
Done and Dusted

"Annnnd…. Done, your arm is already Mr. Silverhand." Mikan said as she finished the final touches on Johnny's new silver arm.

"Thanks, huh even though it's identical to my old one it feels better to have on compared to the old one, always caused chafing between my skin and the metal." He said as he flexed his hand as he got out of the Ripper doc chair.

"You all good now?" I say as I get up and hand him a Malorian Pistol, the same one I got off some Arasaka gonk that claimed it originally was Johnny Silverhands so I only saw it as right to hand it back to the man himself.

He saw his old iron and grabbed it and looked it over as he saw the small initials of J.S near the grip that were still there after all these years even if they had faded overtime.

He put the cylinder clip in before pulling back the slide, "Yeah, I'm more than good now, let's get this done." He says before leaving Mikan's office.

I turn to Mikan and hug her, "I'll be back soon and then all of this will be over and we can finally go back home." I say before letting her go.

"Just be careful alright?" She asks me before I look at her and smile and pull her in for a kiss before pulling away.

"Don't worry unless it's something close to godlike in power I won't die even if I wanted to." I say with a smile before I leave her office to finish quest for good.

Who knew those were the last words I would ever say to her….



Not, you honestly think that any of the Arasaka's elites even stood a chance against the three of us?

Not only that Shie along with David and the rest of the crew were coming from the top heading downwards to deal with the remaining Arasakas while we dealt with Mikoshi and the man most likely to come deal with us.

Adam 'Fucking' Smasher.

Night Cities Boogyman

And after we had insterted Alt into Mikoshi and crippled Arasaka's World Wide Intranet and were about to head to the core to destroy any and all data that Arasaka had it's when he showed up.

Besides his fucked up and mangled face he barely looked anything human, he was 95% chrome after all.

"Bold, but oh so very stupid, do you three think you can just walk into Arasaka, shoot up the place and get away with it? No because I'm going to enjoy ripping you apart piece by-"


Johnny shot right at his head but he easily dodged it with the help of his own personal Sandi as he looked at Johnny closely and squinted, well at least I believed he squinted his eyes.

"What? A knock off of a deadman wants to kill me? What? To avenge your idol kid? Because Johnny Silverhand was a nobody and he died a dogs death and buried in an unmarked grave out in the Badlands somewhere." Smasher said while taunting Johnny which just irritated him even more but unlike his old self he wasn't as hot headed as he once was after being trapped in purgatory for more than 50 years after being soul killed, plus he wasn't about to waste this second chance on life.

"Well Smasher, unlike back in 2023, I'm not letting you kill me a second time, now why don't you do me a favor and die already." He said before the battle really began.


Up on top of Arasaka Tower, several AV's have landed in the tower as all the automated defenses had been disabled thanks to the efforts of Alt.

I stepped out of the AV with several power armored man and women following after another touched down with the 'Titans' stepping out of their AV as well.

"So your saying after this gig, you will personally set us all for life so we can retire right?" Maine said as he looked at me as I nodded.

"Correct, all you and your team have to do is assist me and my men take out all the higher ups of the Arasaka and the job is done." I say as my men begin to rapidly descend the stairs, killing anything and anyone on sight as they moved along.

Hearing that they just shrugged and headed on down as well to join the fire fight going on, meanwhile I casually followed behind them as they and my men killed everyone.

Floor by floor bodies kept hitting the ground while my men were just fine as their Heavy Power armor would only be damaged by explosives at this point, something most of Arasaka's goons were lacking.

As we were getting closer to where the board members along with both Hanako and Yorinobu Arasaka I got a call from Hifumi.

"Smasher is dead." (H)

"Well, that's pretty anticlimactic, how'd you take him out so easily?" (S)

"Sneaky suit." (H)

"…. From Metal Gear?" (S)

"Yep, used it while Johnny and V had Smasher distracted so I could cloak myself with the optical Camo before coming up behind and cutting/ripping out the important wires and coils on his body before his internals blew up and he was left half dead before Johnny blew his brains out before tossing a half smoked cigarette on his corpse." He says before the lights take on a red hue.

"Oh and Alt is in the main system of Arasaka now, and she's crashing their intranet as we speak." He tells me as I finally reached the location of where all the important board members were located.

"Good, but we will chat later, I have some vermin to get rid of." I say cutting the call as I pull a classic .44 Magnum out from the inside of my jacket as I walk into the room as they are all surrounded by my men and the 'Titans' as well.

"Well, I bet in your wildest dreams you'd never expect something like this to happen Yorinobu? But congratulations! You finally did it! You finally helped ruin your father's legacy with your own hands, and all you had to do was piss me off to do it, so really you have my heartfelt congratulations." I said not hiding the sarcasm that laced my voice as I looked at him and his sister with disdain.

"Now then." I say as I point my guns at them as everyone on my side did the same.

"Goodbye Arasaka."


[Quest: Over the Edge of Tomorrow! Complete!]


Thank you all for reading this far, I know it was a bit rushed at the end but I found it necessary to jump to this point and put the Cyberpunk story to a close here, though next chapter is the true last chapter is everyone important to Hifumi, being only his crew, will be let in on the truth of it all.

After next chapter which is letting them all know and the rewards for all of his endeavors here in Cyberpunk will it be put to a close.

Though it's not that they won't go to this world anymore it will be that Cyberpunks world will no longer be a focus even if it is a large portion of his passive SP income as that world doesn't have anything of interest unlike say One Piece or other future worlds down the line.

So with that the Cyberpunk Arc is now officially done, next is the Conan 'Arc' but like I said I'll just have chapters on Conan sprinkled here and their while the next arc is focused on him entering Hopes Peak and getting to know everyone in his class and doing things with them and Mikan's class.

But the true next world is yet to come but get ready for it!

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