
Chapter 11: Advance to Tier 1

Chapter 11: Advance to Tier 1


(Xiao Mei) "George!!!"

I can somehow hear Xiao Mei screaming with my ringing ears from the concussion that I got after falling and the pain I got. However, I ignore her scream and my pain as I need to initiate the second phase of the plan.

(George) 'Urgh… I somehow regret not killing that little piece of shi...ne vine immediately. Although it is weak, it can cause a distraction if thrown in front of you. Hah… I should just be grateful that it was not thrown to my face.'

I crawl slowly toward a piece of rope that is attached to a contraption which if looked carefully, is connected to the second floor ledge.


As I hear his footstep closing in, I can feel my head hurts so much due to the fact that my head just hit a pavement from my fall. Right now I have severe bleeding on my forehead which causes blood to trickle to my eyes and impede my vision. The vibration and loud noise of his footstep also cause a ringing noise in my ear as my sense of balance is likely also affected due to this ringing noise.

I can only crawl using my left leg as my right one is dislocated with almost all my senses in a bad shape. I can feel I am losing my consciousness by the seconds as I try to move faster and reach toward my destination.

After an unknown amount of time which feels like torture to me, I am finally closing to my destinations. I can feel the vibrations from the gargantuar are much stronger than before which can be implied that he is much closer now to me.

As I am finally reaching the location of my destination, I grab the rope of the contraption and look toward the gargantuar which slowly goes toward the predetermined location where I set my trap.

As I see that the gargantuar is finally on the location with my hazy eyes, I pull the rope as I immediately went for the next action.

(George) "Now, EXPLOSIONS!!!<Plant Command: Detonate>

I watched as the [Cherry Bomb] that falls after a simple rope trick is falling toward the gargantuar location as it explodes after it is directly on top of its head. Yes! The contraption that I prepared is actually a way for the [Cherry Bomb] to close in on its location without getting smack.

While I have some advantages such as no cooldown, I also have some demerit such as I am unable to plant my plant everywhere I want to like in the game. It is not like I can just throw the seed and grow it as there is no soil.

It is also not like I can use the strategy I used before on the 6th floor, as the gargantuar might just flatten the pot altogether with the seeds. Throw the pot? I need to remind you it is around 10 kg even without the plant in weight. How am I supposed to throw that far from my location?

Xiao Mei has a role to attract the gargantuar aggro in case I fail to do so, that's why she didn't just wait on the 2nd floor and throw it from above causing me to use this simple contraption in the end.

I also make sure that the pot flips when it falls so that the plant is facing toward the gargantuar and not the sky. Don't want to make the gargantuar survive just because it is considered as a floor would I?


The [Cherry Bomb] explodes in the gargantuar face as the gargantuar finally turns to ash. Looks like the damage is enough for the gargantuar to die from the explosion huh? Although I don't know how much headshot bonus it also takes, the important thing is that that thing finally die!

(George) "Haha! Serve you right!"

After the big guy is finally dead, some of you might be wondering where the imp zombies are, right? Well, apparently that little devil got into a trolley accident with me and became one of its dead victims.

If zombies can also reincarnate, there might be title such as "I got reincarnated into another world as my life in the past as a zombies come to an end due to Trolley-Kun".

Haha! Joking aside, after the adrenaline from this whole fiasco came to an end, I started to feel all my injuries starting to hurt again.

(George) "Ugh… My right leg is starting to hurt again!" I said in a whimper as I barely held into my consciousness from dissipating due to the pain I got.

However, the pain in my whole body starts to dissipate as I finally can feel the surroundings again and hear the usual notification sounds.


You have level up.

Entity level 6 > 10 MAX(tier 0)


As you reach the maximum level for Tier 0, you are eligible to do a class quest to advance to Tier 1. See here for more information.


You have completed your class quest!

(V) kill a Tier 1 being.

You are now able to advance to Tier 1!


You have level up.

Entity level 10 > 11(tier 0>1)


After reaching Tier 1, the function [Quest] is now formally available. You are able to receive a variety of quests using this function and gain rewards according to the quests. Quest will be generated randomly depending on the entity surrounding or will.


After reaching tier 1, you are finally able to know your true class [Dimensional Gardener]{mythical}, a class dedicated to a Gardener that has transcended through time and space.


You have obtained the skills [Dimensional Car Key] and [Warfare Mode 1] from [Dimensional Gardener] class reaching tier 1.


Your skills have level up.

[Seed Creation 7>12]

[Plant Command 7>12]

[Quick Growth 7>12]

[Almanac 2>5]

[Inventory 9>10]


New plant obtained [Puff-shroom][Lily Pad][Flower pot] due to [Seed Creation] level up to 8,9 and 10


You have obtained the subskills [Seed o Kinetic] which is derived from the skills [Seed Creation] upon reaching level 10.


As [Inventory] has reached level 10, you are now able to stop the time in the inventory.


You have obtained the perk [Crash of the titan] from killing your first gargantuar.

After a long series of notifications, I can feel warm energy coursing through my body as my injuries are healed from the status reset that I obtained after levelling up.

(George) "Ah...What a long day." I said this word as I collapsed from my weight as the gravity of the planet brought me toward the ground.

(Xiao Mei) "George!!!"


The feeling of crashing into pavement didn't happen as a soft feeling enveloped my body… or not. I can feel that instead of falling onto the pavement, I feel that my head hit the cutting board in my kitchen.

This cutting board apparently fell into my head a week ago when I wanted to pick the onion which fell to the floor but ended up dragging the cutting board to fall and hit my head. It was an unfortunate accident that is also somewhat fortunate as I didn't get the knife instead to be the one that fell on my head.


(Xiao Mei) "Did you just think something rude?" she saids with a menacing expression and a tick mark on her forehead.

Really, is this what they call woman intuition? Or it is just because my expression on the outside is not showing a good expression due to the pain in my head? Hmm...might be the later… I should reply calmly and not be suspicious when answering her questions…

(George) "No… my head just hurt from when my head hit a pavement a while ago and although the physical injury is healed from the level up status reset, I still have the after effect of mental fatigue as it seems that status reset doesn't heal those."

A perfect answer if I have to say which is combining both lies and truth as I really feel those mental fatigue in my head right now after running and falling. I should also take note that status reset might also doesn't recover mental injury for the future. There might be enemies that use mental attack in the future and this injury might be a permanent injury as status reset will not heal this.

(Xiao Mei) "I see… Then you should rest first before we go to the minimart across the street as we don't know what might happen when you are in this condition" She said with a caring tone and a soft voice to me.

(George) "Um… Sure?" I said with uncertainty.

(George) 'Am I dreaming or did she just behave softer than usual? Or maybe it is because I was injured that she is trying to show her soft side? Well, not like it matters to me. She probably will be back to her usual character in a while'

Ignoring her sudden change in personality, I rest for a few minutes to recover my mental fatigue as we finally prepare our stuff by retrieving our object that we have such as the thrown knife and the pot that I have lying around. We then finally look at our drops from the gargantuar.

To be continued→

So how is that? I am not sure if the battle scene I write is satifactory as this is my first time writing a battle scene. It was difficult imagining the scene in my head while trying to describe the whole thing with words. Also...Hah... they finally get out of the apartment...

Oh and I think the next chapter will be release much later as this 2 weeks I got lots of exam going on... I also need to do lots of stuff required by the school such as Extended essay and Internal assesment and stuff. So I can't promise that it will be released soon. I will not drop this novel though. I will still continue it albeit not a daily update. It also to stabilise the concept for the next chapter of the story and stuff to make sure the story is good and doesn't have plot holes.

Rayzuto_Haztcreators' thoughts
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