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Rose's weak voice called out her fathers name."Dante?"

"Mhm... " The Count hummed at Rose. He was busy wringing out the washcloth and rewetting it to keep it cool for her head.

"I'm still thirsty," Rose's blood thirst was still raging, and she wanted more.

The Count was going to oblige.

Dante knew the consumption of blood was the quickest way to heal Rose. His blood could restore her quicker than the blood of a regular human. Never once had he shared his blood with another. Not in his entire existence. Today he told Rose he would take her home and feed her. He was going to keep his word.

"Give me a moment, and you can drink again, but when I say stop, you must let go. Please don't make me do anything drastic." He forewarned Rose with a steely look. Dante pulled off his suit coat and cufflink, rolled up the sleeve, and offered his wrist to Rose. He smiled and nodded for her to proceed.

Rose was a tad more composed and gentle when she bit Dante. This was her father, not some outsider, and she didn't want to cause him discomfort. Rose drank her fill, and Dante never stopped her.

"To make the bleeding stop, you lick the wound." Rose did as Dante advised her, but the bite marks did not close as he had predicted. Dante licked his wrist, and the puncture marks disappeared. "Hmm..., This is something new." The Count muttered under his breath. He had never seen this occur and wondered why Rose's saliva had no healing powers.

"How do you feel?" He moved Rose's chestnut hair away from her face. His hand brushed her forehead; he noticed she was still too warm.

"Satisfied, the thirst has ceased. Thank you, I appreciate what you did." Dante heard a sense of relief in her voice. He noticed her color was looking better too. Rose had been starved since leaving the tomb, even though she had emptied five human souls of their blood and almost killed the maid in a few short days.

"I have a lot of questions, Dante." Rose looked like a lost child. She was playing with the stitching on the quilt, tracing the intricate designs with her tiny fingers. The Count watched her and wondered what she was contemplating.

"My dear, I have many questions for you too, but let's hold off now. We will talk more after your recovery. Drink this." Dante handed Rose a glass of water, and she drank it all. The Count had observed she had become dehydrated from the fever.

Carrick arrived at the room with the medication from the Apothecary. He handed it over to Dante with a spoon. The butler knew the Count well and was not a bit curious about being food for the undead. Carrick left rapidly before being brought into another of the Count's escapades.

The butler walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. He thought the Count might have finally gone round the bend because Dante was acting so strange over this girl. He was never kind to anyone, yet he treated the young woman like she was a fragile doll. Even if she was his daughter. Carrick believed the Count needed his head examined.

"I want you to take some medicine and go to sleep. Your fever is still too high." Dante poured the medication into the spoon and gave it to Rose, She placed it in her mouth, and the Count saw her face squinch up and a shiver run through her body.

"Ugh..., That tasted terrible! What is it?" Rose still had a sour look on her face. Dante chuckled at her reaction. The medication was bitter and lingered on the back of the tongue. He gave her another glass of water to wash away the taste.

The Count explained, "Laudanum, it comes from the poppy flower. It will relieve your pain, reduce the fever and help you sleep." Dante kissed Rose on her forehead. "Good night, daughter. Lay down." He pulled her covers up to her chin and tucked the blankets around her tiny body to keep Rose warm.

He sat in the wing-back chair beside Rose's bed and, within minutes, watched her eyelids lower. Dante listened for her breathing to even out and her heartbeat to slow. The Count left the room when he was comfortable that Rose was resting well.

It was the first time in a week that a wave of peace washed over the man.


"What's got you riled up?" Jackson watched from outside Onyx's stall as Christopher tossed the saddle on the ground. He was muttering and cursing to himself as the stablemaster looked on. Lord Thorn scrubbed his hand over his face before answering Jackson's question.

"Dante!, If you must know." Christopher was beyond angered. He had become so incensed it was almost comical. Jackson guessed he could probably fry an egg on The Lord's forehead right about now.

