
First Group

A much larger crowd would have drawn too much attention since it stood out more.

Even if the zombies did not feel the need to attack, they would still instinctively move towards the large crowd by instinct.

It was a natural instinct for them to do so especially when they were more drawn to their own kind and it was much easier to hunt among larger packs.

The survival of the zombies would usually increase along with their overall danger levels when they joined others of their kind while lone zombies were usually the ones to be less of a danger to humans.

If the group became much larger to the point that it became a zombie wave then the danger of them could be assessed to be able to wipe out anything in their path as they pass through wherever they went.

If they did not sense anything that they wished to attack or eat among those they paid attention to then they would likely stay close to the group and become a part of it.

With so many inexperienced people being around that had to face the zombies up close, the chances of them giving in to their fear and reacting badly would be increased.

A larger group of people would stand out no matter what they did and it increased the overall risks involved along with the chances of anything bad happening.

It meant that Brick had to make several trips back and forth so it would be much more dangerous for him to do but it was safer overall for everyone else.

If there was a problem involved with the group that did cause danger to others, the numbers of people affected and in danger would be much lower.

If there was less people then there was less that Brick needed to keep an eye out for along the way.

If there was less people then he had less people who he needed to protect.

The smaller numbers helped to let them blend in with the zombies that were subdued and would act as their cover so it was better to do things that way even if it meant going back and forth.

The first time had been reserved for Tanya, Buffy and a couple of others to join him since they were his priority for getting people out safely.

He occasionally signalled those around him to maintain their pace and to remain quiet.

Brick was moving slowly as his eyes caught sight of something so he shifted his movements ever so slightly.

The zombies that were being pulled along by him had been passed over to Tanya for a moment as he passed her placing her in charge of tugging them towards one direction.

The efforts done by Brick and Tanya had helped to draw away many zombies but it their overall movement speed was much slower and they would soon be distracted by what was around them.

It was inevitable for them to find their way close to the group eventually and that had happened.

There was a man that had froze up all of a sudden among the survivors that had joined the first group.

He had paused and stopped his movements completely almost as if he was scared of the zombie that was drawing closer to him.

It seemed as if he would instinctively let out a scream or attack it if it kept its interest on him and got too close.

The zombie was not too far away from him as it slowly edged its way forward and let out a groan. "Huuuuh.."

Its body swayed from side to side and it seemed to be turning its head erratically while sniffing around for any of its prey. "Haark."

It had its attention fully on the man and was about to get close enough to be able to investigate if the man in front of it was its next meal or was one of its own.

Its head moved forward a little which triggered the man to freeze up even more stiffly as his breath halted.

That was until the zombies body suddenly spasmed a little before weakly falling down.

From behind Brick had put a small barrier in front of the head of the zombie and inserted a knife into the back of its head pushing it against the barrier allowing knife to slide inside more effectively.

Once the zombie had died and was falling, Brick had already held onto the clothes that were on its body to catch it.

It was lowered much slower to avoid drawing the attention of anything else in the surroundings.

The kill done by Brick was done silently and quickly without any large flashy moves so it had not drawn attention to himself.

He lowered the zombie then slowly climbed back up straightening his body as he moved close to the frozen man while whispering close to him. "Do not let this happen again. You are straying from the group. Nod slowly if you understand."

The man had woken up from his state after witnessing Brick quickly dispatch the zombie.

He was about to answer Brick but suddenly closed his mouth remembering the instructions given. "M.."

He nodded his head then shook off his previous state as he kept moving forward again.

Brick slowly turned his body back around as he made his way escorting the man to catch up to the rest of the group that had slowed down.

There were far fewer incidents involved after that as the first group had managed to pass across the road and found their way towards the entrance to the parking lot.

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