
Chapter 46


A large number of terrans troops had finally arrived in the battle as they supported the mandalorians. The mandalorians had taken a huge portion of the clones original territory and that momentum was slowly starting to go down as the clones tried to stop their advance and make an attack of their own.

The clones on the other hand were struggling to keep up with the battle as it was quickly going down hill for them. They only had a handful of tanks and the remaining heavy weapons was now about to be used to hold the line.

But regardless of the many disadvantages that they had. They were still putting up a fight.

"Someone shot that tank on the right!" A clone yells.

Following his orders a clone with a rocket launcher aims before firing at the tank as he scores a direct hit on it.

"Nice shot!" The same clone yells but that praise for the clone is quickly goes down because the Terran tank was still operational.

"It's still moving! Get down! Get down!"

As they jump for cover the tank shoot it's cannon near them as a few get killed instantly by the blast and shockwave.

Those that were still alive started to slowly retreat as they became overwhelmed by the combination of the terrans and mandalorian forces.

In the sky a pelican can be seen in the air as a marine in the back of it fired a machine gun at them.

One of the clones takes cover with one of his brothers as they try to do something to give themselves some breathing room.

"We have to do something before they break our lines again. We're losing to much ground."

"And what're we supposed to do? We have no tanks, barely any heavy weapons, and no air support. We can't make an offensive anymore." The clone says before shooting a couple of times before taking cover again.

A clone ahead of them looks up in the sky as he sees a missile heading their way. He slowly backs up before yelling.


With a loud boom a large explosion appears where a line of clones were at. Chunks of the ground fly into the air creating a small mushroom cloud before slowly disappearing. What was left was just a huge crater as water from the ground slowly poured into it. The ones that were in the explosion was nowhere to be seen as they were torn to bits.

The few remaining clones that were out of harms way from the explosion get up only to see an enormous tank knocking down trees before coming to a halt as it's massive turret turns their way. As the tank gets ready to fire on them more mandalorian and Terran forces appear from behind it.

"What is that thing?"

"We have to pull back...we've lost to many already." One of them says looking at the battlefield as gunfire erupt everywhere.

Some of them didn't get the chance to acknowledge his command because the tanks that was in front of them fired with the results being devastating to both them and the terrain around them.

A blue laser going almost four hundred meters had went straight through the clones lines. The ground that was hit was completely torn apart as it created a small trench line. Anyone that was caught in the blast was evaporated as it left nothing.

"What kind of weapon is that!? It just took out half of our units in one shot!"

"Pull back! Pull back!"

A few of the clones getting up to run gets hit by a line of gunfire as the missed shots can be seen quickly hitting the ground before making a beeline towards different clones. Those that wasn't fast enough were hit by the spray of bullets as their armor didn't stand a chance against the bullets.

"They're everywhere!"

He fires his blaster as the incoming enemies as he takes out a few of them before he too gets mowed down by more terrans coming towards them.

Running deeper into the forest, they slow down before taking defensive positions again ready to fire at the first enemy they see but nothing appears. Not only that but it was silent.

Letting their guard down a little they were about to question where they went when a booming voice sounds throughout the forest.

"Attention republic forces. This is your first and only chance in surrendering to us. Put down your arms and we will treat you accordingly to our laws. Make your presence known to us and we will keep you as prisoners" A voice echos through the field.

The clones hearing this look at each other confused but listen to what they were saying.

"If you do not comply. We will continue our assault on your remaining forces and we will show no mercy to you. I'm sure none of you want further bloodshed amongst your brothers but we will eliminate you all if you don't surrender. You have twenty minutes to come out or we will fire on you again."

Once he stops talking for good the clones starts to talk to each on what to do.

"I think it's better for us to surrender. We don't have the manpower, weapons, or intel to hold them back. It's suicide to go against them like this."

"And what!? Give up! We're clones. We're aren't made to surrender so easily."

"And die for what? What're we even fighting for anymore. It makes no sense now." Another puts in.

"At least when we went against the separatist we actually stood a chance. We also knew what we were up against."

"And surrendering to them will be better? Are you all serious right now!? We don't even know if they'll keep their word."

"Is getting ourselves killed the best option to you? We don't stand a chance against the combined arms of the terrans and mandalorians."

"One of them was already enough. But now we have three enemies. Two of them we don't even know about to well. It's the reason why we may lose this war if this continues."

Most of them agreed that they should surrender but there was still a few that didn't have the same opinion but because many of them didn't want to fight any longer they followed along with them reluctantly.

Throwing there weapons on the ground they slowly make their way out the forest as they put their hands up ready to surrender. Once they make it out the forest a group of mandalorians and terrans start to come out surrounding them as they point their weapons at them.

"Keep your hands where we can see them! We don't want this to be messy." A marine says as he gets closer to the group of clones.

"Where is the rest of your forces? This is to small to be most of your battalion."

"I don't know. Our group was split from our battalion. And even if we did, we wouldn't have told you."

"Fine. Have it your way.

Putting some restraints on them they put them in a line as they escort them towards a open field.

"Where are you taking us?"

One of the marines glances at them before smirking. "We're taking you to your new home. You'll have everyone need. Free meals, a hot shower, some entertainment, and even a warm bed. But don't get to excited. You won't be able to use anything without supervision. Not even a pencil."

