
AHHH! Death!

After the man stopped crying, he had a determined look in his eyes as he stood up, wiped his tears and left while muttering to himself.

"I will succeed in your dream, father."

'Weird guy.'

She followed after him, not fully understanding his sentence since she was still sort of new to the language.

As the two reached the room where the people were celebrating, the crybaby man spoke with finality present in his voice.

'Something... something... Plan C.O.L.D.'

Everyone in the room went silent.

The man then spoke again.

'Something... Father... Dead... In Charge. I think?'

The people around were shocked and expressed their condolences.

The crybaby man shook them off as he continued with a large and complicated speech that seemed to inspire them.

She could only understand one word about the speech though.

'Today... and that's all I got.'

After the tear-jerking speech, they all scattered like ants who received direct orders from their queen.

'Interesting situation. I wonder where it will go next.'

She thought as she floated around the room.

She floated back next to the Lotus, observing it.

'For some reason I have the feeling that something bad might happen... my soul isn't still in you, right?'

She asked herself while staring at the Lotus.

'Nah. Probably not.'

She floated up and started walking on the ceiling, unnecessarily holding her hands to her sides as if to balance herself.

'Real question time now. When can I go to heaven or hell or the middle place? Haven't I suffered quite a bit? I still have over half my scars from when I was inside that hellhole.'

She thought to herself, sighing.

Walking through a few walls while still on the ceiling, she soon found herself in a strange room she had not been in before.


There were two men and a woman in the room, counting the vials that were placed on the table.

'P-955, P-956, P-957 all the way to P-999.'

The trio of counting professionals recounted the number of vials about 8 or so times.

'This is sad to watch. It's like I'm looking at idiots who are at one of those kid garden places where everyone was sent to as a child. I think that was it?'

Thinking about it for a moment, she tossed the thought away as she took a closer look at the vials on the table.

'Some weird liquid. Yellow, blue, red, purple, pink and so on... all of them have some small thing in them though.'

She floated down to the floor while placing her finger on her chin.

'Some new food? Jelly? Wait, that's not new...'

She looked at the vials closer.

'They look...'

Before she could finish the thought, she heard something crash and someone yell.


Floating into the hallway, she looked around.

'Was that always there or did I miss that too somehow?'

She thought as she floated towards the gigantic doors that held back something that made almost the entire lab shake.

Tens of scientists were holding it closed while guards stood around. Some weren't holding weapons though.

'How unprofessional. A possible dinosaur attack and they just stand there as if they're going to try to box with whatever is smacking that wall.'

Peeking her head through the wall on the side, she saw a woman and a man.

The woman was being held back by the man.

They were speaking in a language she had never heard of before but it felt oddly similar.

'Something from... uhhh what was it? Northern Europe? Swedish? Or one of the other ones?'

She tilted her head.

Suddenly though, the woman, who had been the one banging on the door, just so happened to glance her way while trying to pry off the man and kick down the wall.

As the woman looked her way, she stopped in her tracks.

Her eyes widened as she gazed at the one peeking her head through the wall.

'What? Can she... Can she see me?'

She fully walked through the wall, looking at the woman in the eyes.

Slightly tilting her body to the side, she saw how the woman's eyes followed her face.

'Yep. She can see me. Or maybe there is a ghost behind me.'

The man who was trying to calm down the previously raging woman was in confusion.

Glancing in the direction the woman was staring in, he also widened his eyes.

A moment of silence.

The two, woman and man both, suddenly kneeled down on one knee in front of the looming soul.

A thought surfaced in both of their minds.

'A True Demonic God.'

'A True Holy God.'

They no longer held eye contact.

Instead, a few drops of sweat ran down both of their foreheads and backs.

The woman spoke with a slight stutter.

The one she spoke to however did not understand a word.

She crouched down, still a little confused as to why 'they suddenly have knee pain'.

The two remained silent as in what their eyes was a God crouched down in front of them and silently observed them.

'Well I don't speak whatever they do so I'll just go.'

She thought so after thinking for a moment and left through the wall.

In the hallway, she wondered.

'All the people in the void place spoke the same. Why can't this place be the same as the void? Well, only in the language department that is.'

Not knowing that she had just left the Devil and Prime Angel in the room in a state of panic and confusion, she continued her walk as she made her way back to the Lotus.

'I wonder why they could see me... Maybe they're somehow linked to dead people or something. The woman did have horns, maybe she was a succubus.'

Walking through the small jelly container room, she saw how the crybaby man rushed inside while holding two containers.

No one else was around, so he started screaming.

She covered her ears.

'Abandonment issues?'

Someone quickly entered the room.

'Nevermind. Just a loud boss man.'

The crybaby and woman talked.

The crybaby handed the woman two containers filled with darkish yellow liquid that slightly glowed.

The crybaby explained it to her very carefully and threateningly.

Well, he explained something and ended it while pulling his thumb across his neck as a threat.

The woman nodded vigorously and slowly made her way to the table with the two containers.

'Banana flavour? Maybe it's expensive~'

She joked to herself as she watched the woman carefully write a series of numbers and letters on a piece of paper almost like it was in a secret code before labelling the two new containers.

'Q-000 and Q-001. They just got to 999 with the P so next letter I guess? Simple at least.'

Since she didn't have much else to look at in this room besides the secret that was held inside the coloured liquid that she had forgotten about, she entered the Lotus room only to see something frightening.

A single thought raced through her head.


The Lotus flower was placed in a long glass cylinder. Above it, a strong metal press machine.

The crybaby man stood behind some protective blast material as he shouted something and waved his hand down as a signal.

The press squished the flower into pure liquid.


She pointed at the scene and screamed.

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