
Skill Combinations/Skill Tree

Alyssia was still unable to be finished after she had finished with what she had previously finalised.

The next notification came notified her of other possible combinations that she had been using in the past so what she had finished next was…

[Cartography (S) - Navigation as the foundation and combining it with the science, mathematics, scholar, survival, detection, and drawing skills. This skill allows the user to calculate and predict changes on land and water from weather patterns but also various other conditions in the surroundings or intruders within a certain environment. The combination of skills also allows detailed maps to be drawn with accurate measurements. Reading other maps and books with the scholar skill on weather patterns and the surrounding islands will also help to gain more knowledge towards filling in the blank pieces of what potential dangers could be on specific parts of the map.]

[Environment and Structural Analysis (S+) - Navigation as the foundation and combining it with the science, engineering, mathematics, scholar, survival, detection, concealment, climbing, acrobatics, gymnastics, assassination, battle tactics, misdirection, theft and drawing skills. Similar to the Cartography skill but has a greater insight towards concealment, detection, misdirection and assassination and where to attack from that would prove to be most advantageous or to find ways to hide or run away from others while covering one's own tracks and leading the enemy away your position or next destination whether it be within a forest, small town or within a building. This skill is also good for analysing the security and traps within a place if it is to be robbed at a later date, maps and plans for the stealing of an item can also be drawn up along with other types of maps for other drawn up plans which also includes other environmental changes like predicted weather patterns and other factors that may lead to a failure of operation.]

[Calculated Shooting (B+) - Shooting as the foundation and combining it with science, mathematics, engineering, detection. Calculating the trajectory of a cannon or a gunshot before firing at a target from a distance or up close but also the result of a bullet ricochet or various changes in the environment.]

[Skill Shot (SS-) - Shooting as the foundation and combining it with the Calculated Shooting and Environment and Structural Analysis skills to provide the right environment and placement to get the best assassination shot possible and escape after pulling the trigger before being discovered. This also works well for countering other snipers or riflemen to shoot and then change position again and not be discovered.]

[Electro Weapon Engineering (A) - Engineering as the foundation and combining it with electro science, metalworking/forging, mathematics, science, scholar and drawing. Electro powered weaponry or Electro assisted weaponry ranging from cold weapons or body armour to guns and cannons. Accurate blueprints can also be drawn.]

[Electro Transportation Engineering (A) - Engineering as the foundation and combining it with electro science, metalworking/forging, shipbuilding, mathematics, science scholar and drawing. Electro powered or Electro assisted transportation ranging from ships, wheeled vehicles or other types of transportation. Accurate blueprints can also be drawn.]

[Medicinal Cooking (B) - Cooking as the foundation and combining it with alternative herbal medicine. Healthy and nutritious meals to help the body stay in good health and grow strong.]

[Electro Manipulation (A) - Electro as the foundation and combining it with energy theory, mink biology, science, scholar, drawing and meditation. Helps with learning how to have much more precise control over Electro when channelling it around the body or into a weapon or turning it into a sphere or another shape. Instructional diagrams can also be drawn to teach others how to use this method.]

[Electro Muscle Stimulation (A+) - Mink biology as the foundation and combining it with electro, energy theory, science, scholar, drawing, meditation and muscle massage. This skill not only helps to stimulate and strengthen the muscles but also helps to build up resistance within the body to Electro and other forms of electricity, lightning or thunder type abilities, devil fruit abilities or natural elements. Instructional diagrams can also be drawn to teach others how to use this method.]

Most of her newly combined skills that she had been working on or discovered awarded her with additional points along with her previous martial art skill combinations which put her back up to a very high amount of points while she used the systems combination feature to directly make the Electro Manipulation and Electro Muscle Stimulation skills without being rewarded for it.

Although the skills were a combination of various skills and formed a special skill tree of its own from those skills, it would only truly grow once the skills that formed it had been mastered to a certain level as the overall skills that make up the combination still need to be researched by herself or the missing knowledge has been gathered from purchasing the upgrades and filling in the missing parts of the skills from gathering it from many other people.

Once she checked the descriptions of them all, she was deeply impressed.

Her Navigation skill had become a core part of some of the skills that helped to create some unique skills for herself whether it be Cartography, Navigation and Structural Analysis and also Skill Shot.

Cartography was a less complicated skill that was used to draw up maps and navigate through land and sea but to also predict and avoid potential dangers.

Environment and Structural Analysis was more focussed towards navigating many types of terrain or building structures to avoid dangers, mislead an enemy, assassinate someone or even plan an operation of some kind to break in or infiltrate somewhere but it could also be used to prepare battle plans and tactics during times of war.

Skill Shot was more focussed towards using sniper tactics of firing one or two shots and then moving to a different location before being shot by an enemy sniper or rifleman.

These skills also gained a bonus from her Navigation talent that allows her to learn them much quicker just like her new combined skills that included her Leg Martial Arts talent.

The other skills that she had gained after the combinations were mainly focussed towards science, engineering or electro in some way so they still required some further experimentation and effort to master compared to the ones that were connected to her two talents from her side professions.

For some parts, she still really needed to get ahold of some more unique skills from different places to raise some of the skill ranks up but right now she slowly began to see how useful this skill combining feature truly was.

After it had finished triggering the system notifications, Alyssia ignored everything else and began to look over the White Leg Style carefully and began to practice it step by step, made her crew some food and then went to study the Electro Manipulation skill.

Although it was still incomplete, she could still read some books on meditation and energy theory to make up for her missing knowledge and upgrade her skills a little.

As she finished for studying for the night, she went to sleep and began studying various blueprints and theories that were being compiled with all of the combined knowledge and scientific theories of each skill to make various types of Electro powered or assisted weapons.

The next morning, she woke up early and began to draw up several detailed blueprints which were the current limit to her current skillset and sent them to Nica.

Some were designs for a new gauntlet or greaves that would be more durable but also handle Electro much better but also many other types of guns or weapons like taser guns, sticks or canes and also a new design for her staff which would use a similar design to staff that she had tried previously but also additional modifications would be made to allow great ease to switch between using a scythe style of combat or a staff.

There needed to be a secure mechanism in place so that the blades can be kept out of the way during using blunt attacks or pole vaulting techniques but when more lethal moves are needed, it can be released and secured in place with a simple press of a button or a twist of a certain mechanism on the staff and the reverse would allow it to be moved or concealed once again.

However the idea still came with many problems with the concealment and making the parts strong enough to hold everything in place securely, to make the scythe blade a smaller size was one option or another option was to just create two types of weapons for different purposes as reducing the overall toughness inside of the staff for to place the blade inside and introduce the mechanism was going to get in the way of some of the other parts inside of it.

After seeing Boo's style of combat where he carried three axes, she was tempted to carry around two types of weapons and switch between them during combat.

Suddenly the image of herself running around with a stick or staff shaped weapon on her back while the other was separated in half and attached to her waist, reminded her of a certain teenage mutant ninja turtle who walked around with a stick on back of his shell.

However the image of herself wearing a ninja costume from Wano and the weapons on her back replaced the previous image.

As she was drawing the various options between the two staff option, the attachments on the end of the staff to come in more parts or a design with the hidden scythe blades, she began humming the theme song and added. "Teenage Mutant Animal People, Teenage Mutant Animal People, Teenage Mutant Animal People! heroes with an electro fur.. Mink Power! They are the world's most fearsome fighting team…"

Being caught up in the moment of nostalgia of her previous world and a brief moment of amusement, afterwards she quietly checked her surroundings to check if she had been heard.

She embarrassedly looked at her crew who looked at her with sympathy and then locked herself in the room once again to finish the blueprints.

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