

"If you want, I can hold your book while you search more thoroughly," Cenric offered, extending his hand, palm up, towards Rafael.

Oh no, no, no! This book stays in my hands forever! I'll sleep with it, eat with it, bathe with it... Rafael thought.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'll keep it. It's an important book for me."

"I understand," Cenric replied, though his curiosity was piqued.

Rafael began walking toward the machine, all eyes on him. As he neared it, his pace slowed, and he clutched the book tighter. Is he afraid? Hmm, too early to say... Cenric wondered.

When Rafael was about two meters from the door, he smiled and pressed a yellow dot on his black wristband for two seconds. Suddenly, the door to the machine automatically closed with a hiss. "Aahh!" Rafael stumbled back in surprise.

"What?!" Cenric exclaimed as the guards instantly took up defensive positions. How did it close? Did he do something? No, he was still a few steps away, and we all saw him just walk near it and get scared... Maybe he really doesn't know what that thing is.

Controlling his inner elation, Rafael feigned fear, making a scared expression before turning back to Cenric's side. Huuffh

"What just happened? I nearly died of fright," he said, still hugging the book tightly.

"I don't know. The door just closed by itself. Did you hear or see anything?" Cenric asked.

"No, nothing. But I did see a red light coming from that... small table? Near the chair inside."

"I need to check it out." Cenric approached the time machine, touching, knocking, and even sniffing it, while the guards gathered around to inspect it as well.

There really is a strange red light in there. How? There's no fire. Hmm, I need to send a message to see if anyone knows what this could be. He thought of an old contact who might help.

"Everyone, let's head back. We don't know what this is yet, but I doubt it will vanish overnight. We can return tomorrow to investigate further," Cenric ordered, turning and leading the way back to the village, with the others following.

Back at the village, Cenric dismissed two of the guards and addressed the remaining one. "Please, escort Mr. Rafael to his temporary lodgings. It's that house over there," he indicated a small house to the spearman.

"I have some matters to attend to right now, so let's end our conversation here and continue, maybe, tomorrow. If you need anything, Amis here will be happy to help. Farewell, sir," Cenric said, turning on his heel and walking away before Rafael could respond.

Rafael, a bit bewildered by the abrupt departure, looked at the guard beside him. "Amis, right? Sir Cenric mentioned an uninhabited house where I could stay for a while. Could you take me there?"

"Yes, please follow me." In just a minute, they reached a small house similar to the others. The walls were made of mud, there was a small window on the side, and the roof was thatched with dry grass. Rafael thanked Amis and entered the house.

The interior was a single 3.5 by 3-meter room with a narrow bed that could barely fit two people. A small, simple fireplace was built into the left wall, with a table and two chairs nearby and a small window above them.

A wooden wardrobe stood close to the bed, and a thick tree trunk served as a central pillar, with a bowl placed beside it. The floor was paved with stones, fitted closely together. Rafael surveyed the room with a defeated look. Oh my God, why is this happening to me?

He opened the wardrobe and found plates, knives, wooden spoons, two pots, some rags that could serve as blankets, two stones, and a bit of firewood. There was also an unused candle, likely because there wasn't much to read by it, and candles were expensive.

Seeing all this, Rafael's stomach growled in hunger. I'll find something to eat later. First, I need to think about what I should create first. It has to be something that will bring me a lot of money, is easy to make, and will somehow make my life easier. So, it will be...

"Gunpowder." Rafael realized that if he invented gunpowder and sold it to influential people, he could become rich while creating a powerful defense for the region. With wealth, he could develop more inventions and potentially lead the kingdom into an industrial revolution.

"Hehe... hehahah... hahaahaha..."

I can already imagine us building the most advanced army, winning battles without a single loss, expanding our borders, dominating the continent...

Am I being hypocritical? Ah, whatever, maybe it's in human nature to fight each other.

He opened the small window, sat in the chair, and opened the book to the table of contents.

[1. How to Tell What Time Period You're Stranded In] was the first chapter. "Right! I forgot to ask the leader what year it is. I'll ask him tomorrow." He scanned the other chapters, searching for anything related to chemistry, weapons, or the military.

[5. Now We Are Become Farmers, the Devourers of Worlds]. He chuckled at the title.

[11. Chemistry: What Are Things, and How Do I Make Things?]

YES! He quickly flipped to the chapter and began reading. It started with explanations of atoms, their structure, and their behavior—foundations of chemistry that wouldn't be fully understood until well into the 20th century. Rafael skimmed through, eager to find something more practical.

It's okay, calm down. I know it's in here somewhere. Something this important wouldn't be left out. He tried to stay calm but grew increasingly anxious. Finally, he found a section detailing how to create various chemicals in an appendix.

[Appendix C. Useful Chemicals, How to Make Them, and How They Can Definitely Kill You]

At this point, Rafael was grinning widely. YEEEESS! Come on...

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