and Naruto into the ground. All three's enormous impact and weight smashed them through the ground's surface. Fully burning Naruto and Muri, Gaara chuckled as he climbed out of the hole.

"GET U-" It was Gaara's turn to be silent as Naruto burst from the ground, kicking the massive Gaara into the air. He was bloodied and furious. Even poor Muri was covered in dirt, his fur unkempt from the impromptu burial. Naruto and Muri raised both of their left hands and slapped Gaara as if he were mere inches from him. The effect was immediate as Gaara was violently slapped to the ground. The redhead is now buried. Naruto offered no respite to Gaara, and he and Muri punched at Gaara. Another massive and focused gust of wind smashed Gaara even more violently into the ground. Buried even deeper than Naruto and Muri had been. Gaara, though, seemed more annoyed than harm, leaping out of the whole as if he were unharmed. Naruto and Muri narrowed their eyes and, this time chopped their hand. The blow instantly cut a shallow line into Gaara's sand skin. However, the force managed to send him back to the ground.

"MURI LET'S KEEP THIS BASTARD DOWN!" Naruto roared as he and Muri continued their chops. Each unleashed a speedy, sharp line of wind slowly cutting through Gaara's armor. The force of each made him slowly stumble backward. 'I can't keep this up!" Muri complained. 'Set him up for the finish already-' Muri suddenly was ripped from Naruto's shoulder by a strand of sand. This ended the Personal Atmosphere Level Two, leaving Naruto off guard and falling toward Gaara. He paid no heed to such, instead watching in horror as Muri was being dragged to his sure death. To lose Muri was to losePersonal Atmosphere Level Two, which was the only thing keeping him in it. Surely Naruto should instead attack Gaara while he still could. But Naruto couldn't risk it, and with a small amount of hesitation, he activated the jutsu to dismiss Muri. Just as he had fallen into Gaara's massive hand, the redhead had attempted to crush him.

Naruto managed to stop his descent but was still at level one. Landing on the ground a short distance from Gaara, who was laughing even more uncontrollably. But as he stared at the monstrous Gaara, he knew this battle had become one-sided.

"So that was the secret, brother," Gaara laughed richly. "A summon would be the only way for you to catch up to my level so quickly—at least for a jinchuriki as untrained in our power as you. But it matters little now. I have removed your little summon. This fight is over. Now, we can begin with the true purpose of our clash today."

"Which is?" Naruto asked fearlessly.

"Well, first, I'll beat you senseless as I tear into your insecurities. It will surely be a long and debilitating process, but it is necessary to make you into what you should be. Fret not, Uzumaki, for soon you shall not be alone!" Gaara ranted.

"I'm not alone, you damn c-" Naruto was silenced as Gaara's massive foot smashed into his entire body. Skidding across the sand beneath, he stopped his painful flight.

"Silence, brother. I'm working. Scream or fight back if you wish. I will have to break you to make you see the light…" Gaara whispered as he stomped after the blonde.

Naruto screamed out as he activated Directional Surge, attempting to gain some distance. Gaara reached out with his left hand as if to grab him, and with his unique sand body, Gaara did just that, his limb stretching absurdly as it jetted out and grabbed Naruto by his left ankle. Naruto reflexively attempted to slice the hand off with a stroke of Riptide. But a crushing left blow to Naruto's back stopped such. As Gaara grabbed his other ankle and raised the blonde above his head, Naruto was stunned. Gaara smashed Naruto into the ground with a cruel laugh, which splintered and collapsed from the force. This left Naruto partially embedded in it as Gaara laughed at Naruto.

"I was a fool, Uzumaki! I thought I was wrong and might find proof of my cynicism! But here you are, Naruto! So close to being what I need but just unwilling to do so. Use it, fool!" Gaara ranted anxiously as if impatient to continue their battle.

Naruto faked a groan as he slowly allowed chakra to flow into Riptide. As soon as Gaara looked to grab him, Naruto lanced out, slicing Gaara's face. The redhead howled and stumbled back. Even with his enhanced hide, the combination of the powerful chakra and the sharp and durable Riptide had found its mark. A small amount of blood dripped from the tip.

Gaara had grown absurdly strong! Naruto had expected Gaara to use the beast. Jiraiya had assured him of such and offered some advice. Well, at first, they practiced the use of the Kyuubi. But Naruto had heartedly rejected such. It would've been hypocritical of him to use the beast chakra, not his own. Fuijutsu was his next suggestion, but upon seeing the Blonde's handwriting, it would take too long to use it safely. So Jiraiya had offered what little advice he honestly could. Hit them hard enough to take them out all at once (unlikely with Gaara's famed defense) or repeatedly hit them hard and fast until they faltered.

Jiraiya had warned Naruto this would change the scope of the fight, but it was ridiculous!

