
What in the world is that?

Exiting the house, they followed the guard. It was still daylight, but the sun was only a few hours from setting. What will they do with the machine? Will they try to destroy it? Well, they can try, but I doubt they'll succeed... What if they try to take it somewhere else? No, the machine is too heavy, so… His thoughts were interrupted by a question.

"Sir Rafael, from what I've been told, the farm worker found you near this strange object that my men discovered, correct?" Cenric, walking beside Rafael, asked without looking at him.

What if this 'merchant' isn't really someone important? He said he was from the East, but why would he be traveling alone through the forest? What if he's a scout trying to evaluate our forces? Cenric wondered.

"Yes." They had already exited the village and were nearing the forest.

"Do you perhaps know what it is? Is this some new invention from the East that you're trying to sell here?"

"I'm sorry, but no, I don't know what that thing is. I found it near a small cave and stopped to look at it." They were now inside the forest, walking along a path between the trees and plants.

"Oh right, sir Rafael, why were you in this forest? I find it odd that a person of your standing would be traveling alone here," Cenric inquired, his suspicion growing.

"Ah, yes, I was traveling with my group—we were six in total. As we were passing near a small hill, something strange caught my attention. I separated from them for less than a minute, and when I realized it, they were gone." Rafael delivered his lie with as much conviction as he could, maintaining eye contact with Cenric and using hand gestures for emphasis.

Note to self: learn how to lie.

This doesn't add up. Why would they take a dangerous forest route instead of the safer roads between cities? Cenric's suspicion deepened as they approached a small clearing at the base of a hill. Slightly above ground level, there was a shallow cave, and in front of it stood the object.

The strange machine had a metal base with metallic spheres on each side, a huge dome of glass atop it, and a small flag at the peak. The spearmen guarding it turned as they heard the group arrive. The guard who had led them stepped aside, allowing Cenric and Rafael to move closer.

"Sir, we've examined the exterior but couldn't find any clues about what it is," the guard reported, saluting Cenric. "We sent a scout to search the area for anything suspicious. He should be back any moment now."

Oh crap, I left the door open! Rafael's thoughts raced.

"Is this some sort of wagon? It looks like it's open, and there's a chair inside. Did you inspect the interior?" Cenric asked the nearby guard.

It doesn't have wheels, so it can't be a wagon. And this metalwork... and that single piece of glass! How?! It's impossible to create such a perfect shape and size in a single piece. What in the world...?

"None of us entered, sir. We waited for your arrival to decide what to do next." The spearman gestured toward the machine.

"I understand. Guard, enter this thing and inspect the inside," Cenric ordered. The man nodded and approached the entrance cautiously, gripping his spear tightly. Just as he was about to step inside, they all heard noises coming from the left. The guards readied themselves, weapons at the ready, eyes locked in the direction of the sound.

What should I do? How can I close that door? Think! That quick tutorial when I rented the machine... come on, remember! The monitor can be used... no, that's not it... Rafael's panic surged again, drowning out the noise around him.

As everyone else grew tense, their focus sharpened on the approaching sounds. Finally, the source emerged from behind the trees. It was the scout, returning from his search. The group collectively exhaled in relief, though Rafael remained on edge.

"Sir, reporting in. I didn't find anything unusual in the area," the scout announced, saluting as he approached.

"Hmm, thank you for the information," Cenric responded thoughtfully. So, no footprints or wagon tracks? I'll need to confirm that with him later, but if it's true, then... He glanced back at Rafael, who was fixated on the machine.

He didn't even react to the noise. It could've been a dangerous animal or an enemy, but he wasn't paying attention at all. Cenric noted Rafael's heavy breathing and distant stare.

"Is everything okay, Mr. Rafael?" Cenric asked, placing a hand on Rafael's shoulder.

"Oh! Ah, yes, everything's fine." Rafael snapped back to the present, forcing a smile. This isn't going to work. I'll have to lock myself inside. There must be another way! What do I have? The machine, the book, my suit... and... yes!

Something isn't right here. This man appears out of nowhere with that strange object. My scout found no signs of other people around. If he lied about that, maybe he's lying about not knowing what it is. The village chief's suspicion grew.

"Good, good. You seem really intrigued by this strange object, so I thought I'd leave the honor of inspecting it to you. As a merchant, you might find something valuable inside. What do you think? Don't worry, my men are here to assist if anything happens."

Rafael turned to him with a calm smile. "Thank you for the offer, I'll accept it!"

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