
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 13 Chapter 19: :leave a message

The stairs from the second floor to the third floor of the castle.

Alice and Jinsi glasses men walked forward, Su Xiao and Bubuwang were behind.

When Su Xiao stepped on the stairs from the second floor to the third floor, he felt a layer of film penetrated again. He subconsciously looked at the second floor. The second floor was still the same, and rows of tables were arranged neatly.

But in Su Xiao's perspective today, when he looked at the second floor, he actually felt like looking at another world. Although it was close at hand, it seemed like a thousand miles apart.

"What's the matter, brave?"

Alice's footsteps stopped and she spoke softly.

"Nothing, it's just something left on the second floor."

"That's a shame."

Alice continued to walk up the stairs.



Su Xiao did have something 'lost' on the second floor, which was a coordinate transmitter, which gave him a message that each floor of the castle may exist independently, and it is almost impossible to return to the second floor or the first floor.

From a sensory point of view, the structure of the castle is normal. From top to bottom, this is not the case. Each layer of the castle is tightly sealed. It cannot be entered inside the castle unless directed by Alice or the Wolf Steward. In other words, there is no escape route in the game.

Found this, Su Xiao stepped up and walked up the stairs.

After opening a metal door, Su Xiao reached the third floor, and the structure of the third floor surprised him slightly.

The third floor is somewhat like a residential house, about a few hundred square meters in size. Just after entering the third floor, there is a large living room. The decoration of the living room is somewhat retro.

At the center of the sofa, there is a low square stone table with a small sculpture, which is Alice's sculpture.

There are some fruit plates next to the sculpture. The fruit inside is strange in shape, at least Su Xiao has never seen it.

There are more than a dozen oil paintings hanging on the walls of the living room. The oil paintings are very abstract, like children's graffiti.

On the north side of the living room is an upward wooden staircase. This is not a staircase leading to the fourth floor, but a stepping platform. There are eight rooms on the side of the stepping platform. Number, 1 ~ 8.

The entire three-story structure reminds Su Xiao of a retro-style high-level apartment, which can be occupied by eight people and shared by the living room.

After entering the third floor, Su Xiao found that six people, including the skinny, three brothers of the national football team, Detective Little Loli, and Catwoman, were sitting on the sofa waiting.

"People are here. Compared to the previous two games, this game is very easy. Perhaps the game is over after everyone sleeps. Before you take a break, draw the room number first."

Alice took out eight cards. Each side of the card had a number from 1 to 8, corresponding to eight rooms.


Sitting on a crescent-shaped sofa, Alice spread the cards on the stone table in front. The surface of the stone table was bright and dark, and it should be carved from obsidian.

"Forget to explain that the room with the higher number will have better facilities."

Alice signaled that she could start to draw cards, and the gold-glasses man was the first to draw them, followed by Pi Fat and others.

For this kind of extraction, Su Xiao has always resisted, but at the end of the first game, his lucky attribute is permanently +1.

Su Xiao's original lucky attribute was 1 point. After fate redemption was promoted to purple quality, the new equipment effect 3 strong luck (passive) increased him by 1 lucky attribute. With the promotion of this game, his The lucky attribute reaches 3 points.

What is the effect of the 3 point lucky attribute? Su Xiao is unknown for the time being, however, the lucky attributes of the previous 2 points do not seem to be very good.

Su Xiao held the attitude of a dead horse as a live horse doctor, took a card, and took a closer look. The number on the front of the card was 2.

This number represents Su Xiao's luck in picking up the second-ranked room in the facility.

"Brother Bai Ye, good luck."

The national football boss opened his mouth. The three brothers of the national football team talked to Su Xiao on the first floor, so calling on Su Xiao's code will not cause others to suspect each other before they know each other.

"still alright."

Su Xiao felt that he was about to transfer. He didn't need much luck. As long as his luck was higher than that of ordinary people, he could become Emperor Ou because there was redemption of fate.

"I seem to be lucky."

Detective Little Loli shows up the card, which says 1.

As for the results of the card extraction, none of them deliberately concealed them, and when they entered the room, they would expose their respective drawn labels, and concealing them was meaningless.

Soon, the card draw ended, and the results were as follows:

Detective Little Loli Room 1.




Su Xiao Room 2.

Skinny Room 3.

Gold wire glasses for man room 4.

National Football Boss Room 5.

Catwoman Room 6.

National Football second child room 7.

National Football third child room 8.


"Well ... let's swap it? Didn't you feel so awkward?"

The national football boss holds the card and wants to exchange with the catwoman.

"That's fine."

Card No. 6 was flipped in Catwoman's hand, and her room was caught between the three national football brothers.

"Don't regret it."

The national football boss gave a thumbs up and smiled. There seemed to be a flash of light on his front teeth. This was not a threat.

"No regrets."

Catwoman also smiled, and did not care about the words of the national football boss, but after just five minutes, Catwoman regretted it.

"Everyone, go to your room and rest."

Alice has no room, she just sits in the living room, and soon eight people enter each room.

Su Xiao pushed open the room in Room 2. This is a heavy iron door ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ giving people an inexplicable sense of security.

The furnishings in the room are simple, with a large soft bed, separate shower and toilet, and a tall closet in the corner of the room.

Although the furnishings were answered briefly, there were seven locks on the heavy iron door. Some of the locks were simple and some were more complicated.

Su Xiao locked all the seven locks, and he sat on the bed. So far, he didn't know what the third layer of the game was.

Su Xiao inadvertently looked up at the room. Suddenly he noticed that there was a row of boys written on the ceiling. The words were of different colors. Some were written with a carbon pen, some were engraved on it, and some were graffiti with blood.

'Alice is left-handed. '

'Alice hates musky. '

'Alice is a gentle woman. To be precise, she is not evil, but she has no concept of good and evil at all. '

'Lock the door, although it 's not significant, at least it 's a little spiritual comfort. '

'These rooms are not soundproof. You can try to attach them to the wall and listen to the movement of other rooms. '


'Make the demons equally untrustworthy, and servants or higher-order followers can believe. '

'Before exchanging your room card, do n't enter other people 's rooms, never. '


The curious messages were written on the ceiling. One of the most attractive to Su Xiao's attention was a line drawn with blood, which was not long inside.

'Players after me, do n't believe anyone in the three-tier game, even if he / she is your brother and sister who live and die together, do n't trust him / her for the time being, and tell him / her Do not believe you for the time being. This is the message I left for you with life. On the third level, strength is the last word. Alice's avatar is not incapable of confrontation. '