
What The Hell Have These People Been Up To?

[Heads up lads. Gets a bit dark in this chapter.


She waited for the little scene to end as the man next to the bed seemed to be the big boss around here.

Before anything happened though, she noticed a small spark above the dead old man. A small flickering light.

Reaching for it, she unconsciously absorbed the small dot of light no bigger than a snowflake.

'Huh. Weird.'


Years ago.

I can not overcome this dilemma.

Who would have thought that the best researcher and scientist in the world, me, Christopher Winters would have to give up on my ambition of creating the perfect lifeform, the perfect organism?

It has been years since we have obtained the mythical Lotus.

So... So many...

I am reaching the age where it is difficult to even move. I could not become an Immortal cultivator sadly as I focused on my research with my team.

Granted, if my team wasn't full of idiots, I would probably still be able to live for a few decades.

After the P-Series, we slowed production vastly.

In my search, I found that although humans can adapt better compared to other races, they have an innate quirk that makes all tests up till this point failures.

They are all weak.

Humans are all weak.

Maybe if I was born as a member of the elf or angel race I would have completed the project by now.

I understood after the success of subject P-220 that humans have limits that are impossible to break.

I also realized my oversight of a rather logical conclusion.

Just because some races have a low chance of surviving does not mean they can not survive.

Angels, pure elves, demi-humans and so on.

As matter of fact, they are much better than humans as they have innate strength. If we can unlock that strength...

Anyway. Back to the surviving subjects.

All of the 'successes' have fatal flaws.

For example, A-22 has died from old age. They had great potential, yes. But their life span was short. Miniscule even.

So, we began searching for better subjects.

Instead of humans and elf females, we... got our hands on two rather interesting specimens after pillaging a village at the side of the continent.

A peculiar couple.

A Devil and A Prime Angel.

The highest rank of both species were living in a small village. How quaint.

Nevertheless, we took them.

We made the Devil into a breeder and forced the Prime Angel to mate with them without stopping.

We were able to create 2 successive subjects.

For now, I have them hidden in a secret compartment under my desk. They are being sealed there, out of time and space until we have the perfect substance to enhance them with.

The Devil woman broke after a few weeks, so did the Prime Angel. Even though they loved each other so very much.

After they had been mostly broken, they did not care much when their bodies were touched.

It just had to be their significant other.

After the two successful subjects, they were locked up in separate cells divided by a thick glass wall.

It was certain that they would not escape or even try for that matter.

High Species like them would give the lives of a continent to save their children. I have informed them of the two survivors.

It is good that we removed them while they were knocked out and patched the Devil up with healing magic or else I couldn't have used them as leverage.

If a Devil was forced to give their children away they would rather kill themselves and their children before giving them away.

What strange customs.

Nevertheless, we did not succeed very fast with the extraction of the Lotus essence.

It frustrated me.

I... needed to let out my frustration.

That is when I remembered where we kept our two best breeders.

Although they were broken, they were slowly recovering and we did not need a battalion of siblings but a single perfect organism.

So they were basically just reassurance that if the two in my desk don't survive, we could make more.

Anyway. My frustration.

I took it out on the restrained Devil woman.

I kept taking my frustration out on her for a long while.

The Prime Angel, at first, did not know since I would only go there late in the night and the Devil woman wouldn't want to be seen in that state by their significant other.

Nevertheless, the Prime Angel soon found out. He was a bit angry. But his and the woman's faces were rather hilarious to look at as I wanted.

A few years later, I was a father.

I took him as my own. Half Devil and Half Human. Most likely the first and only one in the world.

I made him study at young as much as he could in case I died and my position needs to be taken over.

Interestingly enough, I found that my colleagues were doing the same, just with their actual wives.

Oh, but they missed out. It was so satisfying for me to see their faces. It can't be nearly as fun for them.

My son, who I named Dan, was a natural genius. I knew that if I couldn't achieve the goal, he could.

I left him a note, just in case I died, on my desk.

It showed him the combination lock and location of his... siblings.

Many years passed.

The Lotus experiments still produced no results. Each time we extracted its essence, it either rotted away into useless dust, disrupt the space around it and tear itself apart or explode into dangerous lightning.

And so my days passed. Working on an experiment that carried with it no fruit.

The Royals did not stop my funding, however. They knew I was working on something big and that I had a worthy successor.

After becoming unable to properly move, I stayed in bed, giving away my position to my son.

I spent quite a while like that.

Then, one day, when I knew my time would come, my son, Dan burst into the room.

It was so fast that I could barely see him move.

He had grown.

I wondered if I should ever tell him the location of his mother.

She was, in all honesty, the most beautiful woman I had seen.

But I did not. I was worried he would stop the experiment if he knew of my misdeeds.

The two lovers were still alive.

The only company they had was themselves and the occasional food delivery.

The glass wall was removed at some point as well, I do not remember the reason nor do I really care.

Back to my son.

He told me that they succeeded.

They extracted the perfect essence of a Mythical material.

A tear fell from my eyes as I told him my last words.

I can at least say that I didn't die alone.


I found myself floating above my own body.

I felt as if I was about to be judged yet before I could, I saw it.

A giant figure of a woman.

Beautiful as one could ever hope to be. Eyes cold with no change in expression.

My size, compared to her was minuscule.

I quickly hypothesized that I was the size of my soul which had shrunk due to me using a surplus of life energy to stay alive up to this point.

The woman's figure loomed over me and I knew.

Even if I was my original size, she would tower over me like a god talking to a mortal.

Just her pressure alone made me shrink even more than I already was.

Yet I still couldn't take my eyes off her.

She noticed me and moved her hand towards me.

Is this my judgment?

That was what I thought, knowing that I was about to die.

I accepted it. I knew that using my life force had its downsides.

Even forcefully trying to move my soul to one of the next planes would erase me from existence.

I thought of this as mercy.

I embraced it as the beauty absorbed my soul, leaving nothing behind, turning me into pure power for her to use.

A peaceful and painless death in the hands of a beautiful woman. Every man's last dream.


'When is this dude going to stop crying?'

She thought as she had been waiting for nearly 10 or so odd minutes.

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