
Rewards Again

New Arc, new Cover, now we got Hifumi in Danganronpa's Artstyle in his current nonfat form.


Main Objective: Keep David Martinez, and his crew alive while saving V and Johnny Silverhands Lives [Completed!]

Main Reward: Divine Refection- Any attack you see while Divine Reflection is active you can instantly recreate said move whether it be physical or magical in nature. [Warning if the User isn't strong enough to use the skill or ability of the opponent the user will receive a backlash as a result]

Optional Objectives:

Save Jackie's Life [Completed!]

Save Gloria Martinez life [Completed!]

Save Sasha Belakova's Life [Completed!]

Own a section of Night City [Completed!]

Be the most liked Corp in Night City [Completed!]

Be the most liked Corp in the NUSA [Completed!]

Be the most liked Corp in the World [Completed!]

Have a store in the Crystal Palace [Completed!]

Help create the New Net [Completed!]

Save the world from the Ai Apocalypse [Completed!]

Have a store in every state of the NUSA [Completed!]

Have a store in every major country worldwide [Completed!]

Destroy Arasaka [Completed!]

Kill or Help Kill Adam Smasher [Completed!]

Optional Rewards

1. One use item: El Segador (The Reaper)- a Playing Card with the symbol of the Grim Reaper on it, anything below the level of a Demigod in power will be instantly killed by the use of this card, and can kill Anything so long as the card deems the enemy on Death's Door

2. Ability: Enemy Weakspot- Highlights weak points on your enemies body's while in combat

3. Ability: Psycho Shot- allows the user to mess with their opponents minds in battle at no cost to the users Mana/Prana

4. Passive: Territory Creation(A+)- Allows the User to use the Servant ability to create your own personal magic Workshop with the Area around you as your own personal Domain

5. CHA +50

6. CHA +100

7. Title: Ultimate Businessman- You are the Ultimate Businessman, when it comes to anything related to Business you know how to make yourself the most profits from any and all deals you come by.

8. Ability: Meteor Strike- Allows one to pull real netora from space to impact the location of your enemies, based on hosts Mana it can be used 100x before needing to rest.

9. Unlock access to 1 Random Power System

10. Ability: Obey(Robots/Androids/Ai/Electronic Lifeforms)- as the name states makes all robots/Androids/AI/Electronic Lifeforms to obey any and all of your commands.

11. +100,000,000sp

12. +500,000,000sp

13. Title: King Ender- Deal twice as much damage to those who call themselves or are known as Kings

14. Immunity to any and all psychological attacks.


Name: Hifumi Yamada

Age: 16

Race: Pure Spiral/Anti-Spiral Human (Teenage Stage)

Titles: Ultimate Fanfic Writer/Mangaka, Ultimate Disguiser, King of Beasts & Monsters, Ultimate Businessman(New!), King Ender(New!)

STR: 300

PER: 350

END: 2,000

CHA: 125 -> 275

INT: 250

AGI: 400

LCK: 500

SP: 25,637,850,500 -> 26,240,150,000 -> 16,240,151,367

Skills: Musical Talent Lvl 5, Singing Lvl 5, Dancing Lvl 5, Animating Lvl 7, Gunfighting Lvl 7, Sword Talent Lvl 8, Martial Talent Lvl 7, Driving Talent Lvl 7, Gambling Talent Lvl 8. Drawing Lvl 8. Writing Lvl 7. Reading Lvl 5. Math & Science Lvl 5. Human Anatomy Lvl 5. Cooking Lvl 5. Eidetic Memory Lvl 5.

Sub-Skill: Extremely Realistic Detail

Martial Arts: Intermediate Grade Renewal Taekwondo

Magic: SSS Grade Magic Circuits(Quantity/Quality), Magical Knowledge of King Solomon(FGO)

Abilities: Divine Reflection(New!), Psycho Shot(New!), Meteor Strike(New!), Enemy Weakspot(New!), Obey(Robot/Android/Ai/Electronic Lifeforms)(New!)