Gaara growled savagely as he faced the blonde, a cut flowing with blood even through his sand. It had narrowly missed his left eye, leaving a slightly deep line, making the redhead look even more fearsome. "Cut-"

Naruto did not waste time as he attempted to summon clones. But was knocked into the air suddenly. The blonde nearly passed out from the sudden and decisive blow to the chin. But through willpower, he stayed conscious. Only to cry out in pain as his ribs are kicked violently by Gaara. Naruto spat blood as he flew away, only to stop suddenly in his flight. Gaara had kept his grip, allowing his arm to stretch. Once he also noticed Naruto had, he reeled him in with a chuckle. Naruto willed his Personal Atmosphere to free himself. But Gaara's raw strength repelled such with ease. As he pulled in Naruto, he wrapped both arms around his head. Dropping his weight, suddenly Gaara slams Naruto's head violently into the ground. Naruto sees darkness again for a moment, but another painful blow rocks him from such. Gaara had stomped on his chest. He couldn't breathe! Gaara laughed cruelly at such, but Naruto managed to keep his focus and launched Gaara back with a sudden burst of chakra.

'I'll hit him with everything!' Naruto thought as Riptide suddenly beamed in chakra. He had been subtly doing this the entire fight, looking for an opening to unleash it. With a cry of "Directional Surge!" Naruto flew forward, closing the distance with Gaara.

Arrogant or confident, Gaara launched his limb forward, unconcerned with his uncontrolled flight. Naruto roared with frustration and triumph as Riptide quickly cut through it, leaving the limb falling off. Naruto closed the distance and began a series of fast and precise slashes. Each cut through Gaara's hide and made him roar in pain. Suddenly, Gaara caught Riptide with a sand globbed hand, simultaneously kicking Naruto back.

Naruto allowed himself to do so as he summoned several clones. He flinched, however, and Gaara locked eyes with him and prepared to launch himself. The second he did, he boomed over in an instant. Any clone brave or foolish enough to be in the way dispelled from the collision but slowed Gaara down enough for Naruto to narrowly dodge it. However, his sleeve was caught by Gaara's regrown limb; instead of pulling it, he shoved it, slamming Naruto through some of the few remaining trees. Naruto skids across the ground from the shove, now beaten and bloody.

Gaara appeared above him. Confident and relaxed now that Naruto seemed to be slowing down.

"It's frustrating, isn't it?" Gaara asked simply. "Being so helpless, feeling targeted, it must be frustrating. But we have the ability not to be such; we are not mere humans!"

Naruto crawled to his feet slowly. "What is a human?" He asked numbly.

"Brother?" Gaara asked, confused.

"What makes a human a human? Is it looks, intelligence, or blood? When does a human stop being a human… you don't know, do ya?" Naruto continued, his voice growing in spirit and volume.

"What is your point!" Gaara asked with a raised sandy brow.

"You can call yourself whatever you want… be whatever, but we're all human." Naruto countered determinedly. "It's not something we choose to be or something that is amazing. But it's you, brother…" Despite his haggard and beaten-up appearance, he seemed sharp and ready to tango still.

'You intend to fight until you die? You cannot win; perhaps he'll have mercy if you surrender and agree to his terms.' A deep voice sounded from within Naruto. It was the Kyuubi!

'Would you ever surrender? Surely a monster like you can understand what it means to accept defeat!' Naruto mentally snapped back. His anger made his hesitation disappear. Two clones who had survived Gaara's earlier attack appeared behind Gaara, each thrusting Riptide towards his back. Naruto raced from the front as they did. Before they could land their surprise attack, electricity burst from the back of Gaara. The two bolts arced through the air before stabbing into the clones.

Seeing the electricity, Naruto attempted to stop, sliding as he drew closer. Gaara chuckled merrily as more electricity burst from his body and surged into Naruto, who screamed out in pain, stumbling back as he did. Unknowingly, the blonde dropped Riptide. But I had little time to consider things such as Gaara rammed into Naruto bodily. Sending him bodily rolling across the ground.

"You thought I was a mere brute? Relying on the strength of my beast? A one-trick pony? Brother, you are as foolish as you are stubborn." Gaara explained as he marched toward the slowly rising Naruto. "I discovered my element and mastered it years ago. Then, I came up with a technique for it, one that requires some setup. All this gold in the air and ground acts as a conductor of electricity, a superior one. In fact, these conductors act like lightning rods, attracting my lightning-nature chakra. It leaves me to blast a powerful burst of electricity that race it into the surrounding area. It leaves the victim helpless, as it were." Gaara blasted him again as he drew closer, but with a scream of pain, Naruto dived forward and unleashed a powerful haymaker at Gaara. Further boosted by a simultaneous blast of wind, Gaara did not react as he kicked Naruto down and blasted him again.

Naruto needed to fight back! To rally somehow!

'This One agrees that this one would not surrender in this situation. But I am practically immortal and powerful beyond comprehension; you are a slightly remarkable jinchuriki.'