He was usually very relaxed and not much rattled Christopher, but Dante always seemed to bring out the worst in him. "He almost killed us with his fucking carriage." Christopher reached up, scratched the stallion on his neck, and patted him. He would have demolished Dragonwood if something had happened to his horse. Lord Thorn spun around and looked at Jackson.

"That man is hiding something. He was acting suspiciously and said he had company. I saw Dante signal the driver to take the carriage to the back of the mansion. I'm sure to conceal whoever was inside."

"Do you have any ideas of who it might be?" Jackson implored.

"Not a clue, I thought it might have been that evil wench Giselle, but Dante said during our conversation she would not be here till after the new year." Lord Thorn winced at the thought of not knowing who was at Dragonwood and having to send out another security detail. He disliked putting the guards in that kind of danger.

"What are you thinking?" Jackson wanted to aid Christopher. He knew The Lord had a lot of concerns on his mind.

"I think Dante found her." Christopher took the bit and bridle off the horse and hung it on the wall.

"Found who?" Jackson was baffled about what Lord Thorn was eluding to.

"The vampire, Scarlette Rose. I don't understand it myself, but I have a suspicion. I couldn't sense or feel her presence, but something kept telling me she was there."

"Weird you mention it, but did you see the newspapers this morning?" Jackson reached around the corner to his workbench and handed the paper to Lord Thorn.

As he read the headlines. Christopher's eyes widened, and he knew it was her. She was the cause of the fire and murders in Covent Gardens. The slayings' descriptions were identical to those in Whitechapel a few nights earlier.

"Do you want to go on a reconnaissance mission tonight?" Christopher arched his brows and smirked.

"It's been a while since I've walked between walls and spied on the enemy." Jackson grinned at Christopher's idea. He was definitely up for the challenge.


December 30, 1894, late evening

When Rose woke again, it was dark. She had no indication about the time but guessed it pretty late into the night. The room was empty, and her door was closed. The only light came from the fireplace. Rose swung her legs out of bed and put her feet on the floor.

There was something strange under her feet. Upon closer examination, she saw it was slippers. Dante had brought slippers for her to wear. She slid them on, and they were a perfect fit. She padded her way to the bathroom and relieved herself. Then opened her bedroom door. Rose had not looked around the mansion when she arrived as she was too ill. She walked to the staircase and was about to descend when a dark, booming voice startled her.

"Are you okay, darling?" She recognized it was Dante's.

Rose pivoted and looked up at her father. She nodded in response to his question. Rose noticed Dante was handsome for an older man and exceptionally tall. She felt intimidated by his presence.

"My, you sure are shy. I notice you don't speak much." He patted her on the head like a small child. "Where are my belongings?" Rose could have cared less about what little she owned except for her dagger and new books. She wanted to look and read about the flowers. It brought her solace.

"I had the servants bring them to your room. They are probably in one of the cupboards. I think we should go and eat something first." Dante offered Rose his hand, and they wandered down the stairs together to the dining room.

There was a fabric rope pull with tassels next to the wall. Dante reached over and yanked on it.

Carrick revealed himself immediately. "Your Grace, how may I be of service?"

We want to dine; what is on the menu this evening? He petitioned the butler.

He pulled out the chairs for the Count and Rose to sit at the table. Carrick began to tell them about the diner menu.

"Tonight we have wild game, roast venison, to be precise. Your gamekeeper shot a deer this morning while we were out. The cook also prepared tomato consumé, wedge salads, fruits with cheeses, and berry tarts for dessert. Lastly, Cognac for you and tea for the Lady after dinner." Carrick awaited the order to begin the meal.

The butler visually noted that Rose was not attired appropriately for dining. Even though It was not his business how the woman was dressed, if Giselle had been here, she would have pitched a fit. He quickly put it out of his mind and went about his work.

"Rose?" Dante wanted her to tell him of her likes and dislikes. "Is the menu pleasing to you? If not, we can make anything you would like."

She nodded at the Count, and he ordered the meal to begin. Dante knew Rose probably would not object to anything she was served. He thought Giselle could take a few humility lessons from the girl. Rose seemed easy to please and did not complain from what he had seen.

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