"Stop messing with the prisoners. They've been through enough already."

The marine scoffs. "And we haven't? We been through hell and back years ago and now we're going right back at it. Because of these fuckers."

"It isn't their fault. They're just clones. They have no say in this."

The marine narrows his eyes at his friend before quickly walking away in frustration.

The clones following behind them say nothing after their exchange but they were curious on what they were talking about what happened years ago.

After a while of walking they stop in a large outpost as they waited for something. The marines that were escorting them glance at them every now and than but most of them were talking. And the conversation they were having interested the clones more and more. Some of them even sounded super weird.

"Cute. Are you high. They're more like oversized chickens. But way more uglier."

"But have you guys ever sat down and had a conversation with the Unggoy? Because am I crazy or do those guys talk about nipples like, a lot. Like all day long it's about nipples, nipples, nipples."

"It's probably the first one. Who knows what you do on your free time."

"Guys I'm serious. They have the minds of a four year old but fight like a full fledged veteran...Well at least for the most part."

"Should we be talking about this in front of the prisoners?" A marine says nervously.

"It's fine. They don't even know what we're are talking about."

"We could always find out." A clone remarks.

"We may be clones. But we're not dumb."

"But the people you're fighting for sure is dumb though. Say. What is your name?"


"I said your name. Not some random numbers."

"Clones don't get names. Only numbers."

The marines stare at the clones a little shocked and it looked like they were about to say something but multiple pelicans arrives overhead as they drop down.

"Looks like your ride is here. And word of advice. Make sure to behave. Life for you will be so much easier."

Pushing them forward they all get loaded into the pelicans before taking off into the sky. The only thing the now captured clones could do was watch as they entered into space.


"Push forward!" A marine yelled as him and a squad of marines charged through a landfill of destroyed tanks and dead men.

Explosions were ringing out everywhere as the ground shined with a bright yellow or a purple hue. It almost looked like nothing was safe from being destroyed as even buildings could be seen falling down. Be it small buildings the size of a house or tall structures that reached into sky. They were all being torn apart by the battle.

"We have to take the last remaining forces off this planet and we're going to be even closer to ending this war."

Taking cover behind a destroyed republic tank they quickly shot at anything that they think is a republic clone or separatist droid.

Behind them a T-600 titan was steadily moving forward before it came to a halt. The tanks tread started to move and that was when the entire tank started almost get up standing as it began to walk forward a few steps as it's turret started to turn. Firing it's main cannon it hits a building that was ahead of the marines as it's wall fall down.

Not down with it's attack its twin rocket launchers fires as a hail of rockets fire into the air where the clones positions were thought to be at.

Walking forward again it makes it's way towards the building as it fires it's main cannon again.

"Come on marines. Our tanks can't do all the work." A marine says as they follow behind the tank.

Up in the sky a sword of sanghelios ship can be seen moving towards location as it stops. Charging up it's laser it fires into the ground as small shockwaves go outwards everywhere.

One of the marines seeing this can't help but shiver a little. "Glad we aren't on the receiving end of those things again."

On another part of the battle two people were taking out clones and droids alike by themselves.

Master chief and the Arbiter were fighting side by side as they massacred anyone in their way.

Chief was duel wielding SMGs as he fires them in different directions as his enemies tried to take him down. Running in the open he fires at the first enemy he sees before sliding next to a destroyed tank as cover.

Looking over slowly he sees a large group of droids shooting at him before taking his head down as a hail of blaster fire erupts at him. Looking over the tank he was using as cover he sees that the tanks turret was on the ground which gave him an idea.

Quickly putting his weapons in his sides he grips the barrel of the turret before swinging it around and once he had enough momentum he releases his hold onto it as the turret flew into the droids.

Most of the droids became scrap metal as they were smashed to pieces. There was a few that had survived but they too were about to be destroyed as chief came closer and closer to them.

With the Arbiter he was becoming a nightmare for the clones that was trying to stop him as he would just disappear with no way for them to find him.

"Where is he!?"


One of the clones scream loudly as an energy sword go through his chest as he slowly dies from the sword burning his insides.

"Blast him!"

Firing at him he takes the dead clone off his sword before throwing it at them as they dodge out the way only for him to disappear again.

"He's gone again!"

"Come out and fight us!" One of them yells frustrated.

"As you wish."

Coming out of his cloak he takes out a plasma rifle and fires it at the clones as they take cover while returning fire.

While firing his weapon in one hand he uses the other to hold his sword as he quickly draws closer to them. Many of them would either be slashed in half or shot to death.

One of the clones that had gotten close to him dodges out the way from his swing before firing multiple times at him but his shield protects him for the most part.

Grabbing the clone he smashes his body into the ground before putting his foot on his head and applying pressure on it as loud crack sounds out.

Finishing the rest of them he makes his way towards chief as drop ships belonging to them come their way as they drop off troops.

A few republic and separatist ships could also be seen trying to make an escape as they knew the battle for the planet was going to be lost. Fire was engulfing parts of the planet and the planet was going to be for the terrans real soon.

Sorry for not updating and this book will not be dropped. I'm currently on Hiatus, so I'm only temporarily back.

Ve_speakercreators' thoughts
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