'I have to win!' Naruto mentally bellowed back, though his voice screamed in pain as Gaara played with him. Switching from battering to shocking the blonde on a whim.

'This One has been called prideful… yet This One is more than you humans. If This One were to lose, it would never be slain. Pain and mortal injury are mere inconveniences to This One. For you, it is more than you can bear. This One believes winning these exams is not worth the peril and torture you are going through.'

'Your- d-amned point…' Naruto thought back in between screams.


'I don't care that much about winning these exams. I want to try my best, but… this is more than that! Gaara is just like me! I could've ended up like him; I can see it so plainly.'

'What does it matter what could be? Reality is much crueler than such.'

'But if I was him, I'd be desperate to be saved… to be proven wrong, for someone to stand against and make me see the truth…'

'You act as though acting selflessly is something to be commended. This One has always acted in its own interest. Such is the nature of life, all creatures do it to some extent. Acting like you do is what humans call self-destructive… what makes your way, right?'

'It isn't! But if we strive to better ourselves over time, things will improve! Even if they don't, we need to be better! Surely, with all this power and abilities we've been given, we can be more than weapons or freaks!'

Naruto heard nothing from the Kyuubi. For a while, Gaara kicked him around. It took all of his willpower to stay conscious…

'Touch your fist to Gaara's paw.' Kyuubi commanded simply. Naruto was delirious from pain and exhaustion, but he was determined to listen. He would not give up!


Ino's POV (Audience Section of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

"We need to help him!" Ino cried desperately. She attempted to race forward but was stopped by Neji.

Ino nearly tore his head from his shoulders, but the intense look and aura around Neji gave her pause. Neji was as upset as her yet maintained his calm.

"Thank you," Neji started through gritted teeth. "We saw that the woman's impressive attack failed to breach it. Though we know the basics of barrier Ninjutsu, we know not how to breach it. We're useless…"

Fuu was being held back like Ino. It takes Both Samui and Tenten to hold back the powerhouse.

"This is bad," Sai said simply. The fake smile he normally wore was gone, and his face locked into a scowl. "The Sand has failed to keep their beast in check. We can't afford to lose Naruto. If only…"

"Shut it!" Tenten chimed in as she struggled to keep Sai in check. "God damnit, how strong is she!"

"It would be cool if you listened, Fuu," Samui stated as she barely managed to hang on.

"Screw that! Naruto needs help!" Fuu cried.

"There is no helping him. He either finds a way to survive or perishes." Sai replied dryly. The entire group of on-lookers seemed to tense at the sentence. Some are furious, and others fear its accuracy.

"Use your damn heads!" A voice snapped, silencing the turbulent group. To the surprise of the collected Genin, the lazy Shikamaru objectified. The ordinarily relaxed and droning voice had been replaced with a sharp loudness that pierced through their disagreements. His face, which was typically locked into a bored stare, was sharp and creased as he watched his best friend be beaten. "Sai is partially correct, WE, as in us inexperienced and unremarkable Genin can't help him." He continued as he marched to the railing and clutched it hard enough for the metal to creak. The odd sight of the intelligent and calm Shikamaru having an emotional outbreak kept objections from sounding out. "But he's not helpless. We have all five Kage here; at least some will be motivated to interfere. So hopefully, they can save him, but if I'm being honest."

"I think we've had enough of your honesty!" Ino snapped. Truthfully, she saw truth in his words but was beyond the point of reason. Seeing Naruto being victimized and unable to rush to his defense seemed to hurt her as much as the blonde did. "Maybe you should shut your fucking mouth!" Ino felt shame at her burning anger, but it did little to calm her. Shikamaru had been her friend before the formation of Team Seven. Their families were close. She thought she-

"IF I'm being honest!" Shikamaru snapped again. "You all need to have more faith in Naruto Uzumaki!"

"Faith?" Sai asked incredulously. "I recognize emotions have their place, but surely you recognize-"

"I recognize that Naruto was in the remedial exams mere months ago. I recognize he has repeatedly managed to prove those who look down on him wrong. I recognize Naruto Uzumaki has coasted his way through these exams!"

"I res-" Kurotsuchi started, but a hand over her mouth from Samui silenced her.

"I recognize Naruto Uzumaki doesn't understand how to quit or go against his word. He won't die today, nor will he fail. Naruto Uzumaki will show us all again the kind of shinobi he is. The kind I'm proud to call my friend." Shikamaru concluded.

Ino's and everyone else's stunned silence was enough to answer how effective Shikamaru's words were.

Just when all hope is lost for Naruto the Nine Tails intervenes. But instead of rampage he offers advice? Wonder where this is going... it's obvious isn't it? Anywho, two chapter day! And we draw ever closer to the temporary break for volume two... Thanks for reading, support if you care to, and Peace~!

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