


/"Brynn, I'm fine/" I grumble as I yank my arm out of her hand

Her tight hold on me hurting me more than I was hurting before.

/"Says the girl who's been limping for two days,/" she retorts

/"How did you get dressed this morning anyways? You know, since I assume that Harper wasn't there/"

I glare at the blue haired girl as we continue to make our way towards the library for lunch.

/"Fine, I'll drop it/"

/"Thank you/"


I cut her off with a groan.

/"Have you talked to Harper yet?/" She asks

/"It's been a day, Brynn,/" I remind her

/"Plus I'm still pissed at her/" I state

Brynn turns the doorknob and opens the heavy oak door to the library which I take from her.

The two of us enter the quiet atmosphere and make our way towards our usual spot.

/"I'm upset with her too, but come on! She could have avoided telling you at all/" Brynn says as we take a seat on the couch