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2020-04-18 UnidoUnited States



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  • Ve_speaker
    Ve_speaker2 years ago
    Respondeu a NowGoWithTheFlow

    Thank you for your thoughts. And their will be one more chapter like like 48-50. Sorry but I have to end that arc before going back to the battles again. And I'm currently having trouble making the next chapters but I will update it soon.

  • Ve_speaker
    Ve_speaker2 years ago
    Respondeu a Dark_Corner

    It's not dropped. I'm just trying to brainstorm the next chapters and it's honestly causing problems for me. Since so many readers didn't want Waneta as an mc like I planned I had to redo a few things. But don't worry. I have no plans if dropping this book. It's come to far for me to just drop it.

  • Ve_speaker
    Ve_speaker2 years ago
    Respondeu a Alnatura

    Yeah I understand. I'm still kind of new to writing and didn't know if I should have an mc or not. This story was honestly supposed to be me testing the waters and getting some feedback on how to improve. I'll keep the story the same If you're wondering but the next chapter will still be about Waneta. I need to finish this arc and not leave it open like this. And Waneta wasn't some chosen one like Anakin. The father just wanted to keep her from freeing her mother. I'm just going to make another story as Waneta as the mc starting from a child to an adult. Many of you probably don't care about this which is why I may post that story on another platform. I don't feel like seeing negative reviews just because they don't like the character.

  • Ve_speaker
    Ve_speaker2 years ago
    Respondeu a ThanatosGreekGod

    Why do so many of you want 40k in the starwars universe? I have nothing against it and it's a great concept but that would literally be overkill if even a single fleet went against the starwars universe. Only people I could see giving them a hard time is Luke and Abeloth. And thanks for liking my story. It means a lot.

  • Ve_speaker
    Ve_speaker2 years ago
    Respondeu a Jaquaviontavious

    Wow. Didn't think my story would be considered one of the three decent stories you found. Kind of makes me glad you think my story isn't totally trash.

  • Ve_speaker
    Ve_speaker2 years ago
    Respondeu a Microraptor

    If you don't know who the MC is than I must have done a good job. There was supposed to be no MC to begin with but than Waneta came in and I picked a liking towards her. I'm thinking about just keeping the story as I had it and making a different story just on waneta going from her childhood to an adult.

  • Ve_speaker
    Ve_speaker2 years ago
    Respondeu a Soafa

    This is basically the mortis arc when Anakin, Obi-wan, and Ashoka met the god like beings being the father, son, and daughter. It's a long story but Waneta is caught in the middle of them because of her being the daughter of Abeloth (originally the mother) I don't know if you care about all this but the battles will return in two more chapters. Master chief and the Arbiter will have more spotlight in them.

  • Ve_speaker
    Ve_speaker2 years ago
    Respondeu a StickMan

    If anyone sees this please answer this question. So you all prefer the story switching pov every now and than or have an actual mc? I didn't know if anyone liked reading stories like this so I was actually thinking about transitioning her to be the mc. If you liked it like this though I'll keep it like this. But Waneta will still have a major role in this story. Planning to have chief and the Arbiter in more conflicts as well if your wondering.

  • Ve_speaker
    Ve_speaker3 years ago
    Respondeu a Robert_Laming

    Switching. There really isn't an mc in this story.