
Chapter 10: Attack on Titan…. Nope! It is a Gargantuar

Just for Information:




~sound effect~




<skill activation>

'<silent casting>'

Chapter 10: Attack on Titan…. Nope! It is a Gargantuar


As I gaze at the giant zombies, I feel a tap on my shoulder.


(Xiao Mei) "Hey brother George, can we defeat that big zombie? Wait,...is that even a zombie? It looks like the green monster that became a hero from the Marvelously Connected Universe movie or MCU." said her in a whisper to my ear as she tapped my shoulder.

(George) "Well,... I honestly also didn't know.... I think we should increase our level a bit more before taking on this guy. However the problem is that we already eliminate all the zombies that we find in the staircase on our way and the hallway from the 2nd to 7th floor."

(Xiao Mei) "I see… to increase our level, our only chance is by killing the zombies on the floor above our apartment huh? Seeing that there is no other enemy in sight on this floor other than that big guy."

(Xiao Mei) "But It will take too long to go to the 8th floor and above though… we never knew whether there would be some other survivor that already take all the stuff in the minimart across the street as we grind for levels"

She said as she glanced at the stairs and back to the gargantuar while forming a thinking pose. This girl… Did she just become smarter only to things related to a game? Is this also because of my unique method of teaching?

As she somehow has a problem with memorisation and understanding her lesson, I adopt the like and dislike method of teaching. It is a method of teaching where the teacher teaches the student using the thing they like to do like swimming, music or etc.

By using the thing they like, their capability of memory retention will be multiplied by several times. This is also the reason why sometimes a genius and a history lover can memorize an entire history book but are unable to memorise a single chapter of a biology book.

And as you know, she likes games.... I created a simple video game for her as I have some experience in the field of programming to help her in her studies. As a result, her grade went up by a tremendous amount. She even got top 5 (according to her report of the score of her classmates) in her class.

(George) 'Well, it is not the time to think about that, I need to somehow figure out a way and find some strategy to escape this predicament or kill that gargantuar. The walls surrounding this apartment can be considered high with a height of 3 meter, but the problem is that it also has a sharp end on top of the walls'

(George) 'Really! Why do the walls of this apartment be so high in this kind of situation? Although there is a high chance that I can kill that thing immediately with the 2 plant foods I have, there might be other much more dangerous things outside and plant food is our lifeline if we happen to encounter them.'

(George) 'Lets first list the advantages I have over the game with my class. One, I don't have a cooldown when I plant something and the only limitation is the [Quick Growth] skill which right now is fast enough to grow multiple plants simultaneously and only my mana is my limitation.'

(George) 'Two, I don't have a limited seed slot. However, as of now it doesn't affect much as I only have 7 plants available. Speaking of plants, the only possible viable option is [Cherry Bomb] and killing it slowly with [Peashooter] and [Cabbage-pult] while replenishing my mana with [Sunflower]'

(George) 'Now, let's see the terrain. I can see that there is some soil here and there for decorating the area around the apartment with eye-catching flowers and plants. I think I should just remove them and put my plant in them.'

After forming a strategy in my head, I started doing exactly as I imagined it to be. Firstly, I ordered Xiao Mei to hold some seed that I created using my skills and told her to plant them in the soil around the vicinity of gargantuar while using her [Stealth] skills.

As my [Quick Growth] skills basically work by using a connection between me and my seed, I can even grow them even if somehow I am on another planet or in another world. Thus, I don't need to be close to them.

I also plant some sunflower in the soil located the furthest from the gargantuar to recharge my mana level. I waited for a few minutes to make my mana full again.

Beside that, I also built some simple contraptions with the stuff lying around and the pot that I have to create the thing that will be the core of this strategy.

Now for the finishing touch. I found a trolley in the backside of the first floor of this apartment which is usually used for moving boxes and heavy stuff when someone is relocating.

I put all the pot I have taken from my garden on top of the trolley from my inventory and put the seed for [Peashooter] at the pot in the front part of the trolley and put [Cabbage-pult] seed to the pot at the back part of the trolley.

While the game makes it look easy for multiple peashooters to shoot at the same line or direction, this is reality! The peas will just hit the peashooter at the front if I also plant [peashooter] to the pot at the back.

