
Wolf Den

"Hurry guys let's enter already!" Melody pleaded

"Mel stop rushing the dungeon isn't going anywhere besides your the only one whos already level 5" her brother said trying to calm her down.

"Aww c'mon who cares about the recommended level me and Twite can both easily kill a couple of wolves alone plus with your healing, we have nothing to worry about" she continued trying to egg him on.

"Sigh... I know you want to hurry and finish your quest sis but we can't just drag someone we just met into a dungeon where he might die"

Melody frowned at her brothers words but before she could refute another voice perked up.

"Actually I don't mind entering the dungeon" This voice of course belonged to Wyatt

Melody instantly beamed a bright smile "HAHAHA see brother not everyone is a wimp like you! Who needs a healer anyways right Twite?"

Ignoring his sisters antics Bel made eye contact with Wyatt trying to read his face "Are you sure Twite you're only level 3 I don't want you to feel bad just because of my little sister nagging"

"Hey, I didn't nag!"Mel argued

"Yea I'm sure don't worry Bel like I said I wanted to get some fighting experience in anyways plus id be lying if I said I wasn't a little curious about how a dungeon looks" He reassured the older sibling

"fineee....fine We can enter the dungeon but if we run into any mobs that we can't handle we are leaving okay?" Bel declared squinting his eyes at his sister.

"Pffft with me and Twite around there's no such thing as mobs we cant handle just sit back and enjoy the free experience" not waiting for her brother to refute Melody grabbed both boys by their wrists and jumped into the dungeon.

With her high strength stat dragging the two of them in couldn't have been easier


Landing inside the dungeon entrance the party examined the large empty cavern that had appeared before them. Judging the size first look Wyatt calculated that it had to be at least 50 ft in diameter with large stalactites and stalagmites the looked to be made of some sort of crystal protruding out of every surface.

The combination of large crystals mixed with the faint like coming in from cracks in the ceiling and light echos of water droplets falling onto the ground forming puddles gave the cavern a magical atmosphere. Wyatt couldn't help but take a moment to admire the environment

After a couple of minutes looking around the Party found a few different paths leading deeper from the initial cavern. Although there was no wolves in the cavern they did manage to find a pile of animal bones most likely from when the wolves would hunt for food.

Since there were no indications over the different paths, The group decided to just randomly pick one and enter. As they walked Wyatt noticed the path quickly getting darker as the light from the cracks outside no longer seemed to reach so deep.

As Wyatt was about to look for something to use as a torch his surroundings suddenly brightened surprising him. Turning around Wyatt saw that bel had used some sort of skill and now had a large floating ball next to his head illuminating the room.

"Remind me to never quest without a priest again" Wyatt murmured to himself getting a chuckle out of both siblings

"I know right when brother isn't being a complete coward he can be pretty useful sometimes" Mel stated

"Sigh... I'm not a coward, not everyone is a fighting addict like you"

Not long after the trio arrived at the end of their first path.

"wolves!!" Mel exclaimed happily as the party eyed the pack of 5 wolves sleeping in front of them. Although Melody wanted to rush right in and fight she want stupid enough to think Wyatt and her could handle fighting 5 wolves at the same time with their current strength.

"Hmm I think I have an idea" Said Wyatt.

Following this, he proceeded to explain his poison affinity as well as his drowsy skill to the siblings making them remember the pink bubble they had seen not long ago. Wyatts plan was quite simple since the wolves were sleeping they wouldn't notice the room is filled with gas and once enough time passed Wyatt and Melody would take the chance to assassinate the group of wolves before their fatigue washed away.

At first, Melody wasn't happy with this plan since she wanted to fight but once Wyatt promised to leave 2 wolves unscathed so that they could each have a proper battle she agreed to follow his advice.

Gesturing for the siblings to back away a bit Wyatt started creeping closer toward the sleeping beasts. With every step he took Wyatts nerves spiked a little as the wolves ears would perk up or they would roll over giving Wyatt a massive scare.

Reaching a distance a couple meters away from the pack Wyatt started his plan.

Once the gas settled Wyatt pulled out both his chakrams before turning to Melody in giving her a gesture that it was time to start.

Choosing 2 targets Wyatt launched his chakrams forward slicing through the air and piercing his target's necks. Their cries caused the other 3 wolves to wake up but since the gas was still in their system Melody still had plenty of time to appear in front of the third wolf swinging down her hammer.


When the gas finally left their systems the 2 remaining wolves were shocked to see that 3/5 of their team was already dead.

In a rage, they split up one charging at Wyatt and the other at Melody which was exactly what the duo wanted.

The individual fights didn't last very long since both players could be considered stronger than their level. The wolves struggled under the onslaught of aggressive attacks from their opponents, especially Wyatts' opponent who struggled to even get close to him before being sent flying back with a current of wind this resulted in it having to deal with a whole other round of flying chakrams attacking it.

A couple of minutes later both wolves could be seen collapsed on the ground.

The difference in battles was very evident when one examined the bodies of the two wolves. While Wyatts' opponent had dozens of small cuts all over its body as well as currents of lightning still lingering on it that slowly drained its energy until death. Melodys' opponent could be said to be in an exact opposite state with its entire head smashed in by the girls massive Warhammer.

Although Primal Online isn't necessarily an extremely graphic or bloody game the scene of the wolf head smashed in would still be enough to turn most players stomachs.

"Okay on to the next!" The ginger girl declared

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