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"Stop speaking nonsense!" Dante began ranting at the butler, sounding incredulous. "Shift Giselle's belongings to the room on the right. Was that so hard? Problem solved! Remember, I'm the rule maker, and I will handle my lieutenant.

You will need to worry more about what I will do to you if that room is not readied soon. Now, stop asking insignificant questions and get going before I have you roasted over a spit." Dante pointed his long bony finger toward the room and glared at the butler, who sprinted away to complete the task.

Carrick knew there would be literal hell to pay when Giselle arrived. He began to ponder a way to disappear before she reached the mansion. "This place is a mad house." He muttered to himself as he retreated up the stairs.

The Count removed his mantle and covered Rose to keep her warm. He took her into the parlor and sat on the couch with Rose wrapped in his arms. While he waited for the staff to make up her room. Dante stroked Rose's long locks of hair, moving it back out of her face. He wanted a better look at her. She was so much like Claire. The Count cooed into Rose's ear that he would take care of her. She would suffer no more.

A few minutes later, Carrick returned, bowed to the Count, and announced, "Your Grace, the room is ready."

"We're going to get you to bed, my darling. Can you stand up?" He asked. Rose nodded to Dante, and he assisted her up from the couch.

Rose's head felt like someone was using a hammer on it. Her sight was blurred, her bones hurt, and she began to feel queasy. The sword wound in her side burned like fire. The room around her began to reel. Rose's vision narrowed as if looking down a tunnel closing in. The world tilted and suddenly went dark.


Dante stood watching his daughter. Her feet would not move. He saw Rose's eyes roll to the back of her head. She swayed, and her body went slack. His daughter collapsed to the floor before he could grab her. The Count knelt and picked up her unconscious body from the floor. He carried Rose to the room.

"Is that normal, your Grace?" Carrick followed Dante up the stairs.

The butler was curious. Carrick had never seen a sick vampire. He had worked for the Count a very long time and had never seen him or Giselle get ill. Carrick thought all vampires were invincible.

"Yes, Rose is half-human, and it appears she can get sick because of it. I also speculate her body will fight this off, and she will be fine in a few days. I want her bathed and in a clean gown. Get me two girls up here." Dante sat in a wing-back chair beside the bed with Rose in his arms. He watched Carrick dash from the room to retrieve the maids.

Two young women materialized at the door of Rose's new room within moments. Dante picked up his mantle from her body and laid his daughter on the bed. She curled up in a ball, trembling from the chills.

"I need her tended to. Please look her over carefully if you see any marks on my daughter's body. I want to know about it." Dante was short and direct with the girls, and they followed his commands. He left the room to give Rose her privacy.

Dante saw the butler in the hall cleaning as he wandered to the library. He handed him the cloak. "Carrick, When the maids finish, leave what you're doing and get the fireplace started in Rose's room. I need it warm as possible. I do not want Rose to catch a cold. When the attendants put her into bed, have them layer a couple of bedcovers over her and close the canopy curtains around her. Do you comprehend my request?

"Yes, Count." Carrick was already moving toward the room. He knew better than to hesitate in front of Dante when he ordered something done. The man could get crazy and make life a living nightmare. "I will be in the library. Get me when the maids are done."

Browsing around the books, Dante grabbed a few medical journals and started reading. He was looking at how to control Rose's fever. The Count found a few articles of information he thought would be helpful for Rose's condition. "Humans are such frail beings," Dante murmured. After an hour of research, he got word that he could return to Rose's room. The Count had a plan. Everything was completed per his instructions, and he spoke with the maids. "What did you see on her body?"

The older brunette maid, Dahlia, gave her report to the count. "There were a few minor bruises. She has many old scars, such as those seen on soldiers and her belly has a large wound that looks like it's been healing. Your Grace, it seems like someone ran a sword through her in that spot. She is also too thin. I could see her ribs and backbone. One more thing, she had this dagger hidden in her skirts." The Count took the blade and examined it. He recognized the dagger immediately. He had given Claire the knife for protection when he first met her. It was the De Sang Dagger. He thought, 'what were the chances? Rose had walked around with it all this time and never lost the blade.' Dante's blood was boiling at the description of his daughter's physical condition. He desired to know how she had come to be in such a state.

"I want you to bring up a basin with cool water and washcloths. Also, glasses and a pitcher of drinking water." Dante then handed Dahlia a piece of paper. "Give this document to the carriage driver and have him take it to the Apothecary. It is essential for him to pick up this medicine."

"Yes, Count" The maid bowed and left to do as directed.

"You, my sweet, Iliana. I will have you stay here with me." Dante was speaking to the new servant girl brought to the mansion to feed his thirst and pleasure him.

She was tall with jade green eyes and wavy blonde hair that hung to her waist. She bowed to the Count, "Yes, your Grace, I'm at your service." Dante reached out for her to give him her hand. He walked her over to Rose's bed.

"Kneel here, and give me your arm. My daughter is thirsty and requires your blood." The young woman did as asked without hesitation.

"Rose, wake up, darling. You need to drink." Dante was shaking her shoulders. She mumbled incoherently and opened her eyes. The Count could tell by Rose's blank stare she was not fully cognizant of her surroundings. He took the maid's arm and brought it to Roses's mouth.

Dante saw her fangs elongate instinctively under her lips, and Rose clamped down onto the maid's wrist with a vicious bite. The fangs drilled into her delicate flesh. The poor servant girl wanted to scream out from the searing pain. Iliana bit the inside of her cheek to prevent making any noise. The maid had already been warned about the outcomes of showing any aversion to blood drinking.

Dante watched Rose as she fed voraciously on the servant girl's blood. The young maid began to turn white, realizing Rose was draining her quickly. The Count tried to coax her to release the young woman's arm. "Stop, Rose, you must let go now." Rose was relentless and was not letting loose of the girl's wrist.

Dante had no choice. He slapped Rose full force across her face, and she gasped, releasing the maid's arm from her mouth. The girl jerked away, ran from the room, and collapsed into the hall.

The butler was walking by as the maid fell to the floor in front of him. "Get her out of here. She needs to have nourishment quickly. Find her some food and drink." Dante yelled at Carrick.

Carrick wondered if he could relinquish his duties at chaotic times like this. He sighed. "Come along now." The butler calmly helped the girl to the kitchen to replenish and recuperate.

Rose was awake again and startled by Dante striking her so hard. It was not something she had expected.

Tears streamed down Rose's face. Her cheek was bright crimson red, and Dante could see his handprint rising on her skin. "Sorry, I had to get you loose. You almost killed the girl. We can't have that happening. There are rules, and that means no slaying if possible. We only take what we need. Dead bodies attract the wrong kind of attention." The Count felt terrible for slapping Rose, especially in her current condition.

Rose broke down and sobbed into her hands. "Shh..., It's okay, darling, I'm not mad, and I'm sorry for striking you." Dante sat on the edge of the bed and let his daughter cry into his shoulder while he rubbed her back. He knew more was going on with her than she was letting on. He was going to get the whole story once she healed.

Her tears finally ceased, and Dahlia returned with the items Dante had requested. He washed the tear stains from Rose's face and placed a cool rag on her head. Her fever had lessened, and her color was returning to normal. Dante was still not comfortable with her condition.

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