After I am done planting all the seeds and strapping the pot to the trolley with a tape and rope I found, I wait to replenish my mana again using the sunflower that I have grown to maturity ahead of time.

(George) 'Now, the moment of truth. <Quick Growth>'

I grow all the seed which has been planted in the specific location as I looked at the gargantuar in the front gate.

(George) 'Hmm… Looks like we didn't aggro(attract its attention) him just by using quick growth huh...'

I already prepared to start the battle as soon as I grow my plant, but it looks like I prepared for nothing. I waited a few seconds to recharge my mana back to full after the use of my skills and give a signal to Xiao Mei who is hiding before we started our battle.

As soon as I give her the signal which is just a thumbs up on top of my head, she immediately throws her knife to the gargantuar to attract its attention to her. As soon as the gargantuar is aggroed to her, I immediately command all my plants using [Plant Command] to begin attacking the gargantuar.

I only ordered them to attack the gargantuar and not the Imp it was carrying even though I just tested it and it was possible to kill the imp even before the gargantuar threw it out!. However in order to find out the remaining health of the gargantuar, I need the imp to act as an announcement that the gargantuar only has 50% health remaining.

(George) "Catch us sucker!"

I said to the gargantuar even though somehow It doesn't care about me… Xiao Mei keeps throwing the kitchen knife set she found at the utility shop on the first floor which deals with home appliances and tools that usually are needed for those living in apartments.

(Xiao Mei) "Hahaha! You are being ignored by the giant! Looks like your damage is lower than mine since I have all the aggro!"

(George) "just focus on your role!" I shout with a glare to her.

As an assassin class. Well, her shadow assassin class I mean, she is able to give quadruple damage when the opponent doesn't realise her attack. This means that whenever the gargantuar focuses on me, her damage will begin to skyrocket, causing the gargantuar to eventually focus on her all the time…

I glanced behind me as I dragged the trolley with 6 pots on top of it. I can see that the Gargantuar is still looking strong and powerful even with all the damage we inflict. Looks like reality is not the same with imagination as I can feel my stamina is draining due to dragging 6 homogeneous plants with a trolley.


I can hear his foot step closing on me as I escape from him. Although, He or she?( Cause she brings a child?) is actually chasing after Xiao Mei that is running in the same direction as me, I am not going to give him a chance for him to close in on me as it may cause an accident.

(George) 'Come on, Come on! When are you gonna throw that devilish imp? Well whatever, we still have plan B that we already prepared when the health of the gargantuar is way beyond our expectations.'

I keep running while dragging the trolley as I command all the plants in the trolley and vicinity to shoot at the gargantuar. Xiao Mei also starts to decrease his rate of fire of her throwing knife(it is just a kitchen knife), focusing on the zombie head as the knife start to deplete.

After a time that I forgot to count since I am busy escaping while shooting the gargantuar with my mobile garden, I finally reached my destination to enact the second part of my plan. However just before I start the second phase, I can see from the periphery of my vision an object flying at me at high speed toward my location.

(Xiao Mei) "George, WATCH OUT!!!" She shouted with a loud voice to warn me of the object.

(George) 'If you want to warn me at least tell me what the object is!!' I think in my head as I silently rebuked her..

However my question was soon answered with a shrill laugh of a baby which landed just a meter in front of me causing me to suddenly turn on my feet as I tripped my leg. My high speed along with the fact that I was dragging a trolley combined with the sudden turn caused me to fall down from me tripping sideways on the Imp zombies as my trolley went toward that little troublemaker.

(George) "AARRGGGH!!!" I scream as my feet get dislocated from the sudden maneuver and cause me a jolt of pain through my feet and my whole body from falling to the pavement.

(Xiao Mei) "George!!!"

To be continued→

And that leave us to a cliffhanger!! I want to try making my own cliffhanger as I am already angered many times due to this. It is really a different experience when you are the one who create the cliffhanger... Ahem, Anyway what will happen to George? Will he fight the gargantuar with his dislocated leg head on? what is the second phase of the plan that he mentions? find out in the next chapter of Gardener in the Apocalypse!.

Rayzuto_Haztcreators' thoughts
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