Other Power Systems: Haki (Armament, Observation & Conquerors)

Summons: Hassan of Serenity, Archer of Shinjuku (James Moriarty)

Passive SP Income: 50sp per Manga Volume sold, Sp gained from Shops (One Piece/Panty&Stocking/Akame Ga Kill/Cyberpunk)

Passive Total Poison Resistance (Serenity)/Ice & Freezing Immunity/BloodLust Control & Supression/Immunity to all Psychological Attacks(New!)/Territory Creation(A+)(New!)

Bonus Lives: Cat's 9 Lives

Bound Weapons: Devil Blade Yamato

Special Items: Super Gigantification Gun Mk. 2, El Segador (New!)

Vehicles: Scooter, Harley Davidson, Hummer, Semi with Cargo Container, F13 Fighter Jet, Rayfield Caliburn, Hellhound Heavyduty SUV, Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X & the Quadra Type 66 Reaver

Cyberware: (Check the Auxiliary chapter on all Cyberware)

Active Systems: Delivery, Trade, Savior, Romance and Chaos Systems

Chat Group Active Members: Mikan, Saki

Deactivated Systems: Art, Health and Gift Systems

Pocket World (New)


"Interesting, so this was what I got for all my efforts? Well all of it together is rather great, especially Divine Reflection, don't exactly know where it's from but it seems insanely powerful." I mutter to myself as I have become whole once more as I sit in my penthouse in the Paradise side of Night city.

"About time we went home, already got all the necessary Homunculi to watch over the stores in this world for me so I won't ever have a real need to worry about this place ever again." I say before putting my status away as I stare up at the ceiling while I was left in thought for the moment.

"Though my heart bleeds that I went and bought something like that but I have a feeling it will be worth it in the long run." I said as I look back to see ten billion SP used up to buy that thing from the shop.

Pocket World(10,000,000,000SP): allows the user to have their own personal world of their own, in the beginning the world is Baden and has now resources and is basically a world sized item box, but when the user conquers a template world, through force or acknowledgment as the strongest in that world, the user may take that template and merge it with your Pocket World, note this is only possible if the Template in question has no actual living gods that rule over it to make that possible in the first place, if the universe the Template is from us massive and neumerous then the template of the world that the user is represented as its ruler or the strongest will be taken as a copy of from that universe and become your own as well.

To some this could give them a god complex as when enough worlds are merged into it would make them seem like they had the control of millions of lives that they could end with a flick of the wrist, but it's nothing like that.

Sure you could gather those worlds resources with ease, but you'd still have to enter that world personally if you wanted to say kill anyone in it, you control the world but you don't have godlike powers do to your control.

But as I thought all of this over soon enough the elevator to the penthouse opened up with all of the members of my crew, excluding David and Lucy who were currently now at Morro Rock to be launched off into space to live on the moon together.

"Yo Hifumi! What's up? Why'd you call us all here to your brothers place?" Maine asked as he and the rest got situated on the couches as Briar, Rebecca and Kiwi all sat along with me.

"Oh nothing much, just that I think it's time that I lay out all the cards I've kept close to my chest from all of you, things you wont believe but I consider you guys to be my closest Chooms so I hope what is said here stays between us alright?" I say to them and them seeing the serious look on my face they all agreed to what I said.

And so I began to tell them all the truth about who I am, where I'm actually from and all that, though omitting some things for obvious reasons but if they ever wanted evidence to back the claims I could show them the stories of their lives and the deaths of everyone in the crew with only Falco and Lucy being the only survivors.

The night was long and for awhile they didn't believe me, but after seeing me and Shie split apart and reform as one person seemed to heavily convince them the truth and not to mention the other things I showed off to prove my claims.

But in the end they all soon became the newest members of the chat group as well as getting mini-systems that were specific to all of them as a result.

New Chat Group Members: Maine, Dorio, Pilar, Falco, Kiwi & Rebecca



"Finally I'm home once more…."

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