
Parking Floors

Upon arriving on the other side of the road and entering into the ground floor where there were many cars parked, Brick began to lead everyone further inside towards the ramp.

Each of their movements were slow and as quiet as possible and upon reaching the top of the ramp, Brick put out his hand to signal them to stop.

He looked around to check if the floor was completely clear and found that it was clear.

His earlier efforts before entering the hotel had helped a lot to clear a lot of the zombies on different floors just like the same had been done later inside the hotel resulting in many zombie deaths.

There may have been some lingering around or some that had wandered inside ever since he had left but there did not seem to be any on the first floor.

A small bag was taken out which was opened slowly as he started to remove what was inside.

One set of car keys was taken out which had a small keychain on it with several buttons which was to be used to turn off the car alarm and unlock the doors.

Several other sets of keys were inside the small bag so it showed how prepared Brick had been for to deal with everything.

Upon hiding in between some cars that were parked on the floor, he started to press the unlock button waving them towards different directions.

He was listening intently to his surroundings but heard nothing after pressing it several times so he placed it aside before reaching for another set.

Brick was starting to feel annoyed that none of them were responding to his surroundings which meant that everyone would have to go up another floor. 'Hah.. if this keeps up then it will only cause this to take longer than I previously thought.'

Finding each of the cars and travelling up and down between each floor with each group was not something that he wanted to waste time on.

He was starting to give up when he took out another one which had finally triggered a beeping noise from a car on the same floor. 'Finally.'

He turned towards Tanya as he handed her the set of car keys then pointed off towards the sound of the noise.

Tanya nodded as she followed behind thinking to herself. 'It was a good thing I put my trust in him.. his methods are quite unusual but it got us out of there safely.'

There was a big difference between talking about something and actually doing something.

There were many that could say one thing and would do another which would let Tanya feel that she could not trust them completely.

She was a little sceptical at first once she had started to hear everything from Brick just like anyone else would but Brick had proven himself each time.

Tanya was slowly starting to feel that he could be trusted a little more than others who had let her down in the past.

Perhaps there was some hope in her heart that Brick would be different from the others.

There was still a barrier that had been put up around her that had been developed to protect herself so she was still not quite ready to fully put her faith in him completely.

Tanya was always looking for ways to solve things on her own even if Brick was not there to provide support and ideas to overcome the present crisis.

Having Brick being there to provide that support where it was needed had been something she had been missing and he was not too overbearing about it.

He was not too demanding and did not tell her how everything should be done while giving her options to choose from so it showed that he was willing to listen to and go along with what decision she made.

If there was a major error in her thinking then he would be there to guide her towards a suitable alternative.

The cracks that had developed on her walls had started to form to break past her defences but she was still not completely ready to put everything on the line for whatever Brick had planned and said unless she saw valid results and evidence to support it.

The preparation for crossing road to preparing a way to get more cars or a place for them to remain had been something Tanya was quite pleased with since everyone would be much safer.

Everyone started to climb inside of the car upon arriving there as it had been planned beforehand.

It meant that they would not be left to wander or stand around while Brick was away and could make use of the car when the time came for everyone to gather around.

Among each group had been arranged to have at least one person that was able to drive a car so they could have someone that could be responsible for everyone inside while Brick was away or after everyone was gathered.

Brick and Tanya made eye contact for a moment then nodded to each other as they hoped everything would proceed as smoothly as possible.

The car doors were locked protecting them inside as Brick turned back towards the ramp leading back down to the ground floor.

Brick started to make his trip back towards the hotel followed by the zombies he had around him then knocked on the door three times.

After pointing towards the next group, he started to follow the same pattern of movements guiding them out of the hotel and up onto the car park ramps leading up to the first floor.

He took one look towards the car further away and sighed with relief that it remained there silently and was not disturbed before walking up to the next floor along the ramp.

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