
A Meal And Arken

"Wyatt duck!"

Listening to the voice behind him, Wyatt dove onto the ground as Melody appeared above him, smashing another wolf's head.

"Phew, that's another path clear" Wyatt gasped wiping the sweat off his forehead before collapsing onto the ground.

This was the fourth path the party of three had cleared in a little over an hour and Wyatt was struggling to keep up with the endlessly energetic Melody. After a couple of battles, the groups teamwork and understanding had improved quite a lot.

"NEXT, NEXT LETS GOO" Mel shouted trying to sprint ahead again.

"Mel! Wait!" Bellamy yelled stopping his sister "Both Twite and I rely on mana more than you we don't have the energy to continue yet" he continued before sitting down next to the exhausted Wyatt

"Lameee, that's why you guys should've just played melee classes like me! raw power is the only way" Mel stated nodding her head at her own words

"Unlike you two I have plenty of energy le...."


Before she could finish her sentence a Loud sound erupted from her stomach causing her face to turn slightly red in embarrassment.

"PFFFFTTTT HAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry sis but it looks like even you can't ignore your natural bodily needs." Bel burst out laughing rolling on the floor over his sisters embarrassment.

Even Wyatt couldn't help letting out a chuckle at the siblings antics.

"Fineee we can take a quick break I don't think any of us have eaten since we started hunting anyways" Melody finally gave up and joined the two boys sitting down.

"I wasn't planning to hunt for this long I didn't bring anything to eat" said Wyatt while looking through his inventory for any snacks.

"hehe don't worry Twite, big brother will have a meal ready for us in no time!" Mel stated while smirking proudly at her sibling.

"Sighhh.. so now I'm being forced to cook huh?" Faking an exaggerated sigh Bellamy started pulling a bunch

Rolling her eyes at her brothers terrible acting Melody replied "oh shut up, you act like you weren't waiting to cook for our new friend anyways"

"hehehe" bel chuckled

Wyatt watched as Bellamy pulled out a knife and started preparing the ingredients.He couldn't help but admire Bel's skills with the knife perfectly cutting the meat and vegetables with perfect precision.

After mixing the ingredients seasoning Bel lit a fire before placing a pot of water above it and filling it with the ingredients. Six minutes later both Wyatt and Melody could be seen drooling from the delicious aroma filling the room.

"Almost done just a couple more minutes" Bellamy declared getting nods from his teammates

Not long after he cut the fire off and handed a bowl filled with stew to the starving duo.

Taking a spoonful Wyatt was shocked as his body instantly warmed up giving him a calming feeling. The perfect texture of meat that easily fell apart in his mouth along with veggies made his body relax, Wyatt couldn't help but think this is the most delicious meal he's ever had.

After finishing a bowl he immediately asked for seconds.

20 minutes later the trio could be seen laying on the floor with bulging food bellies sighing.

"Bellamy that was the best food I've ever tasted" Wyatt told him

"hahaha I told you my brothers cooking is the best!" Mel declared throwing her hands up in cheer

"sigh.. you guys over praise me it's just a simple meal anyone could make it with some practice" Bellamy stated but Wyatt noticed his eyes had a sad gleam in them.

Ignoring her brothers sad moment Melody started telling Wyatt a story "My brother used to want to be a professional chef and open his own restaurant he even was offered a scholarship to a famous cooking academy in France a year ago.

Wyatts eyes widened in surprise before asking "Used to want? do you not enjoy cooking anymore bel?"

not hearing a reply from her brother Melody continued " We told you we come from an old martial arts family right? our parents didn't exactly agree with him spending all his time cooking instead of training"

hearing his sisters words Bellamy continued the story "In the past, our family would ignore my hobby of cooking as long as I kept winning in tournaments but last year I failed to win the under 20 championship. After my loss my family blamed it on my lack of commitment saying I spent all my time in the kitchen"

"Tch, It's not fair you probably would've won if you didn't meet that cheater!" Mel complained

Patting his little sisters head Bellamy replied " Mel I've told you before Ive already forgotten about that, There's no point getting hung up on the past"

Frowning Melody mumbled something inaudible before calming down

Wyatt gave the duo a curious look but didn't ask since he felt Bellamy didn't want to talk about it anymore.

The Group chatted a bit more letting their stomachs settle before continuing their hunt. After clearing another 2 paths Wyatt managed to level up again bringing him up to level 4 the same as Bel he decided to split his free points 5/5 into defense and agility.

Originally Wyatt wanted to save his free points until he asked his teacher for some advice but he decided to just go with his gut feeling for now.

Choosing another path the party came upon a giant metal door engraved with a picture of a giant wolf head and some weird symbols on it.

"What do you wanna bet the boss is behind this door?" Bellamy chuckled

Pushing the metal door open the three were met with a suffocating Pressure making them immediately sweat.

"hehe, this is gonna be fun" Mel smirked looking at the giant black wolf curled up in the middle of the room.

[Arken The King Of Wolves] [Boss Monster] [level 6]

Seeing the information that appeared in front of him Wyatt realized why the recommended level for the dungeon was a party of level 5s.

"You guys sure you want to challenge the boss already?" he asked with a nervous gulp. This boss monster was by far the most intimidating existence Wyatt had seen so far and he couldn't help feeling nervous.

"What, are you scared now?" Mel giggled before stepping forward into the room

Managing to calm himself down when he realized that the monster isn't strong just because of its scary appearance and that his teacher is many times stronger than this beast in front of him Wyatt followed his energetic teammate into the boss room

All Comments/reviews/likes/library adds are greatly appreciated and help motivate me to continue writing. If you enjoy the story please consider dropping a review below.

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