
Unlocked Feature

Chinjao looked at Alyssia who was lost in thought and said. "Go back and ponder over my words. Even a prized sword can become dull and unable to use its full potential when wielded in the wrong way or with the wrong intent that it was built for. Take yourself as a blade at this moment.. your body and skills are strong but you are unable to use their fullest potential. If a blade remains dull there will come a time where it will break, you will be the same if you do not change your way of thinking."

In his mind, Alyssia was the dull blade that was being held back by her own intentions and he would be the one to sharpen that blade to reveal its true beauty and sharpness.

As she was preparing to leave the room quietly he left the final bit of advance for her. "The Chinjao family martial arts are built to use the limbs to break through heavy defences and armour. You should already realise that this technique can only bring out its true potential when it is used without holding anything back. A single attack directed towards a singular point, that is why I named my technique as 'Drill' or 'Nail' back then. The intent was to pierce through any defence whether it be metal or even a human being. No mercy would be shown and nothing would be held back, only then could I master my own martial arts in the past. I believe that you have the right tools to do the job but not the right frame of mind. Try to picture the act of hammering a nail into a wall or piece of wood in a single hit of a hammer. The right use of force must be used to pierce the nail straight through without causing any damage to it, this requires a lot of precision and control but also a strength behind the hit to make sure that it passes through cleanly and without damage. My families technique runs on a similar principal, any hesitation would lead to the nail bending or the nail not breaking through or being stuck in the wall at an angle on the first hit. What we need to do is make sure your limbs continue to go straight through the toughest defences without breaking or being unable to completely break through on the first attempt."

At first Alyssia was quite high spirited but now she was lost in her own thoughts on how she had been walking down the wrong path even with the help of the system.

The system was not an omniscient tool that could lead her towards the right train of thought, it merely gave her the direction on where to go and pointed the way.

How she applies what she has learned and uses it is all down to herself.

Just like how a dancing fan could also be used as a tool to kill or a sword could be used in dance, various types of skills and knowledge could be used in the same way for a different purpose.

Her martial arts were good for sparring and long fights but lacked serious life and death experiences and the intent to use every bit of her power to cripple or kill her enemies.

Back on the ship, Alyssia closed her eyes and checked the system log.

<Ding! System requirements have been met by the host to open the next feature!>

<Ding! Host has gained Expert Grade on one or more Skills>

<Ding! Host has gained more than five Advanced Skills>

<Ding! One of Host's main talents has reached the Expert Grade>

<Ding! Host has collected skills from at least one Expert who has combined their own skills together>

<Ding! Congratulations Host! The Skill Combination Feature has been unlocked! For details open up the feature on your system panel>

<Ding! Congratulations Host! A combination of a unique skill and a racial ability has been combined together to create new possibilities of a new skill combination or special move! Would the Host like to name this new skill?>


<Ding!> For the achievement of creating a custom skill with the potential to be around the S+ Rank on your own, you will be rewarded with five hundred thousand points>

Alyssia looked at the system window and sighed. "It took sixteen years but I have finally unlocked this feature!"

She remembered putting in this feature so that it can assist integrating different skillsets that were compatible with each other after the player had reached a certain stage in the game.

This was an optional tool to be used but when someone had reached the stage where their progress would be limited with one skill, there would be other skill options open to make use of that were compatible with the main skill to developed a style or specialisation of some sort whether it be focussed around martial arts, combination of special skills or simply a combination of knowledge to draw up a path or blueprint to create various types of weapons or scientific modifications.

Nami's Clima-Tact has the combination of various types of science within it that had been built upon during her journeys whether it be after her time in Sky Island, Weatheria or additional modifications done by Franky and Usopp.

The Clima-Tact itself uses various scientific principals and weather science and combines it into a staff shaped weapon that can be used to attack, defend, hide, restrain and also a variety of other different uses.

The system combination feature allows such things to become possible so long as there is enough skills and knowledge to be combined together with enough compatibility.

Alyssia thought for a while and then decided to just name the combination of the Eight Impact Fist and Electro. 'System.. name the new skill as Electro-Nail.'

<Ding! Congratulations on completing your first S+ Rank skill>

<Ding! System detects that user has been combining many types of skills in the past, would the Host like to combine them into new skills?>


Alyssia agreed to let the system begin to compile various skills together.

<Lower Body Martial Arts have been found to have been combined with Climbing, Acrobatics, Gymnastics and Dancing.. Would you like to name this new S+ Rank skill?>

Alyssia quickly named it as she knew that much more was about to appear. 'White Leg Style'

Next was the Long Staff skill which she focussed more towards her own type of style of weapon so chose from among her many skills ranging from Climbing, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Dancing, Misdirection, Double edged Blade/Scythe, Dual Wielding Half Staff, Dual Wielding Half Blade/Scythe and Weapon Throwing/Juggling, Upper Body Martial Arts.

This new skill had an A+ grade potential but had been lowered because of the lower grade of skills that had been used but it provided a lot of versatility and freedom to be used in various ways depending on what modifications could be made to her staff.

The staff style had been a little inspired by the Grim Reaper's style of combat from the animated series RWBY where the double scythe weapon can be wielded and spun to attack but also separated to be dual wielded or even thrown.

[White Leg Style (S+) - Leg Martial Arts as the foundation but also many types of concepts from climbing, acrobatics, gymnastics and dancing to allow better balance, control, precision, agility, flexibility, timing and strength to each movement but also provides a wide range of freedom with its many forms whether it be running, vaulting, wall running or climbing, jumping, spinning, flipping, diving, rolling and balancing on hands or on other surfaces. Note: this style is compatible with the use of Electro, Eight Impact Fist or Electro-Nail.]

[White Staff/Scythe Style (A) - Long Staff as the foundation but many types of concepts are added to increase the freedom of use and movement. If modifications can be made to the staff or scythe then more freedom can be granted to the user to switch between using the complete staff/scythe and two halves of it. Throwing or juggling and misdirection skills have been added increasing the freedom of use of the weapon even more. Note: This skill is compatible with the use of Electro.]

<Ding! White Leg Style and White Staff/Scythe Style has been combined together by the host. Would the host like to make a new skill or override one of the previous skills to complete an upgraded skill?>

Alyssia paused and then ordered. 'Remove the White Staff/Scythe Style and name the new skill as Leg and Staff/Scythe Tactics. Set the White Leg Style as the foundation.'

<Ding! Leg & Staff/Scythe Battle Tactics had been graded as S Grade!>

[Leg & Staff/Scythe Tactics (S) - Leg Martial Arts as the foundation but also adding the previous skill named White Staff/Scythe Style. Adding the free use of the staff/scythe to assist attacking and defence but also create more versatility with climbing, dancing, gymnastics and acrobatics. Adding some free use of dual wielding, throwing/juggling and misdirection. Note: Leg movements are compatible with Electro, Eight Impact Fist or Electro-Nail. Staff/Scythe movements are compatible with Electro.]

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